
@sulsisels (1685)
United States
September 19, 2009 12:58pm CST
Today, someone started a discussion about making extra money and mentioned web site pixprofit saying he/she was doing well there. I went to site and signed up but am a little confused as to how it works. Does anyone work on that site. It appears that you just have to type the two words you see in the blank box, much like a security measure often required on some sites. Sometimes, however they are very hard to read. These haven't been too hard, but I'm not sure that this is what I'm supposed to be doing. I don't see the point, especially when the word combinations keep repeating over and over?? Also, the only info it gave me was that the assignment was to type 1000 words for 3.00. At first it started counting down words than all of a sudden stopped doing that and started reading .006, .007, .008 etc with the word balance..The info about the site is very vague to say the least..If anyone out there works with them and can enlighten me as to what I'm doing, please do..I appreciate any help you can give me. Also, do the assignments change or is it always just copying the one or two words you see..If you get it wrong which I know I did in one instance, it didn't say anything about it being wrong? Like I said, any help is appreciated. Thanks
2 responses
• Philippines
19 Sep 09
Hi just to add question aBout pixprofit, ive gone reading the faqS, and it said that your aCcount can be cancelled by typing the words wrong, so my questi0n is how many errors are the limit beFore your aCcount get banned? Please help.
• Philippines
19 Sep 09
Yes because im realLy interested on the site and ive seen s0me discussi0n about it here in myl0t. Hopefully someone will enlighten us ab0ut it.
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
19 Sep 09
Very good question.Hopefully someone, maybe Taz, will come to our rescue here..It would be very helpful to know as I would think you'd be better to let it time out than type it wrong..or do timeouts count against you too? I'm going back to FAQ as I may have missed something, well obviously I did...
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
20 Sep 09
Iam not sure of the exact number as nobody has actually said The only thing I've heard is that a "few" are acceptable but dont do it too much of your sure to be banned..The obvious question is what is a few? I guess the thing to do is just type it correctly. If I was unsure of something, I let it time out. I figured that a time out was better than an incorrect answer but now I'm not sure if time outs count against you or not. If anyone out there knows, please enlighten us..Thanks for your response.
@taztheone (1721)
• India
19 Sep 09
Don't worry you are doing it right. You are supposed to type the words given in those pictures & that too within 30 sec. Many at times if you type a wrong word, it's ok but be careful not to type too much wrong words or your acc will get suspended. What you are seeing is your balance & when you type 100 pics, you will reach 10 cents & $1 for 1000 pics. The actual rate is $1 per 1000 pics & the payment will increase with increased performance. Happy Lotting
@taztheone (1721)
• India
19 Sep 09
Hi, it's my pleasure to help you. Now if you go to the main page of pixprofit, it's said " [i]Your new job is to retype the picture content into the input field in English. English alphabet knowledge is required. You will be paid from $1 for 1000 pictures. You are limited by your typing speed only - you can proceed up to ten pictures per minute. So, your payment can grow up to $3 per hour. Minimal amount for transfer is $3, payment systems are PayPal and Webmoney. Transfers are proceeded daily.[/i]" They will have a certain percentage which is not officially announced, but I think it's around 60-70% error after which your acc will get suspended & you will again have to register. I do work for the site, even though I'm not that actively involved & will make around 20-30 cents per day &I got paid once. I prefer to work more here in myLot, because I think I'm in love with myLot & it's really true that you can earn more than $1 everyday here.There are some techniques to make money in myLot Happy Lotting
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
20 Sep 09
requesting to add you as friend..
@taztheone (1721)
• India
22 Sep 09
It was really nice & happy to see the Best Response. Have a nice time.