Do thunderstorms or just heavy rain make you sleep better or worse?

@lilybug (21107)
United States
September 21, 2009 11:15pm CST
It is raining fairly hard here tonight, but no thunderstorms to speak of just yet. Heavy rain and distant thunder actually help me to sleep better, but I know it can keep some people awake at night. What about you? Does rain and thunder help you sleep or does it keep you awake and anxious?
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6 responses
• Philippines
22 Sep 09
i sleep better when it is raining. it feels cold and i like hearing the sound of rain too. the thunder does not really keep me awake. if i was suddenly awoke by a thunder, i can easily go back to sleep.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
22 Sep 09
The only time thunder really bothers me when I am sleeping is if it is really close by. If I am really tired though it normally does not wake me up.
@sandymay16 (1617)
• Philippines
22 Sep 09
I can't sleep immediately during heavy rains because of the noise it make on the rooftop. And thunders can't make me sleep either. I still have to wait a few minutes to adjust myself to the pounding of the rain and after a while the rians rhythmic pattern can make me go to sleep. But if I'm already sleeping and suddenly a downpour happens, it makes me wake up so does a heavy clap of thunder. But distant thunders don't bother me at all.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
28 May 10
Rain and thunderstorms tend to make me sleep better, at least if I'm already asleep when a storm hits, that is. Otherwise I might just be too anxious to fall sleep, especially if the storm is a big one, or the lightning is too close for comfort. But then again if I'm tired enough I'll sleep through just about anything! LOL Happy mylotting!
@ifa225 (14463)
• Indonesia
24 May 10
it just makes my sleep worse. i can't close my eyes because i am afraid if something bad happen.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
22 Sep 09
I love rains. I think I will sleep peacefully even in heavy rains and thunderstrome. I like to sleep when it is raining and I love it when it is heavily raining. The problem is during rainy season it is difficult to find a way to dry clothes. The drainage system is not that good in my city and continuous rain will result in flood.
@prinzcy (32305)
• Malaysia
22 Sep 09
I have no problem to sleep during heavy rain or storm. There's a possibility that my roofs will be blown away by the strong wind but I still unaffected. I just curl in my blanket and continue sleeping. This probably because thunderstorms don't bother me much. Thunder isn't as scary as lightning to me.