What do you think of being a teacher?

September 19, 2009 10:25pm CST
A friend of mine is struggling along these days because he is not sure he should become a teacher. The advantages and disadvantages are both clear. As a teacher, he would enjoy 12 weeks free time every year and not so easily lose job. However school time seems boring and children are noisy. He asked for my opinion and I required him to try being a teacher in parttime job ASAP so as to find whether he was suitable for this career. So what do you think of being a teacher? Do you think it could be a nice tag of a certain person?
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31 responses
• Philippines
25 Sep 09
I hate to be a teacher myself but it was the course my mother wanted me to take in college. i was forced to pursue this career against my will. As a result I did not have good grades in my academic subjects. At age 20, I started teaching. As I went on the job I learned to love being a teacher. It's very fulfilling. Molding the youth under your care was the most satisfying feeling. As a teacher, you wont be rich but the achievement of the students under your tutelage is the wealth you acquired. My former students are now doctors, engineers, accountants, a priest, etc. With the titles attached to their names, they still call me Ma'am.
@haiershen (1080)
• China
21 Sep 09
in our city, a teacher is very steady job and have a good salarys,there are 12 weeks free time every year and twice a year for travelling free,many students would like to choose this speciality when they come to a college,but i don't think everyone is suitable this job,this job should be have more patient,and the one who should be very like the kids and keep in touch with them very frequently.answer their all kinds of questions and bring a beautiful world to their eyes.good luck and have a nice day!
@youless (112900)
• Guangzhou, China
21 Sep 09
I also agree with your views about being a teacher. I think every career has its own pressure, including teacher. Perhaps your friend can try other jobs when he is young and try to see whether being a teacher is suitable for him or not when he is about 30 years old. Perhaps at that time a stable job is much more important. I love China
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
21 Sep 09
I never had a single thought of being a teacher. I could handle well a number of kids but when it comes to something like, 30, I would beg off. I do not want too much noise around me. It takes a lot of patience to be around kids that many.
• China
21 Sep 09
That's a good idea,It's said to be the most honorest job in this world.Being a teacher,you can convey your knowledge and attitude towards life into students,you can teach them the way of handling things correctly ,etc.
• Indonesia
21 Sep 09
nice thread from storiedmoney.blogspot.com/2007/05/1 0-tough-things-about-being-teacher.html 10. “Your” accomplishments are always really someone else’s. 9. You always have to work more hours than they say you do. 8. If you need technology, it will undoubtedly be broken. 7. Guilt reigns. 6. You are always a teacher 5. You are not a person. 4. Everyone thinks they can do your job. 3. You are completely respofor the lives of twenty human beings for about 7 hours a day 2. The money. . . well. . enough said. 1. Well, umm. . . .
• United States
21 Sep 09
I am a teacher and it is not all it could be but it is a respectable living and pays the bills. My passion is writing and organizing but they dont pay the bills yet. Teaching is noble but society and kids are not necessary appreciative. You dont get the respet you want but youll do ok.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
20 Sep 09
If the only reason your friend is going to be a teacher is for the money, tell him to forget it. You need to have a real love of teaching to do this terribly tough job. It can be boring, it's up to you to make it interesting, the children can be badly behaved, it's up to you to grab their interest and make them respect you. If you are not able or willing to put this into your teaching, you will be very unhappy and do neither yourself or the students a favor.
• India
20 Sep 09
Well, i got great respect for teachers in general.. I am what I am because of my teachers and i owe them a lot!! But, i also know that it is not a suitable career for anyone who is short tempered and for anyone impatient.. One needs loads of patience to teach kids.. and to learn to control temper
@lindiebiz (1006)
• Canada
21 Sep 09
Teachers are wonderful people its great being a teacher and if you have the calling go ahead and do it
@underdogy (700)
• Thailand
20 Sep 09
Being a teacher is a rewarding job and gives a sense of fulfillment. A teacher is responsible in molding the young minds of the children so as to become responsible citizens in the future. The great mind of the past and the great people of the future learned from a teacher. The time off is also one of the fringe benefits of being a teacher. Stable pay and stable job. It's also a nice feeling when you see and notice that the students learned from you. I am a teacher and i wrote a blog of what i do as a teacher. If you want to read it here's the link... http://www.ajarnjohn.blogspot.com/
@artistry (4151)
• United States
20 Sep 09
.....Hi langleben, I think that teaching is one of the greatest things you can do in life. But not for the days off, the pay, the summer vacations, but because of the impact that you could have on a young person's life as they are developing. Teachers are very important and they are helping to improve the country by the product, in the form of a well educated child, that they have a part. So to me, an individual who is considering whether to teach or not, should ask themselves, why they want to teach. If it is for praise, they may not get much, if it's for money, probably not as much as they are worth, if it is for vacation time, you will be getting ready for your next year, keeping up with changes. You have to be dedicated to helping, in spite of sometimes not being recognized for your service. We need good teachers but it is vital that they realize the importance of their choice and the perseverance that they must have regardless of the lack of praise, or the benefits. Take care.
