Do you accept compiments?

@reco13 (605)
September 22, 2009 10:23pm CST
Most women tend to not accept compliments. They even do not believe these compliments. As a woman, I think it's because we are construed as being conceited. Sometimes, when I tell a co-worker that her newly-cut hair is great, instead of replying "thank you" or responding with a smile, she answered back by telling that her hair is not great, "it's horrible!" I accept compliments and truly believe it. I even give a compliment back if I feel like I need to say more. I just wonder why some would just prefer to reject compliments. Are they being humble this way?
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5 responses
@Gemstar6 (71)
• New Zealand
23 Sep 09
I respond to, and accept, honest compliments. This will sound odd, but I listened to Quentin Tarver's "Everybody's free (to wear sunscreen)" and thought alot of it was very good advice. And the older I get, the more I understnd it is better to take the compliment at face value than read anything into it (unless intuition and experience say otherwise ). As Oscar Wilde said, "It is better to be looked over, than overlooked"...Sod humble, live for today, lol!
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• Philippines
23 Sep 09
Hahahaha!!! Very true!!! not because i feel conceited or anything but i don't just know why i reject some compliments. maybe coz i perceive the compliment as the reverse? (^_^) i usually receive them if i think they've made an honest one, such that i can accept. hehehe
@dodo19 (47279)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
23 Sep 09
I certainly accepts people's compliments. If someone tells me that I look good on a particular day, I'll accept this honest compliment. Not all women may be able to take a compliment. However, there are still some women who can and do take compliments, other than myself.
@dodo19 (47279)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
23 Sep 09
I certainly accepts people's compliments. If someone tells me that I look good on a particular day, I'll accept this honest compliment. Not all women may be able to take a compliment. However, there are still some women who can and do take compliments, other than myself.
@jugsjugs (12967)
23 Sep 09
The compliments are none from people who i know or who i would class as a friend but they are from people who go to the pub.They always say that i smell nice as i wear lots of perfume and if i have my hair in a different style they always say it is nice.I make cards and they get the thumbs up as well.I also pay compliments to people as well.