EarthQuake ....... What is the first thing will you do ???

@shia88 (4570)
September 20, 2009 1:14pm CST
An Earthquake is a result of sudden release energy in the earth's crust that creates seismic waves.The shaking of earthquake can lead to tsunami and landslides. I believe all of you still remembered well about the Tsunami happened in Aceh (indonesia) in year 2004. My hometown (Medan in Indonesia) can feel the earthquake and it happened during midnight. My parents were not at my hometown at that point of time, They came to visit me. Only left my brothers and my sisters at my hometown. They were sleeping at that point of time and suddenly big shaking happened, the lights and doors are shaking badly. So far, I only experienced earthquake 3 times when I was young. It is not a big shaking and lasts within a few seconds. Does your country ever happened any earthquake? What is the first thing you will do when it happened? Thank you!!
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20 responses
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
20 Sep 09
When most of us hear about an earthquake, we always think we know what we will do. When that moment comes, so does the panic. Where can you go to be safe? Do you know where your loved ones are? I have lived through an earthquake before. It was in Alaska.I lived in a part of the state where there were minor tremors nearly every day. Waiting for the shaking to stop was the worst. There was always the wonder in the back of your mind. Was this it? Was something bigger coming? Earthquakes can cause a lot of damage and take lives. Safety should be our first concern. We can replace items. We can't replace a life. Anticipation of disaster is always there whether an earthquake is great or small.
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@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
22 Sep 09
Hi Sender, Earthquake can happened everywhere and anytime without any notice in advance. SOmetimes we are having our sleep at night,out of sudden all things inside the house are shaking, we have to faster rush out from home to save our life. Leave all out belongings there and hope this disaster can over soon. Pray to God!!As you said, Life can't be replace, no don't ever go back inside the house to save other things. Save our life out from the disaster is the main priority.
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
22 Sep 09
Hi Sender, What you said is right. After saving our family members, we as a human being,sure will try to save our belongings when a disaster strike. The most important is Don't be Panic when a disaster happened because Panicking will lead us to the worst condition or even lose our own life.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
22 Sep 09
You are right. Saving lives should be the main priority we have when disastewr strikes. Sometimes being in an earthquake is as traumatic as being in a building on fire. You know you need to get yourself and your family to safety. In the back of your mind, you race the clock. Do I have time to go back for something valuable that was left behind.
@marguicha (225137)
• Chile
21 Sep 09
I live in Chile. We are earthquake land. In fact, the worst recorded earthquake happened in Chile, in the 60s. The Earth changed forever in the south where the worst took place. We have small earthquakes maybe every 2 weeks here. All the time I run out of the house.I´m not religious but I start yelling a prayer I was taught when I was very little. It´s the only thing I fear. We built a house with my husband 20 years ago. All the bedrooms are upstairs except the main one (mine) who has a BIG door out. As my husband built it, he put all dangerous things under the earth and tied each of the roof tiles. I have been in several mayor earthquakes here. The last one was in 1985. I guess it´s time for another one. In our country earthquakes do less damage than in other places (with the same earthquake magnitude) because we build thinking of them. I have seen in TV earthquakes in other places doing much harm. I guess a lot depends on how prepared you are for them.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Sep 09
If I am in an earthquake the first thing I'm going to do is go outside. What's the old saying. Earthquakes don't kill people, buildings do. I have seen the videos of the tsunami. This is very scary. Not many places a person can run. If I lived there I guess I would find a mountain or the highest place to live.
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
22 Sep 09
Hi Bird, Earthquake is a disaster that everybody scared off. I really hope I can find a mountain area to climb up when an earthquake happened. I am living in a city, far away from a mountain area. So the best place to protect myself is out from my house and hope the earthquake will stop as soon as possible.
• Indonesia
21 Sep 09
well yesterday morning my place (Bali) had an earthquake ... it's pretty big, about 6,4 SR.. that time was 7am, i was still sleep, than my sister scream and wake me, offcourse I'm shock, panic and scream.. Because I just sleep at 5 am, and still unconscius.. ^^ my first thing that I was do was go out from my house and go to the open area.. ^^
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
22 Sep 09
Hi Arek, Ops...another earthquake happened at our country (Indonesia) and your place (Bali). The most important is it has over now and everything is fine. I can understand your situation at that time,still dreaming and suddenly happened earthquake, you have to rush out from home while your mind is still unconscious. Glad to know that you are doing fine now.Takecare!!
