Thank You, Mr. President
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
United States
September 19, 2009 8:12am CST
Annie get your mittens and your sled, I'm about to say something nice about Barack Obama!
He said something that I am glad he said; it doesn't change the way I feel about a lot of the issues that I typically rant on about here, but it does earn him some respect from me and a measure of gratitude:
Hopefully now that Obama himself has said that most criticisms of him and the healthcare debate are NOT RACIALLY MOTIVATED his fans will stop throwing those nasty false charges at everyone as if it were some sort of reflex action.
some excerpts:
"There's been a long-standing debate in this country that is usually that much more fierce during times of transition, or when presidents are trying to bring about big changes," Obama told CNN.
To NBC News, Obama put it this way: "It's an argument that's gone on for the history of this republic, and that is, What's the right role of government? How do we balance freedom with our need to look out for one another? ... This is not a new argument, and it always evokes passions."
Obama said most people across the country are just trying to follow the debate and figure out how proposed changes would help them.
"Now there are some who are, setting aside the issue of race, actually I think are more passionate about the idea of whether government can do anything right," Obama said told ABC News.
Do you beleive the president when he says that most of the opposition to his POLICIES is NOT about race? NOW will you maybe at least LISTEN to some of what the opposition is saying? Or will we continue to be demonized and dismissed?
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8 responses
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
19 Sep 09
Well yeah because I didn't believe in the begining that people were opposing him because of his skin color. But, I must add that there are a few people that do oppose him because of skin color. And, I say that because we all know that the "KKK" members aren't sitting around talking about how great our black president is

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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
19 Sep 09
And there are people who ONLY support him BECAUSE of his color, and it ain't the white half of him that they are in love with him over either!
It's stupid to love OR hate someone due to their ethnicity, especially when that person is in charge of your freaking COUNTRY, there are MUCH more important issues than his color we need to be dealing with!
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
19 Sep 09
Yep, I'm sure you're 100% correct. I just didn't feel the need to go to all details since your discussion was about the people that oppose him are not raciest. If we wanted to go that deep we could say that there are people that love him because he is mixed, there are people that love him because he had a bad childhood ect ect...
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
19 Sep 09
Even Obama said that as sure as there may be some people who don't like him solely because of his race, there are surely people who LIKE him solely because of his race as well. I'm just happy that he said what he did, it isn't often that I can say, "I agree with Obama". I'll enjoy the moment while it lasts, thanks for joining the discussion.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
19 Sep 09
Here is what jumped out at me......
"It's an argument that's gone on for the history of this republic..."
The use of the word republic over other words he has in the past like "our democrocy". It was almost an attempt to ghrab the attention and support of more libertarian concsious.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
20 Sep 09
Okay, it's good he said it and hopefully those who admire him will believe it and some of the rhetoric will cease. But I doubt it.
He had to say it, because the race card was hurting him most. The more the liberals call all opposition racist, the more it detracts from his policies and he wants people to concentrate on his health care. Of course, he wants them to listen to him and believe in his ideas on it, but if everyone who might be concerned about it is simply labeled "racist", the less likely they are to listen to him. Insulting people who aren't sure they agree with you is a sure way to keep them from ever agreeing with you.
The fact that he addressed the real concern, the role of government is not really that amazing if you consider his opinions on the role of government. He sees it as the instrument with which he can achieve social justice, redistribution of wealth and government care and control over many more aspects of life than the Constitution allows for. Remember, he said that the Constitution is a charter of "negative liberties" that it says "what the government cannot do to you, but not what it should do for you". He wants government to do a lot more. He clearly does see the issues that his opposition are concerned about. They wholeheartedly disagree with him. He wholeheartedly disagrees with them. He wants to push forward regardless of the amount of support or opposition.
I don't think he cares whether or not race has anything to do with it. He knows that blaming racism for his problems would make people dislike him and mistrust him. This is why he has interfered with the governor's race in NY, advising Paterson not to run again after his embarrassing statements that he was being targeted for his race and that Obama would be next. He has to distance himself from people like this just as much as he had to distance himself from Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
I believe that he wants people to stop playing the race card, but I think that it's the most politically intelligent move, not because he really minds it so much. Rev Wright played the race card for the 20 years Obama attended his church and it didn't bother him then.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
19 Sep 09
I'm not sure I'd go that far M lol. I mean I'm absolutely GLAD he said that because the people who do hang on his every word maybe will have paid attention for that short moment, but I still believe most of his policies are jacked, the economy, the health care thing, and just yesterday I heard all this crap about taxing food, fining people for yard sales (yes, there's more to this), pulling hdtvs off the shelves for 'energy efficient' issues - and something else which I forgot for the moment.
