If God's love is unconditional , how can he send anybody to hell?

September 19, 2009 7:05am CST
You cannot evade by saying hell is a consequence. weourselves choose to go there. If God exists, then he is also the creator of consequences. If he is unconditionally loving how can he create hell? Let us understand the meaning of unconditional love. 'unconditional' means without a single condition. You may be a murderer and you may not repent, so what? If God's love is unconditioan, he has to love you whatever you are and not send you to hell. You may deny the existence of God. So what? If his love is unconditional, he cannot send you to hell because you denied him. Unconditional love chooses the best for those it loves. The unconditionally loving God knows very well that hell is a place of torment and so, he would not send anybody there. There is many a religious people who says that their God is unconditinal love, but this same people also say that he will send you to hell if you deny him.
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15 responses
@devideddi (1435)
• United States
19 Sep 09
Good question, and I have the answer for you!! God offers us the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. If you accept his gift, accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior then you are born again. Once this happens and you are his, he loves you unconditionally (and u get a lot more too). This gift is offered to everybody. Even if you have murdered or did awful stuff all your life. Or even if you are a regular good person. The key is to accept him. Hope this helps!
• United States
19 Sep 09
Hell is not some firey brimstone place that our ancestors spoke about. Hell is a place where you are deprived of being with God. If someone has spent their whole life denying his existence, then why would they be allowed to be in his precense when they die. ...why would they be welcomed in his home. Would you welcome someone to live in your home, if they never wanted you as friend and spent their life time being critical of you and denying your existence. However, even the most athiest of people will see God when they die, and will be given the opportunity to accept his truths...that is where the unconditional love comes in. Because of his love, he still wants those to be welcomed into his home. If at that time, they still want no part of him, then Hell is where they go...a place where God does not exist.
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@Archie0 (5652)
19 Sep 09
I think god's love is not uncondtional it does have some conditions, and i think that depends on this is decided who will go to hell and who wont, who will be happy and who wont.We just make it a topic that god loves equally but i can say he dsnt he still has conditions over them too.I have realised and i have found that recently.
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21 Sep 09
no God's love is unconditional but why whould God let a non christian in his heaven. I believe even christian will go to hell becasue The bible say we need to know him to go to heaven Like john 3:16 says God so loved the world he gave his only begothen son so whoever believe in him will not perish but have enternal life. To believe in something you first need to know it so you need to know God to go the heaven and God will only let ppl who knows him he may loves us all but its our punishment for not believing in him
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
19 Sep 09
That's right!! Hell does not exist!!! Isn't it unconditional love to show the murderer just what it is that they choose to do???? Could a murderer ever murder if they understood just what murder is?? Consequences?? We are all eternal so no matter what, we will all be ok. The rest is education.
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• Trinidad And Tobago
20 Sep 09
God's love is unconditional. When Jesus was questioned by the deciples as to how many times we should forgive our brother his response was seventy times seven or as often as is needed. It is the same with God. God does not choose to condemn us to hell it is OUR actions that causes this condemnation. God give us "choice". A presumtuous sinner is one that kills/sins knowing that they will be forgiven if they ask for it. Such is the love of God. To be sent to hell one must curse the Holy Sprit Matt-12:31,32 Luke 12:10 or God. Why would you want to deny God's existence when so much has been done for us. Why would you continue doing what is wrong knowing that it is wrong because we know God is forgiving? God does....it is WE who send US to hell.
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@Vaddiba (190)
22 Sep 09
Was it wrong for "god" to lead the Jews to kill other races and to commit genocide? Isn't there a law in the bible that says that it's wrong to kill another human being? The "god" of the bible is a fraud.
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
21 Sep 09
Hell is a place where God is not. One singular place that He has withdrawn his presence from. That is why it is hell, simply because he is not there. Everywhere else, by either much or little, God exists there. An omnipresent spirit inside our universe. But outside our plane of existence, there is one place where God is not. That is Hell. Since we were given a choice, to be with God, or not be with God, we effectively choose to go to Hell by our actions or choices. Since if we reject our creator, and therefore choose to be separate from him, there is only one place he can send us, where he is not. Hell. You are effectively saying that God can't love us because he is sending us where we, by virtue of our actions, words, choices, want to go. Say a parent says to a child, you can't hit your sister, or you are going to be grounded in your room without supper. If the child then show he wants to be grounded without supper, by hitting his sister, is the parent then at fault for not loving unconditionally? Or did the parent give the child what showed he wanted by virtue of his actions?