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@morange (92)
• Nepal
21 Sep 09
Yes earthquake is one of the violent natural disaster..yes i had experienced earthquake twice and it was about 5 rector that time all the people around the society came out and started to that time i was lucky to get out from my house..the first thing i would do is to get out from the house and if that is not possible then i would try to lay under something that is very strong like bed,table etc..but my country is not a earthquake zone..
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
23 Sep 09
Hi Morange, Laying under a table/bed is one of the solution to protect ourself being buried in the dashes when the building collapsed. I agreed with you, earthquake is a violant natural disaster and it can happened anytime without any advance notice. Glad to know that your country is not an earthquake zone,it is quite safe to live in your country. Takecare !!!
• Mexico
21 Sep 09
Hello, Well i live in Mexico city, so earthcakes are not too common, but in 2009 there have been tons of earthquakes, almost all of them are small ones, but some of them have really scared me since january. -.- And when that happens, i leave my house and i go to the street to be safe, do you know something about the earthquake that happened in 85 here in mexico, that earthquake really scared all the people here and nowadays everyone leaves the buildings in just a few seconds. :)
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
22 Sep 09
Hi Robertsixy, You mean this year there are numerous earthquakes happened at your town.That is scary. Leaving your house and stay outdoor is the best action to do when earthquake happened. Hope everything is back to normal and stay safer all the time!! Takecare...
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Dec 09
hi shia88 since I live in Southern california I have felt dozens of minor shakes, and a few more intense ones. as they only lasted for twenty to forty seconds all I did was sit in my desk chair and stay put. running outside unless you move away from any tall buildings could get yourself hurt if it is a bigger shake. most shakes here just move the room a little and cause no real damage at all.
@CJay77 (4438)
• Australia
21 Sep 09
I still remember the Luzon earthquake in the Philippines back in July 1990 that caused us many lives and damages and it so sad to recall this. I was 11 0r 12 years old that time. I was in the middle of my class when it happened and everything was shaking really hard, all the teachers and student are panicking and crying. Our teacher let all the student get out of the room and tell us not to stand beside or close to the big trees, which we have a lot in the school, but thankfully I never heard any of the students/teachers that are badly injured. It was so scary that it has been years, but I still get panicky whenever I feel small earthquake. The first thing I would do is calm down and go under the table that is strong enough and If I'm outside, I will try to stay away to the big building or trees. And if you want to know more about this Luzon earthquake, here's the link;
@taztheone (1721)
• India
20 Sep 09
Earthquake - Effects of earthquakes
Thankfully I have never experienced an earthquake except once when I was a child & I was sleeping, but it was a small one. It's said that if an earthquake happens, you must rush out of the building immediately. But I won't run out without my laptop. I hope & pray that such a thing won't happen here. Happy Lotting
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
22 Sep 09
Hi Taztheone, I do hope I won't experienced any earthquake in my future. The best thing to do when there is an earthquake is to run out from home,or else if the building collapsed,our life will be in danger. Oh will still remember your laptop when such disaster happened. For me, I will take my important belongings and save myself out first.
• India
20 Sep 09
Dear shia88, I have never experienced that. But many parts of my country does. I really feared of even seeing that thing in the news. It was so horrible when hearing people were inside some pit or under a stone cover for 1 or 2 days.... I have heard stories like that.. The first thing I'll do if I experience earthquake is praying. I'll pray to God not to make me suffer if I am going to die... Just take my life with you in a second... That will be my prayer in that situation.. I have never experienced that and never want to do.. I really wonder how you have experienced 3 times... Cheers... Have a nice day always
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
22 Sep 09
Hi phillip_shiny, I am so lucky that the earthquake that I experienced before is not that bad,not really shake alot and it does not take long. I just ran out from home with my family members and everyone at my neighbourhood is out and it was like a big disaster has happened. After few minutes,no more earthquake, everyone were back to home again and the road became quiet. Oh....I never do a praying when the earthquake happened,Never thing of it!! Thanks for reminding me...I should pray more to GOD.
