How do you feel when you find money on the street?

September 20, 2009 10:13pm CST
Hi myloters, You know all of us for sure have found money on the street wither its big or small it doesn't really matter but it does make us feel something when we do found specially money that's wasn't ours. The last time I found money on the street was $1 in coin and I didn't spend it instead I keep it because they say that its good luck on the business is you put it in your business. But there is one occasion that I found bit big amount of money for Filipinos. We were walking on the mall once and I saw this folded paper and I didn't even know if it was money or not but I just grab it and when I unfold it it was php500 note. First I feel really good but afterward I feel sad because I know that somebody is really disappointed that he or she lost that money. I know somebody too that found way big money something like $200 on the street and she was really happy and didn't even feel sorry for thus who lost it. How about you how do you feel when you found money on the street? Do you often find theme and what you do with theme? How big is the biggest that you found so far? Thanks myloters and happy myloting
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23 responses
@Amasid (25)
• Philippines
21 Sep 09
Well it depends if u saw the money fell out of the pocket of the stranger and didn't seeem to notice that the money fell off then u saw it u should probably give it back, or it has an i.d. with it again it all depends on the situation,if no one is there and u saw the money laying on the floor i think u should take it no worries,let ur guilt be free lol, i lost sum money too well i was cursing that if anyone who did found my money that the money would do them harm at that time i was very mad but i realized that maybe just maybe the person that found it may need's it more than i do, life is a (bleep)l.o.l
• Romania
21 Sep 09
I totally agree with u, if u know who the owner is u should return'em to him. but that doesn't happens too often
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
21 Sep 09
Money on the street? I will definitely get it. It is probably meant for me to find it.
• Philippines
21 Sep 09
Hi jules67, I think we have the same belief that whenever I saw money on the street, i believe that this money is meant to be for me. No matter what is the amount of it. It's destiny for me to pick up a money on the streat. May be the purpose of that money is to use and help to other people.
@morange (92)
• Nepal
22 Sep 09
Yes whenever i found money on the street then i feel quite a lucky man cause finding the money on the road is very rare and it occurs only few times..Sometimes i spend it with my friends and other i also feel sorrow about the person who lost it..The biggest money i ever found was 100$ and i spend about 75$ and gave the remaining to my brother...for me i feel pretty much sorrow when i find the money...
@morange (92)
• Nepal
22 Sep 09
Yes i agree with you that whenever someone finds a money he/she shouldnot spend it rather he/she should keep it in a secret place as a means of luck..A month ago i found Rs100 and i thought of spending it but my friend disagreed and told me to keep as my luck..from that day i am quite lucky in all of the works i do....
@forptc (287)
• Philippines
22 Sep 09
Largest amount I've picked up on the street was a Php100 bill, that's roughly $2. It was in front of a gas station. Of course there was no hesitation at all. Besides, I didn't see who dropped it so it's more of a finder's keepers thing. But when I see the money fall from someone's pocket, I'd gladly give it back before someone else would take it for the keeping. It also depends on how much the dropped money is. If it were a bundle, I would take it for safe keeping then inform the police so they could give out a public service announcement. Or maybe I could inform the media about it. I wouldn't want to give it to them because they just might divide it among themselves. I'd rather keep it safe and give it back to the owner in whole, up to the last cent.
• United States
22 Sep 09
Well there a number of variables that you have to take into account like how much money it is and if there is anybody nearby. If it is like 10 bucks then i think it is my lucky day and I just take it with no guilt. If it like like 100$ dollars i will feel kind of guilty because i know that somebody somewhere is hurting and I wont be able to get over it so i go around like an idiot and ask everybody within a one mile radius if they have lost any money recently. If after all that no one claims it I will feel better about it and then go on with my day.
@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
21 Sep 09
It might not be a good sign yea but it is always good to have extra money lol... kinda of confused isn't it lol ...
• United States
21 Sep 09
I'm always pleasantly surprised when I get the chance to find money on the ground. I don't care how much money I find, it's always a nice surprise. Usually I just pick the money up and whenever I get home, I add the money to whatever stash of cash that I have at home or I stick it in my wallet it just depends on what denomination the cash is.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
21 Sep 09
i am happy, though i usually dont find a whole lot of money. i guess the most i have found is about $20. what i usually find is coins. the other day i found a nickel, before that i found a twoonie (a 2 dollar coin here in canada).
21 Sep 09
Well, I completely disagree if you, how much it is, take the money you (accidentally) found on the street. It's not your, and theorically it will never be yours. I know some countries apply rules for missing items, that once you report it and if within 365 days nobody comes to claim it, then the goods will be yours. You yourself wrote something about someone else who is sad for missing his/her money. The best way is, I know it's too epic, report to the nearest police station and manage how it can be delivered to the owner.=)
• India
21 Sep 09
well if i found money i wud keep it as good luck charm for me..and feel that the day is lucky for me..'finder are keeper.'.i do feel bad for the one who wud have lost it but if not me somebody else wud keep the money so why not that someone else be me!!my hightest amount i got moeny was a 500/- rupee note which i found.i was shocked to see it coz it was a busy places and so many people were walking by and nobody saw that show that it was for my eyes and for i kept it.