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• Lucknow, India
19 Sep 09
Well I would like to comment Frederick I am from India here we have approximatelty 8400000 gods which we workship as per the the religious books which we have,our existence is way beyond before jesus Christ was being born.Also we also have two worlds one is swarg(heaven)and nark(hell).Gods only decides on the basis of your work known as karm in our language,so if you do good you will get good on the earth and after you die and vice versa,So it is the we who are responsible for heaven and hell,also you may be aware of the nine planets which as per hindu religion decide our nature,work,past,present and future also you can do some works to get them fine and get better benefits and enjoy your life to the fullest I would like to request just to have FAITH on god and your work and attitude postive beleive me everything will change and you will be rewarded as gods favourite one and he'll grant you Heaven and not hell,In case you find yourself confused as you must be unaware of Hindu religion you are always welcome for any questions and suggestions.TAKE CARE AND ENJOY LIFE WITH AN HONEST ATTITUDE.BE POSITIVE THINK POSITIVE AND YO'LL ALWAYS BE GETTING POSITIVE.
@JudiAnn (10)
• United States
20 Sep 09
I think the problem lies in the assumption that everyone wants to go to heaven and be forever with God. What if you despise God? What if you would prefer to never have to deal with Him or be within His will? What if you prefer exercising your own will instead of His? Would a God who loves you unconditionally drag you kicking and screaming into His presence when you don't wish to be there? Or would He allow you to go your own way, as heartbreaking as it would be for Him to never see you again? I have had it explained as God ratifying the choice you make. Do you want to be with Him and have Him supply your needs, or do you want to go it alone? It may be that Hell is a place of torment, not because of fire and brimstone, but you are on your own without God in a world full of other people who prefer to live without God. A Godless world is Hell.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
20 Sep 09
Where in the Bible does it say that God's love is unconditional? I looked in the concordance in my NIV and I looked in Strong's Concordance, and I can't find where it says anything about unconditional love. I would appreciate you showing me where it is, so I can better respond to your discussion.
@Vaddiba (190)
20 Sep 09
I have presented that very perspective when talking to believers. (LOL) Unconditional means unconditional. Unconditional love towards someone means loving them irrespective of what they do, or who they are. So, if you LOVE someone unconditionally, then it becomes IMPOSSIBLE for you to hurt that person in any way. Therefore, if "god" loves UNCONDITIONALLY, then it's IMPOSSIBLE for "him" to hurt the creatures that "he" created. In other words, if "god" states that "he" loves people UNCONDITIONALLY, then does something to deliberately hurt them, then "he" is obviously a liar and ... "His" love then becomes the very opposite: CONDITIONAL.
@jb78000 (15139)
19 Sep 09
well clearly an unconditionally loving god and eternal hell cannot both exist. very interested to see what responses you get to this though.
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• United States
21 Sep 09
Here is another way to put it, let's say you and Jesus are on a path only he has been on, and after awhile you both come to a fork in the road, Jesus Say's to you, come to the right with me, I know the way, but the fork on the left looks like it is downhill so you say I want to take the easy and downhill road, and Jesus said to you, but if you go your way, I wont be able to help you and give you peace, I love you and know the way that is best. Now you just say to Jesus, that's OK, I don't need anyone's help, and besides you are just a man, how can you help me. And then you take the left fork, and your walking, walking, and walking, then suddenly you find that the hill got very steep and you can't get back up, and your starting to fall down, and you find your self falling down faster and faster, until you realize you made a big mistake, you don't have anyone to help you and hold you up, and then it starts to get hotter and hotter until you find your self hitting bottom, and it's dark and there are screaming and gnashing of teeth, and then a figure starts to come into view, and you realize it looks like something from a horror movie you saw, that a Christian gave you, and told you to pay attention to the message. It was some movie about Hell and being saved or something like that, you don't know, because you threw it out, claiming it's just some Jesus freak thing. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Well back to the story. Now he is in your face and has a chain in his hand, and says to you, well I see you went your way, congratulations you have arrived at my world, the world of evil intentions, and you made a decision to join me in Hell. I'm glad you could make it, I think the downhill road was a nice touch, don't you? I made it easy for you to find. You cry out for Jesus to help you, but he can't enter Hell, but you can hear him with a shout, and he says go away, I never knew you.
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@shellback (864)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
Hell is the concequence for you unGodly way of life, God's create hell for those people who refused Him, true that unconditional love mean without single condition thats the thingking of human nature but what about the God's thiking? God is different from us, its like the distance of north and south, we cannot question God about His judgement because He knows everything and your opinion is based only in our human thinking, you will know everything and understand Him IF you submit your self to God without hesitation or what so ever,accept Jesus in your heart as Lord and saviour then you'll be save. Dont forget that God is not only about love, He is also a God of justice...
@jlynn00 (16)
• United States
20 Sep 09
It's all about choice. For instance, you can love someone and not want to associate with them because you despise them and what they do. If you're mother has physically harmed you and is negative towards you, does that mean that you don't love her? of course not. She's your mother. The same goes with this subject. You will be outcasted. Good and evil will and have always existed.
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
28 Sep 09
I guess that depends on if you think hell is a burning pit of fire or if you believe that hell just simply means the grave.