• United States
20 Sep 09
I think your advice is good. Instead of just trying to find a job, he should really see if he enjoys teaching. Many people have a lot of knowledge but are not good teachers. Patience is required and he must enjoy working with kids. Anyway, how old are the children that he would be teaching? Does he have any qualifications to be a teacher? I mean does he have training? My opinion is that we need more teachers and although it is not the highest paying job in the world, I believe it is one of the most important. Also a teacher must have high character, which is in desperate need of these days. If a teacher has high character it will pass on to some of the students and will help to make our world a better place.
• Algeria
20 Sep 09
i my self as an algerian citizen would talk about my country here in algeria you can become a teacher either in a public or a privte schoo, "i work in the latter" . working in a public school has plenty of advantages such as having plenty of sparetime and a good sallary beside being insured, which is not the case for me i only get paid if i work...if not i surf the net maybe i could get few cents i struggle to become a public school teacher, but i've got to do my military service first, which is impossible cuz i'm married and can't leave my wife alone for two years so i'll let them use me and life goes on..
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
20 Sep 09
Hi langleben, All good teachers are born teachers, most could not imagine doing anything else. It is not something you decide to do because of the advantages for yourself. Unless your friend has a real desire to help others learn, he will not be happy as a teacher. I have seen both sides of the coin, some never want to retire and others can't wait or die young because of disease brought on by stress. Blessings.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
20 Sep 09
I think it takes a special person to be a good teacher. Anyone can follow course orders but to really touch and teach..that is a gift. The children can be hard to handle and their learning abilities very different. I think that your friend should understand that this job is more than just a job..he will mold our future.
• India
20 Sep 09
Being a teacher is a beautiful experience if you like it by heart. But if not so then you have a miserable life. You can't escape but you have to live with it. In my opinion it's a very nice profession not only that you always teach but also you get many new experiences in life and side by side you also learn many things from the student if you don't have any prejudices. After all chattering of those nice faces will make the days memorable.
• Malaysia
20 Sep 09
Start as a general teacher. Then ask him to specialize in a subject. Then ask him to go and further his education. Do a Masters or PhD. Then he can teach in a college or university. He will get good pay for doing this. This will solve his problems with promotion and noisy children.
• China
20 Sep 09
Being a teacher is not so bad for me.Different people have different thoughts.If he like kids and feel teaching is a challenge,I think he should choose to be a teacher.On the other hand just like you say if he feel that school time seems boring and children are noisy and he can't bear, he have to look for another job. Being careful to choose a job.When all is said and done,job is an important part of our life.Being a teacher have other problems like earning not too much, spending most time with kids and so on.Being a teacher in parttime job maybe a good idea.But if he really don't like children,he had better give up.
• India
20 Sep 09
hi langleben, being a teacher, it is very difficult to maintain children s to keep quiet and discipline..now i will give advantages here: 1. we are very proud to be an teacher because we are giving knowledge to students.. 2. if students knowledge is less to gain knowledge, we need to explain and take little concentration on him..so that dull student gain marks means we are respected by principal and parents too... now disadvantage: 1. syllabus calculation part i mean syllabus will be divided by day to day..in 45 minutes or 30 minutes..as per time period..2. after calculating , with in time we need to explain the subject as per schedule, if good student is there means, he can understand very well but if we see dull student within time it is not possible to explain..3. for exams preparing questions papers, correcting answers is very difficult job.