@Tantrums (945)
• Philippines
21 Sep 09
Keep it of course hahaha!! Poor guy who lost the money... After finding the money, I'd purchase some food first... Depending on the amount, if it's more than a thousand, then I'd buy some stuff!
@dadedade (88)
• Romania
21 Sep 09
I don`t know how to feel it is a strange feeling but when I find money on the street I lock all-around to see anyone that may have lost them and if there is nobody I feel lucky,I take the money and simply I walk away with other words it is a great feeling to find money on the street and if is a large amount af money it feels eaven better
• Philippines
21 Sep 09
In our life it's very naturally for as to encounter this kind of situation where we see a little amount of money in street. Well, as I read your experience I can say that your conscience is still in your heart because you still think the other people who owns that money. I adore you because that is concern to other people and know, this kind of characteristic is missing nowadays and it's very hard to find. My feeling when I encounter this kind of things is I feel guilty because I know that this amount of money is not belong to me and I know just like you that there is someone who is looking for this money. Well, even though there is no people when I pick it up the money in the street I still find other people and ask them if they own this money or is there something missing on them. Then if ever the person really own this amount I just give it and feel happy! But in case there are no people owning this money, I just go in the nearest church and just donate the money. I believe that this money can help thousands of people. As I remember most of the Filipino, have this kind of news where they pick up a high amount of money in street and they return it to the owner. I guess there are already hundreds of news regarding those good Filipino and you know this sounds was really good to my earn because I'm a Filipino citizen.
• United States
21 Sep 09
It is so funny that you posted this, as i was going to post something along this line! As i was walking to work today, i looked down on the sidewalk and say a dollar bill all folded up! i bent down and picked it up and it turned out to be not just one dollar bill, but two one dollar bills and a five dollar bill! $7! Bonus! *yay* But, it gets even better. I used this "found money" on my lunch break at work, i bought my self a sandwich, a soda and i spent what wsa left on a lottery scratch tickey. While i was eating and enjoying my lunch, i scratched the ticket and it was a $30 winner! so not only did i get free lunch out of the deal, but i also walked away with $30 dollars in my pocket that iw oudln't have had otherwise. Quite a find if you ask me. The biggest amount of money i ever found was a $20 bill frozen into a snowbank outside of a convenience store once. That made me pretty happy too. If i ever found a significant amount of money (probably like $50 or more, that would be HUGELY significant to me) i would try to see if anyone had been looking for it if possible, and depending upon where i found it.
• Malaysia
21 Sep 09
If it is on the street, I guess it will be finders keepers. You cannot find the person who has lost the money. Anyone on the street will claim it to be theirs. So any logical person will just pocket it. If I find some money on the street, I will buy a present for someone I love. As they say: Easy come,easy go!
@Simon1223 (903)
• China
21 Sep 09
If I find money on the street, espcially big notes, the first idea in my mind is that it may be a fraud. I've heard a lot of such frauds from others. When you found the money, somebody patted your shoulder and asked to share these money. Suppose that it was a 100-hundred note, he would ask you to give him thirty or forty dollars. Then you satisfied him and got the 100-hundred note. But as soon as you arrived at home and checked the note, you found that it was a forged note. Obviously you had been cheated. In fact this note was from that person. He exchanged a forged 100-hundred note for thirty or forty real dollars. So always remember that there's no free lunch in the world.
21 Sep 09
I pick it up and if there's a way of returning it to the owner (like if the money is in a wallet), then I return it. If it's a few cents, how will I know who lost it, even hundred dollar bills??? I never picked up anything bigger than cents and quraters, anyway.
@offlimits (596)
• Philippines
21 Sep 09
My initial reaction would be looking first the owner. I mean, I look sideways to see if someone is looking for it. But when I find no one, I will pick it up. Of course I feel good about it. That instance could only happen to me once in a lifetime. Finders keepers! Haha :)
• China
21 Sep 09
first ,you should congratulate yourself if you found money lying front of you,case it indicates that god have send luck to you ,even if the one who lost it would be in bad mood a whole day,but in my place ,this scene have changed ,once you found something like purse or wrap on the ground ,people's first mind is whether it's a fraud ,they worry that if you bench stoop down for it ,someone would sudently appeared and insist that be money is theirs ,and blame that money is missing much,and then forced you to return back . so in this scene ,nobody would stoop down without 2nd more sensitive would prefer to giving up the "luck"