men and women

@saraines (154)
United States
September 22, 2009 4:04pm CST
i always wondered, why is it that males always demand that their girlfriend or wife stay in shape or they will look for someone else, but when it comes to them, they get fat, dress weird, but still expect to be accepted and loved by their partner?
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4 responses
@sandymay16 (1617)
• Philippines
23 Sep 09
I have known some males who are like that and the females certainly agree to what their partners say to them. Not only that there are some who tell their girlfriends to be fair skinned because he is getting darker. Now, this female is certainly not dark skinned. But she still uses whitening or lightening products and goes out with umbrella even if the sun is not that shining. And she also is getting thinner, I think she has been told to that she is too fat. I feel sorry for her really because she lets others dictate her. And males who are like these maybe doesn't love their girlfriends or wives for who they really are. They like fantasy. ANd females who also agree readily maybe thinking they will be replaced don't trust and love themselves.
@saraines (154)
• United States
23 Sep 09
It's a shame there are still females out there who do not respect themselves enough to make others respect them. I honestly think that man that act like this are man who are not secure and they seem to think that by keeping their partners down or stepped on, they feel better man, they don't know that by acting this way it makes them less of a man.
• Philippines
23 Sep 09
That would only mean that he isn't worth your time. He doesn't deserve you or deserved to be loved at all. Love isn't about physical appearance after all.
@saraines (154)
• United States
23 Sep 09
you are correct...
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
22 Sep 09
Mostly because they know once us woman love someone we love them and our love goes beyond physical appearance. But all those men saying they will leave their wives are full of it. They are not going to leave because they have become lazy and complacent too and they are not in good shape themselves. Leaving would mean they would have get their lazy butts in shape too, and usually if a man really does love a woman and he has an ounce of maturity he knows that his wife is not going to look the same in 20 years as she does when she is 20, and she is not going to look the same in 20 more years as she did when she was 40. We all age and we all change. So it is true love it had better be more than skin deep. Now a girl friend on the other hand might not have such a good chance. Because chances are if they are not married and don't plan on getting married that man is still weighing his options.
@saraines (154)
• United States
22 Sep 09
This is true...but in the other hand i have seen some males that have gotten older, chubbier, at times uglier and they are still out there trying for younger, prettier women than their wives, and for some crazy reason other woman get interested in them. That would be another question, why are so many females interested in married men, i think there are plenty single ones out there, no?
@marguicha (219877)
• Chile
22 Sep 09
I think that is a generalization, fortunatly, that doesn´t apply to all males. And I think we, women, are more our own enemies than men. We invent thiese diets, we see us fat, we tell our friends that we should both diet (implying that she is fat too). We want to wear clothes made for models (who have a body that is not the typical woman´s body). I remember when my husband was alive he shudered when I said I would stat a diet. He said he didn´t mind my being more overweight that when we got married. But that when I was on a diet, I was a pest. I was cranky, I nagged him and everybody, I lost my smile. He said: "Go get clothes that fit you now, and stop that nonsense!" If a man loves his woman, he doesn´t only love her because of her looks. Nor do we.
@saraines (154)
• United States
22 Sep 09
this is true should be unconditional.