FINALLY!! The New TV shows STart TONIGHT!!! What are you watching???
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
United States
September 21, 2009 5:00pm CST
The new Season of Television shows are starting TONIGHT....WOOHOOOO!!!!
What will you be watching or recording??
I'll be recording all the CBS shows that come on tonight...
I'll also be recording NBC shows ( love Hereo's ) that start tonight
but I'LL BE WATCHING MY FAVORITE the next three nights and that is
I love to watch the stars that try to dance of course but I dearly
love the professionals too they are just mind-blowing, and breath taking in their
Only one things worries me, there is THUNDER in the distance here
wouldn't you know it?
We've needed rain now for WEEKS...and of course tonight of all nights
there is stormy weather brewing here in Missouri and that means the news stations
All I ask God is to NOT lose power (G)!!
call me crazy I know but I am looking forward to my shows!!
ok the lightning is getting worse now maybe it will be DONE by 7:00 p.m.
let's hope huh?
guess I'll log off for tonight;
So tell me what are you watching???
What shows are you recording tonight??
I LOVE THE NEW SEASON of Tv shows when they start, but I am UNHAPPY
about many of my old favorites being cancelled...that will be another
subject when its not so stormy out..

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8 responses
@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
21 Sep 09
I watch Survivor, Dancing With The Stars, the Biggest Loser and Amazing Race just to name a few that come to mind right now. hahaha My dvr stays busy all the time. I record my shows then watch them after I go to bed or watch them the next night. My husband don't care for those shows so I usually stay in the living room with him and watch what he does or I am on my laptop in the living room while he watches shows I don't care for. hahaha
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
21 Sep 09
LOL! AAAhhh {{TYC}}, we watch the same shows there;
Dancing with the Stars, I'd give anything to be able to do that just once!!
The Biggest Loser tomorrow night, I'll record it cause I'll be watching DWTS...and recording CBS SHOWS...
I was all set to watch the Amazing Race last night and dumb dumb me forgot it
was NOT ON cause the Emmy's was on, the Amazing RAce starts THIS SUNDAY NIGHT DUH!
So I went to bed..LOL!
that's nice of you to sit in the same room while your husband watches his shows..
does he not share the remote with you??
we'll have to compare notes Tyc now that our shows are starting up again;
enjoy your evening!!

@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
21 Sep 09
Oh I have the remote next to me but I am a nice person. hahaha I think he deserves his 2 or 3 hours of TV at night. He is not working right now and he lets me watch my shows during the day so I can't beat that. I even watch my one soap opera with him here. LOL
Just let the discussion say something about spoiler alert just in case I haven't see all of the show yet. :)
Oh I was thinking Amazing Race was on last night until I looked at the channel guide then I remembered.
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
22 Sep 09
AAaaww! That hubby of yours then is a nice guy to sit and watch maybe
your soap opera during the day, which one do you watch??
You say he is not working right now, because of the economy?? Sorry
to hear that;
All I watched last night was Dancing with The Stars and then I also
watch Castle which is on ABC too, I got hooked on that show last year too
and I just love the banter between the two main characters besides
the guy is pretty HOT looking, can't think of his ( real name ) having
brain farts early this morning...LOL!
sometime today I hope to watch either Hereo's from last night or some of the CBS shows;
TONIGHT I will once again be watching DWTS...Recording CBS SHOWS..WOOHOOO!
and RECORDING NBC...gotta have my Biggest Loser taped thats for sure love that show!!
Have a great day!!

@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
24 Sep 09
My favorite show hasn't started yet! *sniff* *sniff* I just read that this year will be The Tudors last season. I guess Heny VIII had to die sometime. Waaaaahhh! I just love that show. I think they ought to continue the series (under a different name of course) with the reign of his daugher by Anne Boleyn, Queen Elizabeth. I saw the movie. It was alright, but, for me the characters weren't that well developed. I need more. LOL!
Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
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@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
3 Oct 09
The Tudors is on cable. One of the Showtime channels.
Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
30 Sep 09
HI Kellyjeanne: I never heard of that show must be something you get
on the satellite or something? HBO?? I don't have any of those;
When does your show start? That sucks that its ending for you;
those stupid S.O.B'S cancelled several of my favorite shows like
Without a Trace ( loved that show on CBS)
The Unit....(another great show on CBS) STUPID IDIOTS
several more I just can't think of them at the moment (afternoon brain fart) LOL!
take care my friend;

@GardenGerty (160909)
• United States
23 Sep 09
Hi, we got the rain. I do not have cable and not very many stations on this converter box. I just work work work on this old computer when I am not work work working at work.I am sure the dancing is fantastic.
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
30 Sep 09
Hi Gerty; Oh crap! No Tv stations to really watch? UGH!
I'd go stark raving mad....
I'm thinking you are working too much there my friend (G)!
take care now;
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
21 Sep 09
I'll be watching Dancing With The Stars tonight. Can't wait!!
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
21 Sep 09
Hi Kats: I can hardly wait myself for DWTS...for the last two years I was
having to watch it on that old TV set of mine and for ABC the station had a greenish
cast and some nights it had a orangey/red cast so this time around on my
TV set I bought from my neighbor last month, the COLOR IS NORMAL, NATURAL
@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
30 Sep 09
I don't really watch television that much so for me I don't really think that I will be watching many television shows. I actually prefer to stay here on myLot and just post, I actually find it quite relaxing, and fun too. Make sure you have a good day, God bless and Happy Lotting!!

