Do you like spicy food?

September 23, 2009 10:10am CST
Hi all, in my country almost every food we eat has chili in it, or even if it does not have chili in it, we usually add bottled chili sauce in it. Fast food restaurant such as McDonald's or KFC now even only give tomato sauce if we ask for it, if not they usually only give chili sauce. Since we used to eat spicy food, usually restaurant that attracts many foreign tourists will lessen the spiciness of the food. Eating spicy food of course will make you sweat and drink a lot of water. So, do you like to eat spicy food?
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78 responses
23 Sep 09
I love spicy food. I think the best cuisine for this is Indian food since nearly everything is spicy. But, I cannot cook spicy food everyday (my husband would love this though) because of my kids who are not into anything spicy, I just add fresh habanero chillis (touted to be the hottest chilli on the chilli scale)or habanero sauce on my food. Spicy food is good for cleansing the stomach as well. Is this what they call the "Indian belly"?
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@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
24 Sep 09
yeah indian food is so spicy. i have heard of it . i would like to try indian food but i don't have it here in my country. there are some few indian restaurants here in the philippines. but they are fine dining. very expensive restaurants. i could not afford that. i don't know if the indian eatery i seen in one mall is cheap or what or if they are authentic indian food. i will try to like it there when i get back there.
• Indonesia
24 Sep 09
Oooh, I like Indian food if it contains a lot of curry. What's habanero? Is it some kind of chili? I think Indian food has different spiciness compare to us. For you, the spiciness comes from a lot of herbs while Indonesian food usually comes from chili. Yeah, Indian restaurants in my country also quite expensive. Very rare it came with affordable price. Thanks for the response!
24 Sep 09
Habanero is a type of chilli - really hot. I don't know where the center of origin is, but I think it is in the Yucatan (Mexico or somewhere there). Chillis and ginger make Indian food spicy, not the herbs. Turmeric, coriander, nutmeg, cardamoms - these are not spicy.
@pushkin69 (546)
23 Sep 09
Hey there. I adore spicy foos and always spice up my food regardless of what it is. I put chili in everything!!! I put tobasco on most foods except things life toast. Saying that I would put it on cheese on toast for sure. Chili must release endorefins or something as it is definately something I crave. I lived in Korea for a year and really developed my love of spice there. Now I am back at home in the UK I continue to crave that type of food. I really must learn to cook Korean food. People like to feel extreme heat i think as it can cause pain and this is very close to pleasure. There is a fine line between pleasure and pain. I like to feel the heat but don't eat it so that I cry and cant taste my food!
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• Indonesia
24 Sep 09
yeah. I think most part of Asia like to add spice, especially chili in their food. It makes the food even better and like you said have some kind of chemical ingredients that can arouse people's hunger. Have you ever taste chili bean, specifically the green chilli? It will makes you ear burns and drinks a lot of water eating it. Although it's painful, I just cannot resist the temptation to eat it:)
• India
24 Sep 09
Ha,ha........may be you are right!
• India
23 Sep 09
Ya i like spicy food. I have made my self addicted towards the spicy food. I cannot stick with simple food i want it to be spicy either by chillies or by chilli powder ir really love the taste.
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• Indonesia
24 Sep 09
I have friend that also cannot eat without chili at all! She always adds many chili sauce from the bottled into her food. She said she already eat spicy food since she's still a baby :) Thanks for the response
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
23 Sep 09
Yup, I really like to eat some food with some spice to it. When I was younger I didn't like spicy food at all, but that all changed when I met my husband who is a huge fan of spicy food. He eats spice with everything and because of that I've started eating spice on a lot of my food as well. In eating the spicier food I have found that my metabolism has gone up which is really just an added benefit. I even feel that the spicy sauces enhance the natural flavor of food as well.
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• Indonesia
24 Sep 09
Hi dorann, we meet again! Ah, you cannot resist the temptation of spicy food now:) It's good to be influenced by your husband, spice comes from natural herbs so it must be good to mix that up with your food. Spice add some flavors and make the food tastier. So, like you said it surely makes our metabolism gone up. Thanks for the response!
@patofgold23 (5069)
• Philippines
23 Sep 09
h*ll I do...a lot!!! we have a lot of spicy menus and they are always good... the first time I tried Indian food was when I was in CA and my cousin took me to this Indian resto...their food was mostly spicy and I just fellllll innnnnn looooooove with thier foood.... yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
• Philippines
24 Sep 09
ahh cher!!!! you just made me sooo hungry.... grrrrrr!