• United States
20 Sep 09
Hello shia, I live in California and this state is well known for Major earthquakes. Living here means living with tremors and quakes happening everyday. Most are mild and can not be felt but seen on the shaking map. I have experienced a couple of them, living on the second floor everything started shaking and then swaying back and forth's a really strange feeling, like your on a boot in the ocean. I have a bag packed with emergency things like flashlight, water, important papers, etc. I hope I will be able to have enough time to grab my bag and car keys If a bad quake happens and get OUT. Not knowing when a earthquake may happen is the number one reason I do NOT sleep naked least I would be in my PJ's if it was to happen during the night. Have a great day:)
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
21 Sep 09
i haven't experienced a really big earthquake before. I had a small earthquake with some tremors before. I would prepare to evacuate after the big one. I would stay away from large objects in case they fall on me.
• India
21 Sep 09
I live in bangalore , India. one of the top metropolitan cities and number 1 in software in Asia continent. every other metropolitan cities are affected by some or the other threats from nature. But i proudly boast Bangalore is the only place in India which doesn't come across these things. We people in Bangalore not even once have undergone things like this. But even tsunami had strike coastal regions of our country and there were number of people gave up their life and that was the sad moment when the whole country came together to the people in coastal region. I would like to name few countries which has some of these threats in our country. Delhi = capital city known for pollution and high temperature and of course flood of pilitics annd politicians. Kolkotta = meropolitan city with high pollution and temperature. Chennai = same as above and floods when rain come and high temperature upto 40degrees Mumbai = Floods of rivers and rain high temperature. Last but not least Bangalore cool and windy. none of the above symptoms are found here.
• China
21 Sep 09
eathquake happen 4 year once circularly,all of them are small-scale, as far as i know ,the year when i was 6 years old , my mother pick me from bed ,and run down from 8th floor to ground ,when I wake up ,I found every body in the building all standing on the ground with panic ,this is my firt experience of earthquake ,at the time ,tell the truth ,I was not much afraid of it ,from then on ,none earthquake exceed it ,sometimes at night ,sometime on daytime ,sometime at schooltime ,but numb feeling make your nerve don't work .maybe it is a dangerous phenomenon
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Sep 09
hi shia88 well I live in California in the united states and we have so many small shAkes that i just sit in my chair and let it shake, if it starts knocking things off the shelves then I get under the diningroom table.otherwise no need to panic it only lasts for a few seconds and is over. it is just something we must live with here.
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
21 Sep 09
hi shia, if you are inside a building, say on the upper floors and you dont have time to run out, thing to do is hid under some sturdy furniture to avoid being hit by falling things and debris. and stay away from electrical wirings when you are out in the field. i dont know. i guess i am not that prepared because these are the only things i know. i do experience earthquakes ones in a while. some are jolt like and some are mild. i hope i dont get to experience something much worse than that. happy mylotting. ann
• Indonesia
21 Sep 09
I am from Indonesia. Now, In Indonesia often get earthquake. I always run go out the room if earthquake happen. I am trauma with earthquake
@artistry (4151)
• United States
21 Sep 09
...Hi shia88, This is a serious question, but the first thing I would do would be to pray that I was dreaming. If it was reality, I would have to think, what would be the best thing to do. If my house was still standing I would probably stay there, if not, call the nearest police station to get information. I can't remember anyone ever saying what we are to do in case of something like that. Certainly better to know in advance what to do. Great question. Hope your family was alright after the quake. Take care.
@grey26 (253)
• Philippines
21 Sep 09
If this disaster hapPen, i go to safE PLAce, plaCE that there are nO buildings
@mikeowl (200)
• Malaysia
21 Sep 09
I have never encounter an earthquake before, therefore I myself also not sure what to do when there is an earthquake. But i am pretty sure that if you are in a high rise building, and an earthquake encounter at that place, the 1st thing you must do is quickly run down the stairs and get out of the building as fast as possible. For low rise building, it's more safer to stay inside.