Do You Bathe Your Dog Yourself Or Do You Take It To The Groomers?

@Cherryd41 (1119)
United States
September 19, 2009 1:49pm CST
I used to bathe our dog Jade about once every 3 months in the summer time and we also took her to the groomers from time to time as well because she was out so much (she loved going in the yard and digging and rolling around in the dirt that seemed to be her favorite thing to do.As well as going for walks. Once when I gave her a bathe outside she rolled around in poop ( I guess son missed a couple of piles that day ) and I didn't realize she had done that until she tried to come in the house it was typical of her to run around the yard right after her bath I suppose to help dry off quicker, well this one day she ran in rolled in and smeared poop all over her Needless to say I was not a happy about this lol....then she expected me to let her in way!! The smell wasn't pleasant of course and I had to bath her all over again but first I had to catch her. That wasn't easy at all I had to bribe her with treats and then chain her to the deck rail just to get her to stand still for yet another bath ...I had my sons clean ALL the poop from the yard just to make sure . What a day that was. Does anyone else have any stories to share about bath time with your dog?
11 responses
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
20 Sep 09
Yes I have had my shih tzu for now 10 years and he is 11 years old. I have in the past did a combination of bathing him myself and then go to the groomers maybe twice a year. Now that I'm in New Mexico I have taken care of him myself. Cutting his hair and bathing him. Its alot of work. One day I cut his hair the next day I give him his bath. I don't trust his reaction to a new outside groomer so that is why I do the grooming now.
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
20 Sep 09
Hi Lelin1123 Your god is up in age and I would feel the same way you do about the reaction to outside groomers Is your dog more calm now during bath and grooming time than he was when he was younger or is he still a little fiesty?
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
20 Sep 09
Yes he is alot better then he was when he was younger but if I try to cut his hair and bath him all in one day he can't handle it. Thats when he gets fiesty. So I have learned just do the cutting one day and the bathing and drying the next.
• Canada
19 Sep 09
well i wash my dog around once every 2 weeks because there is no point in taking him to the groomers and washing him and giving him his own hair cut is alot cheaper and saves you alot more money than going to the groomers so i suggest you all try it and have fun washing doggies
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
20 Sep 09
Hi Danella25 Well thats all good and fine but you can't have fun washing the doggie if the doggie isn t cooperating LOL but I still see your point it is much cheaper to do it yourself which is what I used to do when I had my dog but in some cases dogs won't sit still for the grooming of the nails I guess it depends on the size of the dog and how tolerant they are of getting groomed.
@snowy22315 (186544)
• United States
21 Sep 09
I bathe him myself. I dont think I could afford to take my dog to a groomers. I have a friend who is a groomer that will sometimes cut his nails for me though. That is a nice situation. She has not volunteered to give him a bath unforutnatley. I have bathed him at home several times though it is not a big deal.
• Canada
21 Sep 09
WE bathe our dogs all the time, my wife is a Professional groom, she had to go to a College to get her diploma for it, show dogs n special cuts. So naturally she has all the equipment to do it, dryers n all. RMEMMBER ALWAYS LUV/ CARE FOR YOUR DOG/ PET, THEY WILL ALWAYS LUV U... EVEN IF IT DOESN'T LOOK LIKE IT AT TIMES
@harmonee (1228)
• United States
24 Sep 09
That's funny. I have been lucky not to have any bathing mishaps like that. Bathing our dogs is team effort. My husband and I tag team our three dogs and get them into the walk in shower. We find that easier than the bath tub because we can just shut the shower door and they can't get out. Thanks for the laugh!
@matsulori (269)
• United States
22 Sep 09
I have three 1-year-old Pitbull puppies who get a bath once a month whether they need it or not (I say they need it. Hubby says they don't. Guess who wins :).). One of the them, Brenda, puts up with it with long-suffering sighs, but sits in the bathtub 'til she's done. Hera will jump out lickety split if you let her. Hephaestus, on the other hand, tries to climb into the bath/shower whenever I bathe -- he LOVES baths, so bathing him is a cinch. Since they as Pitbulls are naturally short-haired, they're easy to bathe, dry, and generally keep clean. This doesn't mean they don't roll around in the dirt -- we live in the High California Desert, so there's PLENTY of sand/dirt for them to loll about in -- and they do! But their short hair makes them pretty easy to keep relatively clean. Which is a REALLY good thing, because all three of them sleep with us in our bed!
• United States
19 Sep 09
I normally bathe my dog when I am home but the last time she got bathed she was taking to the groomers. They gave her a bathe and gave her a trim. I wasn't too happy with the trim because it didn't actually showcase how her breed is supposed to look, but she definitely needed a trim. A better trim than I could have given her. If I trimmed her, well she'd only loose a bit of hair and she needed an all over trim! So I was happy to allow someone else to do it, I just wish the groomer was more knowledgable about her breed!
• United States
19 Sep 09
I never had a dog but I have seen many people having it. I think this is a good idea to bathe our dog ourselves and visiting groomers once in a while as well.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
21 Sep 09
When i give mine a bath i do it right in the bath tub. It is much easier for me to do it that way.
• United States
20 Sep 09
My dog gets a bath about once a month unless, he needs one sooner than that. I have a big bathtub so he goes right in there and he doesn't get let out of the bathroom until he is dried to damp. I have a towel I lay on the floor and he rolls around on that till he is dried
• Poland
19 Sep 09
I don't know how often dog can be bathe. I make it 1-2 times a month and everything is ok with him :)