@cherrc (661)
• Philippines
23 Sep 09
very much! i even cooked pasta both sour and spicy. i really want it that way. my friends also brought me to her province and so laing and bicol express (native dish) became my favorites. i also tried cooking chicken biryani. anyway, my family loves spicy food. :)
• Indonesia
24 Sep 09
HMMM....You make me hungry..and it's just 9 AM in Jakarta, still 3 hours from lunch :( Yeah, Indian food are well known cause they mix a lot of spice in their food. I think many Asian countries like that..I went to Europe once and find their food very blah, sour and no taste at all. I end up looking for Indonesian/Malaysian food there and luckily find one in Chinatown :)
@sharryCD (121)
• China
24 Sep 09
Hi Sophisticated boy, i love spicy food very much. In my city, we enjoy eating spicy dishes, such as hot pot. I donot weather you have tired it. Just as you said, eating spicy food will make people sweat and thirsty, by the way, the more important factor is that it can also keep people slim.
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
24 Sep 09
HI Sharry, pot,i love it too. I like to eat steamboat TOMYAM. Everytime when I went for steamboat buffet, I also ask for tomyam soup,that's my favourite soup. For sure, I will sweat alot and I need a cold drink when I eat spicy food, I avoid to drink soft drink as it is too much gas and my throat will feel hotter,I always drink 100 plus/cold tea when I have spicy food. Don't eat too much spicy food in the morning,not good for our stomach.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
24 Sep 09
I like spicy food. It's just bad that my mother cannot tolerate spicy food now, but before we used to make a lot of spicy dishes. We even make our own chili garlic sauce. One spicy dish that I cook all the time is spicy tofu and tuna with chili. Here in my country they serve only ketchup and you have to ask for the chili sauce all the time.
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
24 Sep 09
Hi Anne, Spicy tofu with tuna, it sound yummy to me. I never cook this dishes before. I love to cook curry chicken, I just cooked it last weekend,served with Ketupats. I also made my own homemade chilli paste, I have a dip on it on my every meal.I just love chilli taste in my meal. At my place here, when you out for dine, they only serve bit of chilli and I have to ask for more and more all the time. The chilli sauce that served at food court is not hot at all,then I have to ask for small chilli(chilli padi) and eat in raw.
@youless (112897)
• Guangzhou, China
24 Sep 09
I am from Guangzhou, China. Here most foods are light and fresh and spicy foods are not the main foods. But I still enjoy eating spicy food. I think the spicy feeling is very interesting and it makes the food much more delicious. I love China
• Indonesia
25 Sep 09
It's certainly make the food more delicious, also sometimes it can scare people to see their food all colored in red or greeen, which means the food must be really really hot and spicy :) Thanks for the response youless...Hope I can visit China next year!
• China
24 Sep 09
Yes,I also like spicy food,the place where i was born have the habit of eating chili,I also like eating it.But after later i go to another place for studying,I had learnt to eating unspicy food,So Now the spicy food and unspicy food i both can eat it.
• Indonesia
25 Sep 09
Oh, I bet you miss those spicy food and crave for it sometimes. I went to travel abroad for about a month and already missed spicy food in my third week and went to Malaysian restaurant to eat it:) I think if I live abroad I will bring few bottled chili sauce from home with me so I can eat with it anytime I want. Thanks for the response!
@cherrc (661)
• Philippines
23 Sep 09
hi there! overlook, i made a comment instead of response, hehe! anyway, my family loves spicy food! we just made sure that water is always there! :)
@Archie0 (5652)
23 Sep 09
Spicy food is more exciting and unless it makes you physically sick it is perfectly healthy for you. Overdosing on hot peppers by themselves or in strong sauces can give you a nasty case of diarrhea. Short of that just enjoy this meals. Your friend can stick to eating white bread and oatmeal if he likes but you can eat the good stuff.
• Indonesia
24 Sep 09
yeah, the water must be there, if not you will be painfully sweating and your tongue will burn like crazy! It's better to drink warm water though, cause it neutralized the burn from the chili. Drinking cold water, or soda will not be very helpful to ease the pain
• United States
24 Sep 09
Well spicy food is a bit of a double edged sword for me. On one hand I absolutly love anything spicy and chili and hot. It is all so delicious it burns but its kind of a good burn. On the other hard I have a very upsetable stomach and anything spicy really upsets it. So yeah if spices are involved i usually just dig in and just hope for the best
• Indonesia
25 Sep 09
Having a stomach or digestive problem, it must be hard to you to resist the temptation of eating spicy food. My boss that has this problem once had to be hospitalized due to his eating habit of eating spicy food. He would be careful in eating food now, but sometimes he still cannot resist on eating chili cause as he said, he was raised by his parents eating lots and lots of chili in their food.
@tulog09 (61)
• Philippines
24 Sep 09
most south east asian countries loves to eat spicy food. malaysia, thailand and singapore. i've been to this countries and yes you are right even the food in fastfood giants like MCdonalds and KFC usually are on a spicy side. on some they are good but on others i think the taste is a little off. anyways about your question if i like spicy food, not that much but sometimes i do crave on spicy foods.
• Indonesia
25 Sep 09
Yeah, the KFC is very well known here as the first restaurant which serve crispy chicken which has pepper in it. It's really good and I don't think I ever find that in other countries, they just adapt that menu for our country. Even McDonalds now also serve it, but with black pepper on the chicken skin. I still prefer KFC than McD. Gosh, all this talks makes me starving and craving for KFC crispy chicken :) Happy myLotting!