I can say that NONE of my disagreements are racially motivated, can anybody remember Clinton? LOL!
I have even been unfortunately watching a lot of news shows, more by osmosis than by anything, but I HEAR a lot of things on there with people arguing that a LOT of people are tossing around that whole racially motivated thing and even the NEWS people complain that it's not right, that people should not be making their decisions that way and the only way people ought to make decisions is policy. Yes, I am GLAD that OBAMA has now addressed it. He needs to continue to address it so that the people with thick heads who missed it the first time can have it jammed in their face another couple hundred times.
As far as government doing anything right? They still can't, but I do think if they begin REALIZING that, it might be a STEP in the right direction. Once they begin to realize THEY are broken, maybe they can propose some change from within instead of all this stuff they want to dump on us.
@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
19 Sep 09

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@jb78000 (15139)
19 Sep 09
[arrives carrying 'big girls big book of plop synonyms'] hiya kitty. well naturally criticising a politician can't be anything other than racially motivated. should have thought you'd realised that by now. oh hold on a second, it can also be gender discrimination - i only criticised thatcher because she's a woman and lots of others because they're men. think there is a bit of racism in certain quarters with your current president but far from everywhere.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
19 Sep 09
Angry Kitty, my friend, I cannot agree with saying anything nice about BO, until and unless he reveals who he is and is removed from office. Please, never forget, that EVERYTHING he says is SCRIPTED or a LIE. He and his handlers know EXACTLY how to get an emotional hook into people and play on their sympathies, while,at the same time, defrauding them, like a pickpocket, setting up a distraction, and stealing your money, a la vez! (at the same time).
We're not really even sure exactly what O's race is, but he is perceived as black.
This was the gambit of those who have been lying-in-wait to savage and destroy America for years. What better way to maneuver than to stay one jump ahead of the prey. In this case, we, the people of America are the prey. Our once innocent and loving country has always been champion of the underdog, though hardly perfect, since we are all flawed. The evil thugs and gangsters who ARE O and his ilk, based his whole "candidacy" on his perceived race. That was the intent of the gambit, to play on the collective guilt of a country that cares and has done so much to right the wrong re the slavery issue. You can only say "mea culpa" so many times, and even God forgives after one sincere "I'm sorry."Remember, slavery that came to the US began in Africa, with Africans enslaving and selling each other and this kind of torture continues in Africa to this day. While there is no excuse for America's participation, it is a wrong that has been long ago "righted" in this country, righted and then some, vis a vis "affirmative action", etc. While this is a bit of a digression, it has some relevance to the way so many people, groups (e.g. Reverend Wright, Farakhann, etc.), of EVERY race play the race card, as in Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, etc., with political motive.
There are so many who happen to be black who could have been the DNC candidate, but their love of America, God, and our Constitution would not satisfy the evil intent of America haters, like O and his radical associates. They would not have based their candidacies on race like O did, and that is the essence of the gambit - to make any who dissent "guilted" into being called a racist, thus PREVENT any dissent.
Look what happened to Joe Wilson, a true hero. Look at another hero, Henry Alford, who stood up to Barbara Boxer and let her know what a racist she is for demanding that he, National Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, do and believe what the NAACP does, just because he happens to be black.
Liberals are racists because they use race as a tool to get their way; ditto radicals; ditto radical Islam. O is in synch with all three.
As Alan Keyes (who would have been a good choice for President) said, O's conscience is seared. That's why he can keep on lying to our faces and pretending he cares about things that make him look "human".
His handlers know we are on to their racial maneuvering, so, to be one jump ahead of us, they puppeteer him into saying that some like him because of his race, so he will "appear" honest, but don't be fooled.
NO HONEST person ever pays millions of taxpayer dollars to keep his vital records sealed.
We Americans do not oppose O's "policies" because of race but because they are EVIL and HATEFUL and INTENT on our DESTRUCTION. We oppose O because he is a liar who HATES America and is committing jihad right under our noses. When he can no longer
deceive us and sycophant us, he will use force against us, be assured.