Do you think it is barbaric to

United States
September 20, 2009 5:05pm CST
Euthanize your animal by gunshot? If your animal was sick and you couldn't afford the expenses or didn't want to just drop them off somewhere,would you consider this method? I come from a "hillbilly" background. Most of my family lived and many still do in West Virginia,Tennessee,and Arkansas. When I was groiwng up I remember my Unlce having to put one of his horses down because it had broke threw the fence and broke his leg. He went out behind their barn and shot him. I also recall my Dad doing this to a few dogs we had when I was younger because of seizures and things like that. He even did it for a friend of mine,who had a cat. My friend had returned home to find his very old cat laying in a pool of it's own feces and meowing in great pain. My Dad took him out behind the shed and boom it was over. I am not saying this method is ideal for anyone. I don't see anything wrong with doing it though,but this could only be because it was a part of my childhood. But I do remember being with my Dad when he took one of our dogs to the vet to be put down. The dog cried the whole way there and peed all over the truck. He was shaking so bad on that table waiting for the shot,it made me cry. When my Dad would put an animal down it was at home and never show it coming,ever. I know I personally could never just drop a animal off for the Humane Society to put them down on their time not the animals. And have the animal wonder why did my owner leave me? So do you think it is barbaric? Would you shot an animal to end it's suffering? P.S. I know we all have strong views about this kind of thing. And I love my animals like my kids. We all should be able to express ourselves here without being attacked,harassed,bashed,threatened or anything else. So please share your feelings without personally going after anyone who responses to this with an opinion different from your own. Thank you.
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4 responses
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
21 Sep 09
Hi baby! I think it appears barbaric to euthanize animals. However, if you allow them to suffer, that is also not less painful. We as a human being cannot see suffering of animals or other human beings. I think, once they are bombed, at least they get rid of their pain and sorrows for ever.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
23 Sep 09
Thanks for agreeing with me.
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• United States
21 Sep 09
I agree no one person or living animal should suffer. I see it kind of like you do. It ends their pain.
@olydove (1209)
• United States
21 Sep 09
While I personally don't think I could do it, I do not see anything wrong with it. Our animals are just like family and though we can not end humans suffering we can end that of our loved pets. If the animal is indeed suffering and beyond help then I believe it is much more human to end it as fast as possible then to let them suffer whilst having to drive them to the vet, and wait until the vet can attend them etc, though in most cases when it's a true emergency they will take the animal right back to a room. Really if we can help them it is better than to let their last bit of life linger in pain. I try to think of it as myself if I were to be in a terrible accident and the damage is so severe that they wouldn't expect me to live more than a certain amount of time I would want my pain to end. I wouldn't want to lie there struggling to breath, or in severe pain, not being able to do anything so I wouldn't want to put another living thing through it either. The difference between me and the animal though is I can talk and tell people my wishes, animals can't. I think as we raise our pets and know them we can tell their personalities and we would know what is right for them. I say "I don't think I could personally do it" because I would not truly know until I was put in the position to make a decision like that. It's hard to know, many of us say we couldn't but then if we were actually put into the situation I find it quite possible that our love and compassion for our pet would take over and make us do the right thing for them. If at all possible I would indeed ask someone else to do it, but it's hard telling whether I personally would or would not if there were no other option. At any rate I do not find it barbaric at all when it's done for the specific reason of ending their suffering, but if someone was to kill and animal just because they don't want it anymore, or can't take care of it then yes it is barbaric.
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• United States
21 Sep 09
I agree if they are only killing the animal to kill it out of boredom with the creature or lack of care,then yes it is. I know my animals pretty well and I hope I would know when it would be the time. I also agree with your point about thinking what we would want,but you are right again at the fact that we can talk while they can not. Some people don't even believe in taking the animal to be put down at all. They want them to go naturally and they think that is the humane thing to do.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
20 Sep 09
I live in a rural area in Florida and the ranchers down here have had to do similar things since I've been here. I've never witnessed it but I've heard about it. I couldn't personally do it. I don't want my pet's life on earth to end with the sound of a gunshot, no matter how quick it is.
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• United States
21 Sep 09
I can respect that and I agree that would be an awful sound at the end of a life. But I guess I would rather have that done then to have my animal being scared and tormented while in the vets office,or even on the ride. Some animals only go on trips to see the vet and many don't like it either. I see both sides of the issue and I know it is not one that doesn't end with hurt feelings.
21 Sep 09
yeah i think so. i can't imagine killing my own animal. animals are like humans too.
• United States
21 Sep 09
I see your point of view about animals being like humans. But do you mean you don't believe in euthanasia at all? But what if your animal was suffering? I don't think anyone or anything should suffer.