My beloved games that remains on my PC, what's yours?

civilization 4 nuke - civilization 4, is a historical turn base strategy game based on our civilzation.
September 20, 2009 9:17am CST
These amazing games are those games that i couldn't live without. These are the games that I've grew up with for a long time. I would only uninstall them if a new n improved version is out(ex. the sims) ;-) 1. Sid Meier's games(Civ, Railroads, Pirates, etc.) 2. Warcraft RTS, Warcraft DoTA 3. SimCity 4. the Sims 5. Elder Scrolls series (morrowind, oblivion) 6. CounterStrike it's all strategy/simulation, and i love 'em all so what's in your pc hard drive? :-)
6 responses
• India
4 Nov 09
i have prince of persia two thrones, warrior within , age of empire, GTA vice city and COUNTER STRIKE: condition zero one of my favorite action game
• Philippines
17 Nov 09
i love gta vice city! bcoz it was set in the 80's and i love the 80's..i misd playing it though :(
@KomiKomi (62)
• Germany
20 Sep 09
Civilization 2 Gold. Installed once, lost an hard drive, reinstalled it right after and never again left my hard drive. still regularly play it inclusively with friends.
• Philippines
20 Sep 09
wow civ2? i've never played that civ. i've played civ1 , 3, n 4. it's really very addicting, just one more turn... is my motto hehe
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
20 Sep 09
Quake 3 As long as I have pc, there's Q3 on it and there always was since it came out. There are other games that keep coming back like Deus Ex that I have strange urge to play it again and again so it's pretty much always installed. Wolf: Enemy Territory should totally be there but I lost it when my hard drive crashed and I have no connection at home so there's no point on having multiplayer only game but when I get internet back, I'll get ET with it. Quake 3, Wolf: ET and Deus Ex- my holy trinity of PC games.
• Philippines
20 Sep 09
quake 3 is just amazing man, it's so much fun shootin n jumpin around. we used to play it all the time with my frends but they stopped it already coz they said although it was great they were dizzy after each game hehe
@May2k8 (18468)
• Indonesia
20 Sep 09
There are out some new games but my PC doesn't seems enough for minimum required of specification. I have Age of Mythology, Age of Empire, Empire Earth, Counter Strike, Grand Thief Auto Vice City, Battle Realm, Warcraft III Frozen Throne, Battle Field 1942, and more action also strategy games.
• Philippines
20 Sep 09
wow those were great games! i also loved gta vc coz of the 80's theme and warcraft especially DoTA, my problem is that i dont have enough hd space anymore, just 80gigs i'l just later upgrade it ;)
• Italy
4 Jan 10
counter strike rulez
• South Korea
21 Sep 09
Ghost recon 2 advanced warfare-for its beutiful graphics and unique gameplay Star Craft- For its revolutionary gameplay Rome Total War- its massive real looking battles and its beutiful graphics(for that time) these are all my favorite games and ive had them for a long time and still play with them =D