My suggestion to myLot.. Your comments needed before its official...:)

September 19, 2009 8:32am CST
The only complaint the new users giving is 'new users dont receive more number of responses even though their discussion is better in quality' [b] When i am a newbie, i have this same compliants...[/b] Also, i noted the new user tabs that most of the new users came only for promoting their blogs and their referral links. Do you think that the new users should be allowed to start a new discussion only after a certain number of posts like: using smileys only after 200 posts using the copy/paste option after 500 posts May be users should be allowed only after making their 100 posts in the myLot? I guess this is the only thing the myLot do to avoid spamming. Do you like this suggestions? I would like to suggest this to myLot staffs, but i want your comments before i make it official to the myLot staffs... If you like, you can suggest them too.. Any kind of responses are welcome.. Have a great day.
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23 responses
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
19 Sep 09
First and formost - I LOVE your avatar and it really suits your mood today! I like your suggestion. It would give new users a chance to explore more about myLot and what goes on all over the place in the discussions and the tabs and they would learn how to earn better from their posts. They would get a chance to collect some friends befpre posting too. It would also help stop the spam posts in the money interstes and therefore cut down some of the work for the admins. Great suggestion dbu! p.s. there are some fun, informative discussions elsewhere today too
3 people like this
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
19 Sep 09
LOL Your English is fine and fun my friend. I will be leaving for work soon but will be back from there and will PM you the suggestion in my words ok? Then you can use it or alter it as you wish.
2 people like this
• India
19 Sep 09
My English is fine? Thanks, but i know it is not better. Better than the first time, but still it is not good. You didnt sent that PM yet.
• India
19 Sep 09
Hi mysD, Yes, the fun discussions will be on their way. Before that, i want to share more informations i got in the myLot til i get some fun filled discussion to start.. Suggest me the words to put in the suggestion box. They will reject the suggestion if i suggest it in my poor English... Have a great day.
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@mrinali (392)
• India
19 Sep 09
I'm neutral about this issue..i'm not here for making money, nor promoting my weblog..I'm here for a gentle and polite friends circle... that's it.
3 people like this
• India
19 Sep 09
Hi mrinali, I agree that some of the users make discussions fun filled and interesting while their first discussion itself. But, the sad thing is, most of the myLotters attend their friends discussions or only concentrating on their commenting. So, if they reach 100 posts, they can be having more friends and also receive more responses. Have a great day.
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@mrinali (392)
• India
19 Sep 09
yes..i think this was an ugly and selfish part of mylot..that is not fair..everybody must see the 'no response' tab and they should atleast comment on 1 discussion which suits their interest..
2 people like this
• India
19 Sep 09
Yes, they should see the no response tab atleast respond one in it. But, even there they find their friend discussion there. I think myLot is encouraging the friendly atmosphere in the myLot. That's why it has the seperate tab for friends started discussions. So, it is better to make more friends to get more responses. MyLot is a semi social site. Friendship is needed here.Its just a team work Have a great day.
@ElicBxn (63532)
• United States
19 Sep 09
I don't have a blog or any online earning sites (besides here) so when I started a discussion - I did it about stuff other than that - so not all new users are guilty
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• India
19 Sep 09
Hi Elix, I am not telling all users. Some of them are like that. But, they might know that most of the myLotters attend friends discussions. So, they better make friends while making their 100 posts and start a interesting discussions as they have some idea about the guideliness and myLot. Have a great day,
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@tdemex (3540)
• United States
19 Sep 09
I've often thought of this as a solution to this on going problem! I've thought of making a check next to the rules saying they agree to the rules here? I've spent a lot of time helping new people here as have a few friends here! What really bugs me is when they ask for help, and you spend a while typing out the best way to get into it here. They totally disregard everything you've suggested! Still can't figure why this is? The misconception of doing a bunch of useless posts, is natural I guess, but there are a select few who do it right and those are the ones who become great Mylotters! Suggesting your idea to the admin will most likely go nowhere, it would require an extensive rewrite of the script! So I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you! tdemex
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
19 Sep 09
Hey there! Don't put him off straight away They did listen and altered the rating system so maybe they just might even do something like that as it would lower their workload too
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
19 Sep 09
at once/immediately/right now.... Are you by any chance sayin' that I don't speak English?
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@tdemex (3540)
• United States
19 Sep 09
Yes mam! Straight away? What is that? LOL! T----
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@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
19 Sep 09
Hello dbutheking... I don;t know if I am still considered new or not, but I have learned alot of important information from you all.. I am the kind that looks before I leap. I think that there needs to be examples for the newbies on the rules and regulations.. I know when I started I had to ask a lot of questions before I really new what to do. Another suggestion I would have is ..admin shouldn't allow those one line discussions even get started.. Also I think that some newbies don't realize how important it is to add comments back to comments on their discussions..So what you think..Have a nice day and keep smiling...
