When using a public toilet

@jugsjugs (12967)
September 23, 2009 1:27pm CST
When you use a public toilet do you sit on the loo seat or do you try to squat over it.Or do you tend to hold yourself to bursting point until you get home?
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24 responses
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
23 Sep 09
When using a public toilet I either squat if they don't have a paper cover for the seat. Most have the paper covers now. If they don't have the paper covers I also sometimes put toilet paper over the seat. I have walked out of a public bathroom when its really disgusting and have to look for a clean bathroom somewhere else.
@jugsjugs (12967)
22 Sep 12
I have done the same.I have walked out of a dirty public loo, due to it either being dirty or smelling horrid. I think that all public loos should have paper seat covers that we could put on the loo seat, shame that they all do not have these.
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
20 Sep 12
Public toilet is not good very dirty so I avoid to use the public toilet but in emergency I used it and seat directly.
@mlhuff12 (797)
• United States
11 Jan 10
Wow, everybody who responded really don't like public bathrooms. But for myself I have absolutely no problem sitting on it. The majority of the toilets are more comfortable and flush better than the one I've got at home. I do, however, squat in one instance. When I am left with no choice and must go in a porta-potty. I just hate having to do it.
@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
1 Feb 10
if it can wait until i get home, i will do it at home. but if not, i sit and not squat. but first, i will make sure the the seat is clean, very clean.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
7 Oct 09
Thank you so much for the best response nod. Have a great evening.
@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
7 Oct 09
Hi Jugjugs, Nice discussion! I just went to a shopping mall and I did go to the public toilet today. I went into the ladies with my 3 years old daughter. In fact there is a poster pasting behind the toilet door. The message there is to ask us not to squat over it. LOL. My daughter sees the poster with funny face and ask me what are they doing in the poster. Okay back to my answer. I don't like to go those low class public toilet. There are too dirty whereby I can see others are squatting over the toilet seat and I can easily see the toilet seat is so dirty and with shoes print. In that case, I will just follow what others did because the seat is just too dirty to sit on it. If the public toilet is in very good and clean condition, I will normally sit on it.
• United States
30 Sep 09
i wont touch it! i mean i seriously would freak out thinking about germs if i did!
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
24 Sep 09
If I could squat over the thing I could just pee (yes, i said that!) over the drainage hole and hope for the best. Now, go to your room and re-group!
@doormouse (4599)
24 Sep 09
i squat,you never know what filthy germ ridden person has used it before you
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
7 Oct 09
Hi Jugsjugs, I seldom go to public toilet unless I really can't hold it or I really have an emergency to go to. Public toilet is smelly and very dirty,that's the reason why I don't like to go there. I prefer to go for the loo seat. I will clean up the cover with wet tissue before I sit on the top.I am not get used to the squat type,nothing is out when I was in squat type. Sofar, I can only find clean toilet in most Singapore shopping malls. The toilet is well maintained,not smelly and very clean and don't have a smoky smell. Some people like to smoke in the toilet and I just hate that smell.
@much2say (57374)
• Los Angeles, California
24 Sep 09
Hee hee. Being female, and pregnant at that, I definitely DO NOT hold anything in as I wouldn't want to risk getting a UTI!! (Plus I don't want the torture of holding it in so long - ha ha). If they have those protection sheets, I'll use 2 of them and sit. If they don't have those protection sheets, I'll make one with layers of toilet paper and sit. If they don't have them or I can't wait, I'll squat over it being careful not to touch the who-knows-what's-been-there toilet seat. Is that too much information?
@gelibean (158)
• United States
24 Sep 09
I hate using public restrooms I have this thing that I can't go if someone else walks into the bathroom and you can't really stop people from walking into a public restroom. So I tend to hold it until I get home or some other place that I feel comfortable using the bathroom. On those rare occassions when I can hold it no longer I, while silently hoping and praying no one comes in lol, I hover or squat over the toilet but never sit that kinda gross in my mind.
@climber7565 (2566)
• United States
25 Sep 09
Haha, well this is a nasty but true fact of life eh? well its good for your legs and our health to squat instead of pretend is clean, but if you can hold it till you get home. That is when you can free to let all your truth free and out lol
@auzi17 (43)
• Myanmar
24 Sep 09
i never sit on a public tiolet
@sirnose (2436)
• United States
23 Sep 09
I always use the hand santizer to wipe the seat clean or i'll place tissues around the seat and if the seat is to untidy i'll just wait till i find another place to do the doo...
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
24 Sep 09
Hey jugs! That is such a great question! I hate using a public bathroom with a passion! The womens rooms are the most disgusing places ever! But, there are just times when we are out that we have no other choices! I do not squat and I wish other women didn't either because then they end up peeing on the seat and then don't clean up their mess and leave it for the next woman and that is nasty! I put paper on the seat or use the seat covers when available! This does help so that other woman don't have to sit in pee! I have long since tried to hold it it and wait until I get home! I am not about to ruin my bladder and be miserable! But, there are times that I have walked into womens restrooms and turned and walked right out again and had to go somewhere else because it was just too disgusting! Women can really be such pigs!
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
24 Sep 09
Hi Jugs...I tend to be a squatter...who knows what might be lurking on the surface of that seat??? Besides, it's great exercise for the thighs! Karen
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
23 Sep 09
I look around to see if there are any paper toilet seat covers, and if there are, I put it on the seat before using it. If there aren't any covers, I usually squat over it. It's the same with the portable toilets; I rarely ever sit down on the seat. That would just be icky.
• United States
23 Sep 09
I use to hate using public restrooms. Even in school I would wait until I got home to use the bathroom. As I am getting older I start to use the bathroom before I leave work and home so I don't have to use public restrooms. I try to help out at work so the restroom is clean so I feel comfortable using it.
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
23 Sep 09
Hi Jugsjugs I don't sit on public toilet seats no matter how clean they look its just something about it that turns me off. I squat or bend but I ain't sittin I guess the thought of using the bathroom after someone else other than my family have been in it just doesn't set well with me Now I try not to ever have to do a #2 in a public toilet if so I must have paper and wipe of the seat and I use a lot of paper for extra protection I have been in some public toilets that were an absolute mess and stunk like you wouldn't believe! I hate going in after someone has done that its nauseating to say the least. When that happens I just turn right around and go back out the door because I can't hold my breathe that long but I have to do this every once in a while because there is this school bus driver who likes to use our store for her own personal crapqaurters and she comes in like 2 times a week. I told the manager to tell her to stop doing that not sure if you can do that though since its a public restroom anyway I had to go really bad one day and who comes in ?............she does of course and I tried to wait it out till she was finished but by this time my bladder was screaming at me.I was doing the pee pee dance and I knew I wasn't going to make it across the parking lot to another building so I had to go. I gotta tell you I held my breathe as soon as I walked in the bathroom and tried to hold it till I was finished urinating but I couldn't hold it and had to breathe through mid stream. I took a breath and good lord!! it just overwhelmed me to the point of nausea I'm thinking to myself lord have mercy woman what in the HELL did YOU EAT?!!You never seen a person clear out of a bathroom so fast. This woman does this 2 or 3 times a week when school is in session she parks her bus and walks over to our building and there are other building before you get to ours go figure?