Has anyone of you used PROACTIV products for you Acne?

September 22, 2009 6:09am CST
Hi mylotters!!! Its a very annoying condition when you have acne that ceases to move away! Have you tried PROACTIV products for acne? If yes, how was your experience? ALso, which products worked for you and you'd recommend the same for fellow mylotters? I used PROACTIVE 3-step system for a very short period of 15-20 days. My skin became very dry and sensitive, but my acne cleared. I discontinued use because of irritation. But thereafter my skin was really good for a long time until it flared up back again! I liked their toner and the mask was good.But the price is really high and hence not very affordable. Whats your take on PROACTIV?
2 responses
• Australia
26 Feb 10
Hi there I do not have severe acne but I do break out every now and then. I did try an acne kit once that was similar to proactiv called acne free system. It was a horrible experience though. I didnt notice any differance at all and it dried out my face like crazy. I since them am using all natural products and having a much better experience with them.
@bwanna (282)
• United States
28 Oct 09
It's good to hear that you cleared up. I had a terrible experience with the "proactive solution"! It just made me break out even worse in these ugly, giant white-heads. It was nasty. To top it all off, there was this really cute boy I liked, and he got to see all of the nasty gunk on my face! Needless to say, nothing ever happened between the two of us.