• Malaysia
23 Sep 09
I like spicy food a lot.In my country,there are also many food that serve a lot with chili.I think the bottle chili wasn't spicy at all,i think it taste sweet rather than spicy.I also like to eat thai tom yam also,especially the spicy one! I have also try some Indonesia cuisine with the chili paste. It was really tasty.I sure crave for spicy food a lot.
• Indonesia
24 Sep 09
Where are you from zeal_jason? Is there any Indonesian restaurant out there? Usually Indonesian restaurant in other country has lessen its spiciness to adapt with local taste. I agree that bottled chilli sometimes not spicy at all, but there are a few brand here that produce really good bottled chili sauce. I don't think tom yam is spicy, it's more of sour isn't it?
• Malaysia
25 Sep 09
The taste of tomyam depend on how people cook it,i manage to find some restaurant that serve spicy tomyam.By the way,i am from Malaysia.In general,people in my country like to eat spicy food.So ,the Indonesia cuisine maintain its spicy taste.
@Melbee11 (230)
• United States
24 Sep 09
I truely hate spicy food. I eat it every once in awhile though. So far is that I don't like it. I can't handle spicy food. My mother say's if you don't like chilli or spicy food's make's you a jealous person. I don't think that's true I am myself when I get jealous it's not all the time.
• Indonesia
24 Sep 09
I guess you are the first one here that hate spicy food:) one of my friend also dislike spicy food so much. Since our food always served spicy, before he order something in a restaurant he always remind the waiter to tell the chef to not put any chili on it. If there is slice of chili on the food, he will patiently separate it one by one from the food and then eat it. About that superstition, nahhh...I don't believe it:) It's just a matter of preference
• Philippines
15 Jan 12
Hi sophisticated_boy! I like spicy food. Whether I eat in a fancy restaurant or in a fast food, I would order something spicy. If no food is spicy, then at least I would ask for spicy sauce or anything similar. I would definitely ask for a chili sauce when I eat pizza for example.
• Philippines
23 Sep 09
I like spicy food before but since I got a stomach problem that prohibits me to eat spicy food I lessen it and I rarely eat spicy food now.
• Indonesia
24 Sep 09
Oh how unlucky of you. I think for some people that have digestive problem, it's prohibited to eat a lot of chili or spicy food. If you eat too much, even for normal people, it can cause diarrhea for several days. My friend just told me that few minutes ago that after we have lunch at a restaurant that serve really spicy food in Friday, she had diarrhea for two days in a row.
@prinzcy (32303)
• Malaysia
23 Sep 09
I love spicy food! We use Thai pepper, dried chili and red chili in our cooking a lot. Sometimes we just mince the Thai pepper along with a few more ingredients to make paste. It's not good to drink water while eating spicy food. You'll feel the burning from the spice more. If I can't take any spicy food anymore and my eyes and nose start become watery, I'll just find something sweet.
• Indonesia
24 Sep 09
Oh, I usually drink water to redeem the spiciness, just knew that it's better to eat something sweet. Usually if we drink water, our stomach will blow up and become really really full. You will have toilet break very often afterward :) Thanks for the response prinzcy!
@Tantrums (945)
• Philippines
23 Sep 09
Man I can't eat without the spice! It's like eating dinner without rice (I'm Filipino)! So will that make me a spicy food lover? Uhmm.. maybe! haha!
• Indonesia
24 Sep 09
Hahhaa yeah, I understand what you mean! I also cannot stand eating without rice! Eating with french fries or mashed potatoes feels different although it also carbs and make your stomach full...My boss is from Phillipines and he said that Indonesian food is still spicier than the Philippines food, so if there's any Indonesian restaurant there, you should stop by and try our spicy food. Have a great day tantrums!
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
23 Sep 09
HI Sophisticated boy I like spicey food to a certain extent I like it spicey enough to still be able to enjoy the taste I can't have it to where its so hot it killing my mouth on the inside My sister married a Hindu and she cooks the indian cuisine man that stuff is spicey! I couldn't deal with it I told her to make mine with less spice just enough for a kick but not to overdo it I guess some people have a much higher tolerance level than others Also what you put in has to come out and I am not into dealing with the burn that comes out later. But I do like Indian food I like DAHL (I don't think I spelled that right but I gave it a shot anyway)
• Indonesia
24 Sep 09
I think if you used to eat spicy food from childhood like me you will get used to spiciness, no matter how spicy it is. I also like spicy food for certain extent, but I tend to try to challenge myself to eat spicy food no matter how hot it is. I usually try one first and if I decide that I cannot stand the taste, then I will not dare to touch the food anymore :)
• Philippines
21 Apr 12
I like eating spicy food. I actually like it more than sweets, or sou or salty food. I like spicy even if sometimes it makes me really sweaty because it's very hot in my country.