• India
19 Sep 09
Yes, that's a good suggestion too. If you can note that we cannot respond blankly in the comment or response. For commenting, single line is enough sometimes. For responding we need more than that. We can suggest that too. Great suggestion! Have a great day,
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Sep 09
Thank you dbutheking..Very good points from you..Keep up the good work...Smile..
1 person likes this
• India
19 Sep 09
• Philippines
19 Sep 09
Dee-bak! Just so you know, I have suggested something too before you came in, but unfortunately that was kinda-off to the users themselves that might cause paranoia. How-ever, i do believe that this idea is alright. Instead of just keep telling them to focus first on discussing, they will be obliged to respond to other users topics and once they're known, that's the time they can start posting. just send this concern to mylot..instead of us debating about it. i think it's a good idea.Good JOb
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
19 Sep 09
Your pet name? I hope you don't maike puddles like lots of baby pets do
• India
19 Sep 09
Hi knight, Yes, it is a good idea to keep myLot away from spamming. By the way, deebak=deebu=dbu understand?. dbu is my pet name and you can call me by that name itself. Have a great day.
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• India
19 Sep 09
@ mysD What does maike means?
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
19 Sep 09
THat will be too restrictive to them, and also, very slow earning for them as well.. lol =D What if some newbies are able to come up with very good discussions, and that they are creative? Being able to revive any unresolved posts, with some twist and words?? hehe IN a way, mylot is doing the right thing now, by restricting some priviledges here.. haha =D Because when there are too many 'dons' in a site, it will put others away.. BUt when it's too flexible, many members will take advantage of it.. haha =D
1 person likes this
• India
19 Sep 09
Hi kun, I dont tell about their skills in making discussions. You can agree that most of them responded to their friends started discussion. So, if they post 100 response, then they will have more friends. So, they will receive more response then. If you can see that, most of the good discussions get less number of responses. Have a great day.
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@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
20 Sep 09
How do the new users come to the conclusion that their discussions are of a better quality? Even though it cannot be denied that there were good discussions posted by new users, there are other factors involved. Denying newbies to start a discussion only after they have reached a certain level may be detrimental to this site. Less people would be willing to join, because they cannot start a discussion. They would probably go elsewhere, or simply lose interest on online forums. Setting a minimum level will only delay the inevitable. People who want to post their links will still do so after they have passed the point.
@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
20 Sep 09
You would be surprised to know how patient several of them can be. To reach the 100 points level is not that difficult. Simply make short responses or with the minimum number of lines as suggested by several members. Setting a minimum level will also give an aura of trustworthiness. Many will start assuming that those who have crossed the line are not spammers. Most of us are not scammers. Therefore any new ruling should not affect those who are innocent. As it is the scammers are being dealt with. How many times are they prepared to come back? We can also play our part by not responding to their 'dscussions'.
• India
20 Sep 09
Hi rosdimy, Hmm.. I should say good Quality. Sorry for typing better quality. Some the users started the good discussions but they donot receive the more number of responses. The only reason is, they donot have the more number of friends also don't know clearly about the guideliness. If they use the 100 posts they can have a clear idea about the myLot. Setting the minimum level will delay posting their referral links discussions, i agree. If you note that such kind of discussions will be deleted. Also, the user will be banned, They came up again in the new profile and start the discussion again. Do you think they create new profile every time and also wait to reach their 100 posts everytime? Have a great day.
• India
20 Sep 09
Hi rosdimy, You are right. May be myLot should ban the single liner response in the responses.. I think that would do it.. have a great day.
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
19 Sep 09
I have a suggestion I think it be cool if mylot allowed there older members to cash out after they reach there payout, meaning the members that have made more then 100 discussion post can decide when to cash out, and maybe mylot can create a faster payout system, so after we cash out we can receive our pay much faster, I enjoy mylot very much, and money is not the only reason I'm here but I would be lying if I said I didnt need or want the money, and its a bit annoying when I see other members saying they dont care about the money because they make it seem as if theres something wrong with those who appreciate and need a little extra cash. Everyones situation is differnt and there's nothing wrong with wanting to earn some extra bucks, as long as you know how to relax and have a little fun too.
• India
19 Sep 09
Hi apples, faster payout system, it is also a good suggestion. Yes, everyone here for money but not just only for money. I also like to have more friends, i joined many social sites, and here we can be paid for sharing our thoughts and views. Have a great day.
• United States
20 Sep 09
I think this is a good idea. I don't know that it will help with the issues I have but I have found that new members have a tendency to "hijack" an interest area and there will be ten or twelve discussions in a row started by the same person within a five minute period. It's not just new members who do this but I notice more often than not that the "hijackers" ranks are below 100. But it may just be the individual person in which case not being allowed to start a new discussion wouldn't solve the problem, just delay it.
• India
20 Sep 09
Hi crimpsonladybug, Yes, That also true, they some time hijack the interest sometimes. For that, we may suggest them to limit the number of discussion made in a particular interst should be limited to 3 per day.. Have a great day.
