Mulitple Crafting

United States
September 18, 2009 4:54pm CST
I'm looking to make just alittle extra cash on the side. I'm very artistic, and oh I'll just come out with it, Great at everything I do. LOL, but really. I'm just wondering what crafts make the best/ highest profit from your experience. I can do everything from candle making to painting. I will be selling what I end up doing both on-line and in the hotel I work at. I'm just trying to decide what it is that has the best potential of profit. Let me know what you've tried, what works for me. Thanks.
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6 responses
• United States
19 Sep 09
I don't sell my crafts for profit, I just give them as gifts but when you look around stores, catalogs and flea markets it seems that the best sellers are candles, sewn items and ceramics. Especially when they are holiday themed and with Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, you should do well I would think.
@matsulori (269)
• United States
24 Sep 09
Hi mandiSDlady. I have my own company. I make handmade custom cosmetics, and in addition to those, soap, dispersible bath oils, etc. I have found that hands down, THE best item in terms of return, ease of manufacture, the extremely huge choice of packaging, is BATH SALTS. I use rock salt, and instead of using "fragrance" oils to scent my bath salts, I use high-grade essential oils. Even using the "precious" oils -- attar of rose, jasmine, gardenia, etc which are called "precious" because they are very expensive -- you still make insane profit, because we're talking about using a drop at a time. When you break it down to a per-drop cost, it's not only affordable and feasible to use high-grade essential oils, it's also an excellent selling point. I also put a few drops of jojoba oil and a few drops of natural glycerine. Crunch the numbers. You'll be amazed at what you see on paper. The packaging costs more than the product, and your product made how I've outlined, will be one of the highest-grade bath salts in the world. Yes, in the WORLD. Message me back if you want to talk. :) Good luck.
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@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
28 Dec 09
my advice is to go to craft fairs and see what people are walking around with. also you could try etsy and see what sells the most there too.
• United States
19 Sep 09
Yes, I agree. With the holidays ahead of us, NOW is the time to make whatever you can for Halloween, at least. Some crafters spend the whole year making stuff just for the holidays. Focus on home decorations and kids holiday crafts.
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@rosekiss (30410)
• Eugene, Oregon
11 Oct 09
I am starting a project where I sew quilt tops, which are laer finished by adding a sheet for backing, batting and the quilt top. It is pinned to a quilt frame and then everything is tied together with crochet thread which is put at every sqare seam. I have made them before but they were made to sell to buy sleeping bangs for the homeless. This is done through my church where we help the needy. What I want to do no too, is make them to have my friend sell them for me so I can make a little extra money. Qulits sell really well, especially now that it will be getting colder soon, and they will be needed. I just love sewing qulit tops. I do that by cutting sqares our of material, and then sewing them together to make a pattern. It gives me something extra to do and it is something I really enjoy doing. Take care, and happy mylotting.
• United States
25 Oct 11
i also would like to make some extra cash on the side as a supplement to my out of the home job by selling crafts but so far i have had no luck in doing them partly i think i have not had any luck because i do not even know how to go about getting started trying to sell my crafts i also can do just about any craft that you can imagine and if i do not already know how to do it i am very quick to learn how to do it with the economy being so bad here lately people are just not willing to spend money on handmade crafts that are not necessary