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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
30 Sep 09
HI Eliteuser: You are probably the smart one to NOT be so hooked on TV shows
like I am and many others of us (G)! I'm a tv-holic (G)!
Being on disability about all I have is my internet time and my TV time;
being back on stinky dial up cuts into my puter time as it just takes so
long for everything to try and load up especially on mylot its super slow;
thanks for stopping by!
You have a great day too now!!

@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
21 Sep 09
There are not of ton of local channel television shows that I watch all the time, but I am excited that all of my favorites are coming back around again. It was a very long summer.
I watch Biggest Loser, Survivor, Amazing Race when it comes to reality television genres. I have also set my DVR to record CSI Miami and also Mercy this week. Looking forward to watching Mercy as it just really looks interesting. Of course I have to add the broadcast shows to the cable shows that I watch and it looks like I'll have plenty of TV to watch.
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
22 Sep 09
HI dorannmwin:
Yes I too am a huge fan of Biggest loser, Survivor, Amazing race and so many more
Do you watch any shows on the Discovery channel??
I love that station, for years MANY YEARS I lived out in the country which I dearly loved
but circumstances changed for me and I had to sell my mobile home and move to town
the only good thing about living in town is I now have CAble, which I've had the last
three years now and I dearly love the Discovery Channel and one of my most FAVORITE
OF ALL SHOWS is Deadliest Catch, have you ever watched it or Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe?
I love love love love those shows;
What do you think of that mean nasty RUSELL on Survivor?? I just want to shoot him
reach through my tv screen and slap him silly...LOL!
Thanks for stopping by and we'll have to stay in touch now with our shows ok?
have a good day now!
@slaveofsensation (348)
• United States
21 Sep 09
I love dancing with the stars and I want to watch for chuck liddell but I am more excited for thursday when there will be new episodes of Greys Anatomy, Dexter, and Californication. I love this time of year when all thwe shows come back on.
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
21 Sep 09
HI Slaveofsensation; Welcome to mylot;
There are several of us on here who love Dancing with the Stars;
I never had a chance to Watch Grey's Anatomy Hard to believe I know (G)!
Someday I hope to rent the DVD so I can start with Season one as I'd love to
watch it, just too many other shows to try and keep up with and my internet stuff;
have a good evening and enjoy DWTS...I KNOW I WILL! 

@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
21 Sep 09
OK...hello Crazy!!!!
I'm right with you. We've had almost 20 inches of rain lately & I worry about floating off before Dancing with the Stars comes on tonight.
Then I'll switch over to Two and a Half Men. I'm not set up to record anything, so I watch the other shows during rerun season!!! That way I never watch reruns. I'm interested in seeing Kelly Osborne turn into a proper young lady....although I have my doubts that will ever happen!!!

@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
23 Sep 09
OMG, Kelly came to play!!! I expected her to be awkward tonight & improve as the season progresses. Hell, she brought it on tonight. Assuming that she continues to improve, she's going to be awesome!!!! 

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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
21 Sep 09
LOL! Hi LadyM; OMG! I wondered about all the TEXAS and other MYLOTER'S that
were in the line of rain, rain and more rain of late ..GOOD GRIEF!
its a wonder you have power woman I hope you are up on a big old hill or something;
I've seen a lot of flooding pictures NOT GOOD...damn scary!!
Please do take care ok??
I love Two and a half men too, such a funny story and I never tire of the reruns
on them (G)!
I had to do what you are doing at the end of the season when my one TV crapped out
then I had a VCR I had to trash as it was eating tapes...UGH!!
I'd die without my VCR'S....
Enjoy your shows tonight and I pray all of you and your family are safe in all that
crazy rain you guys are having, and have already had..YIKES!!!
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
30 Sep 09
HI LadyM; Sorry it took me so long to get back to our conversation here
but I am sitting here just grinning from ear to ear after reading
your post;
[i]Now, to prove my point...
I have had fantasies of waking up next to Willie Nelson for years!!! Yes, he'd be a scary site first thing in the morning....but so am I!!! whistle I can look past Willie's face & see a kind heart & loving soul. Maybe that is only his publicity persona, but I like that man!!! He's a womanizer, but I think I could tame him!!! Well, enough of that fantasy!!![/i] ROTFL!
Gosh I wish my Mom was alive still so I could tell her about your
fantasy here...heheheh!!
Good Lord woman did you fall and hit your head?? ( WEG )! WEll I can't fault
you on your fantasy's there I know I've had my fair share of them over the years
shoot that's all I have ....(what I dream about) ya know?
But if I were to see you in person I'd have to really "rib you" on your choice you know?
Thanks for sharing that with me, I had a good "snicker" here...
now you know everytime I see you post or you respond to one of my I'm gonna have
that "image" of you and Him in my head right? I'm a sick puppy on stuff like that
I get a strange or odd image in my wee brain and it just stays there ..ROTFL!!!