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
19 Sep 09
hello, i guess the technique is just to have a lot of friends on your list. that way they can say and assess the quality of a discussion. and.. of course, a lot of patience is one key hope mylot staff sees your point and suggestion. good luck always. happy mylotting. ann
1 person likes this
• India
19 Sep 09
Hi tigeraunt, Yes, making the more friends and making quality discussions makes difference in the number of posts. Have a great day,.
@sunny68 (1327)
• India
19 Sep 09
i don't think there should be any more restrictions. discussions that do not comply with the rules are deleted anyway and that serves the purpose. i guess no one was perfect in mylot from day one. it is a good learning experience and let it remain as such..
• India
19 Sep 09
Hi sunny, You are absolutely right! no one can be a better one right from the first day. That is i am talking about. If they reach the 100 posts, they can have a clear idea how is myLot working, which types of discussion attract more members, having more friends,etc., Also, learning experience will be more in that 100 posts. Have a great day.
@BStuff (495)
• United States
20 Sep 09
I'm still a newer user but when I was brand new I had not problem at all getting people to reply to my post. I think if people just tag the post right they could get a lot of responses. A lot of my post have gotten a lot plus the more people I add comments to theres the more they check mine out. It's just a matter of networking. I wouldnt like it if I couldnt make post right away. I like being able to get responses and hear peoples thoughts on the subject I chose. So I would vote no, newbies are just as important and should be able to post like the rest.
• India
20 Sep 09
Hi Bstuff, I didn't tell anything against the newbies. What i tell is, if they reach the 100 posts before starting the discussions, they can learn more about the myLot and about the rules of the myLot. In the mean time, they get more friends and get more response. Have a great day.
@Gyverd (19)
• Indonesia
20 Sep 09
I don't even know about it, lol.
• India
20 Sep 09
Hi, If you see the bottom of the page there are many links. Guideliness and FAQs links will help you to know myLot better. Take some time to read all those things. Have a great day.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Sep 09
sbutheking I find that a lot of new users dont get many responses just because they only want to be on mylot to get referrals to other sites, they are just using mylot and not contributing anything here, and others think their discussions are better quality when they still make one sentence discussions that only ask which flavor of ice cream or which color we like best, and so on in that ilk, thats not good quality at all.. i think that mylot admins knows what it is doing and that we should leave well enough alone. my own opinion of course. Mysuggestions to newbies that quality discussions take a bit of time and real effort not just a question that takes only a couple of words to answer. that will get you paid much better .
• India
19 Sep 09
Hi Hatley, Yes, some of them having no quality but some of them having some good quality discussions. The first discussion i made in this account received only 2 responses. If i had put it in the old account, i might be getting more than 10 responses minimum. So, newbies need to make more friends here in myLot. reaching 100 posts will help them. Have a great day.
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
22 Sep 09
hi dbu. i also think that you have a great idea in posting for new members. but i also think that this is the first and foremost benefit that a member has, to post and share their thoughts. we can stick to the current mylot system now. but we can also minimize spamming if we cannot avoid it, we can always report it to the admin. if a member reach 100 posts, meaning, they can start spamming, so that will be the same as starting the spam at 0 post.
• Philippines
20 Sep 09
hmmm. I think that's a great idea... cause newbies also tends to make the a lot of mistakes in their discussions, like posting links.. maybe if we do it this way, they would be familiarized with mylot first before they could make/create a discussion. I support you all the way in this suggestion.
• United States
19 Sep 09
My complaint too! I really want to use smileys and copy and paste but then I have to get over 500 posts. That is way too long. I'll get there eventually but I want to copy and paste/use smileys now! I love the suggestion of just 100 posts. It can get me more motivated to use Mylot more often now. Thanks for the suggestion and I hope the MyLot community can resolve this!
• India
19 Sep 09
Hi yourbetteroffasian, Yes, copy/paste is used only to avoid spamming. But 500 posts is a huge one. May be they make it as 250, it is good. But, i don't know why they restrict us by using the smileys till 200 posts. Have a great day.
@climber7565 (2579)
• United States
20 Sep 09
Well, I am new here, and am learning my way about the site. Yes may be you get spam from users asking your support, but then again why not set up better controls on who is in your network? similar to Facebook. Why would you want to suggest limits what other people can do here. This site does not seem to generate much income to begin with so your suggestion would translate into a waste of time for people to be more active. I think one should concentrate on learning to build a worth while network to make this work. One needs people who are interested on sharing and interacting with intellectual and versatile topic. You make it sound as if you have the influence to make something official here. I have no clue what your position is with this site but, clearly shows as one who like to manipulate things and loves to complaint or create turmoil for no reason. Why not just create some interesting topic and teach the new users how to enjoy the site better.
• Malaysia
20 Sep 09
i am a new user myself and i have to disagree with you.I believe there are many other ways to prevent the abuse of mylot.Maybe we can give new mylot user a two hour limit before they can post any discussion after they join to prevent spam? Another way that i suggest is that mylot can put word filter to the site that spammer always promote,this will only apply to new account too.Besides,we already got a report function which we can report the discussion which violated mylot rule and regulation,we as the member of mylot have the responsibility to do so.