Can You Love two guy with a different personalities in a same time?

September 23, 2009 11:14pm CST
Does this thing happen to you that you love two guys in the same time with different personalities? It happened to me once and I feel guilty because I can't determine my true feelings towards each guy whom I think i've love.
3 responses
@Melbee11 (230)
• United States
26 Sep 09
I could love two guys that do have different personalities. It's just hard to spend time with both of them. It's like they always want you to be with them 24/7. I couldn't keep both relationships. I am myself a honest person so I told them the truth. They hated me afterwards. Like I cared. XD
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
Really? I think its very complicated and they might not trust you in the end if you tell them the whole story. I think you aren't in love because you don't care.
• Nigeria
25 Sep 09
Hi, I am very happy for your statement,"each guy whom you think you love". In my own simple definition, "love is joy and happiness, a certain kind of sharing that holds two hearts together in tenderness and caring." You can never love two people at the same time. Infact, the true unconditional love is unsharable. When you think you love someone and you still see another person you have passion for, then you do not have true love for that person you think you love. How old are you? Do you really think you are in love? WHat are those things you think you need in your desired guy? These are questions you must have sincere answers to, if not, you keep thinking you are in love whereas you are in infatuation. Believe me, I am currently writing a book on relationship entittled "TRUE LIFE STORIES THAT CAN HELP YOUR RELATIONSHIP." You can confide in me for more advise. But presently, I am sorry to say you are not in love with any of the two guys. Lawal Quasim.
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
I got your point. Maybe I'm just valuing too much their attention that's why I was thinking that I am in love with this two guys but there is certain personalities in each guy that I am attractive most for my ideal guy but I'm not in love.
• United States
25 Sep 09
It is totally possibly to love two guys at the same time. I think you love every person in your life differently and it is possible to love two people the same amount but in different ways. I'm sure it's a lot like when you have multiple kids and you love them the same amount but in different ways. I have been in the same situation and it is a really hard decision to make. You really need to think about what kind of relationship you want and who will provide what you need in your life. Try to figure out which guy will help make you a better person in the long run.
• Philippines
25 Sep 09
Thanks.. I supposed to do that but maybe I can't decide well because I am still confuse..Thanks for a piece of your advice.