Cheating Mylot Members

United States
September 23, 2009 11:53pm CST
OK, another cliche type topic coming from me-one who seems to be complaining about random things lately and I'm sorry for that. But I have seen some rants lately as posts, so here is mine. I try to start several new topics a day to generate traffic to my forums. Of course, many go unpassed, and some get high traffic, and literally some become one of "today's top discussions" in a matter of minutes. (I love when that happens, as I am sure anyone who spits out a good, active topic does.) However, my complaint: I have seen cheaters on Mylot! They have to be cheating. Just today alone, I have seen 2 of my topics stolen, although given a new title, within about 5 minutes of me posting them, and they were under the same interest as I list them. The title was similar enough to mine that it caught my attention, and that just outrages me! I realize that sometimes we are "hard up" for ideas to start new topics, but seriously, isn't it against the rules to do that? I have read the rules once a while back, and it does say to search for the topic before creating one, just to ensure that the topic hasn't all ready been started. I can see if a topic has been duplicated and the last one created that was similar was 2 years ago, where it has been hidden in the archives for just as long. But 5 minutes?? Cheaters suck. And that's all I have to say about that.
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18 responses
@patofgold23 (5069)
• Philippines
24 Sep 09
my experience is woooorssssee.... i cam accross a discussion and saw a new mylot member promoting his blog to others... inviting them to view his site for great money-making opportunities... so i did check his site too... and TO MY SURPRISE ---------- HE COPIED MY BLOG!!!!!! HE COPIED ABOUT 5 OF MY POSTS INCLUDING THE TITLES !!! HE CHANGED THE TITLE OF HIS BLOG OF COURSE TO MAKE IT LOOK HE CREATED IT... (it was created about a month ago) he even copied my TYPO ERRORS!!!! YIKES..... well... i had a post there taching others how to start their own blog.. I guess he followed it and decided to copy my posts too..........
@voldrox (7191)
• India
24 Sep 09
Copying your blogs! well now that would make anyone sick! this is too much, i am sure you must have put in a lot of effort in your blogs and he just copied it all, tolerating that must be very difficult i guess... these are real cheaters!
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
24 Sep 09
'i'm sure he copied my referral links too...' ROFLMAO
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• Philippines
24 Sep 09
lolz........... you have no idea how I looked like when i saw the site.. my mouth just dropped... I recognise each word in there... he did not change a thing... how i typed it... my smileys were still there ( my personal comments) grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
@dmrone (746)
• United States
24 Sep 09
Hi princess! I have noticed several discussions with the almost exact title started within minutes lately. I think it does not say much for the cheaters ability to think for themselves. I have a hard time coming up with my own ideas, but i don't cheat and steal someone else's. I don't have that many discussions because i want my own ideas not anyone else's. It also makes it hard to find discussions that are worthwhile. Why people do this i don't understand, but maybe with the advice you have been given on alerting mylot it will change. Good Luck, and happy mylotting!
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@balasri (26537)
• India
24 Sep 09
I have come across this situation many times.The recent one is my discussion about mothers food.Some one has come out with the same subject placing the changing the pattern of the words.I think that it is unavoidable in this crowded place where you come across people of all hues and colors. But I just cannot deny the fact that it we get offended with the fact that some great responses due to us are going to a cheat.
• United States
24 Sep 09
Yes, one of the subjects that appeared after mine got more traffic then mine, and that is ultimately what tipped me off. I am not jealous of users that gain higher traffic, because I have had some great discussions that have warded enough traffic to keep me busy for hours on the one topic-but I posted mine first and then they posted it almost exactly, and they get 10 hits while I get 2. I will definitely be on the lookout for cheating and report them when necessary.
@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
24 Sep 09
if they aren't stealing your words, and they are giving it a different spin then it really isn't cheating, if they are stealing your words - report them
• United States
24 Sep 09
Well, I think it is cheating because they have recreated teh same topic in a very short amount of time, which in the rules, it states they are supposed to search for the topic before creating one. But it isn't only my posts I have seen duplicated-I saw a few yesterday that were along the exact same lines of another as well, worded differently, and I only responded to one of them. I thought "Well, that's weird I just saw this topic all ready a little while ago." Then I see it happen again, and then I see happen to me, not once, but twice! I am sure this has happened many times before but this is the first time that I actually saw so much of it in one day. Now I have to pay attention to see if this really is coincidence or if I can see specific users doing this over and over again.
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@ElicBxn (63831)
• United States
24 Sep 09
I thought about it after I read your post... are you creating whole new topics, because mylot recommends you pick topics that will show up in as many people's interests as possible.
• Malaysia
24 Sep 09
Yep, cheaters have no place in here! They should be banned and blacklisted in myLot! A few days ago, I have started a discussion on users who copy and paste other people's comments, and now stealing topics! Sorry to hear about that. They really do not deserve anything. It is just so unfair. I wonder how we can stop this besides reporting them... hmmm...
• Philippines
24 Sep 09
hello princess, that's what i hate the most, people who have guts to be plagiarist and get's away with it. there was a mylot user from China which on of the users caught him stealing her worked. and it was even stated in his tags like copied discussion. too bad for him because he has reached more than seven hundred post. we reported him and his account was gone..
• United States
24 Sep 09
Patofgold, did you act on this at all, considering it was clearly your work, seeing your own "errors" in something he claimed to be his own? What happened, if anything, or did you just write it off?
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• Philippines
24 Sep 09
Copying the typos is his karma. We can't help it cause karma is already digital. Those cheaters have to learn their lessons but in a good way.
• Philippines
24 Sep 09
my experience is woooorssssee.... i cam accross a discussion and saw a new mylot member promoting his blog to others... inviting them to view his site for great money-making opportunities... so i did check his site too... and TO MY SURPRISE ---------- HE COPIED MY BLOG!!!!!! HE COPIED ABOUT 5 OF MY POSTS INCLUDING THE TITLES !!! HE CHANGED THE TITLE OF HIS BLOG OF COURSE TO MAKE IT LOOK HE CREATED IT... (it was created about a month ago) he even copied my TYPO ERRORS!!!! YIKES..... well... i had a post there taching others how to start their own blog.. I guess he followed it and decided to copy my posts too..........
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Sep 09
hiprincess yes if people are actually cheating you can report the offender but as for topics though there are many a lot of us' don't copy anyone else's discussion but we may have made a' discussion on a facet of the topic. I mean that if you make a discussion on teachers not getting decent wages, and I make a discussion on how my child's teacher did not listen to his complaint, I am not at all cheating. we both used something about teachers in our discussions but don't go throwing me to the admins because I made a discussion about my child and his teacher, this is not copying at all. I do this often and if I had broken any rule mylot admins would have let me know. Just to set you straight here.
@liquorice (3887)
25 Sep 09
Yes, I've seen this happen lots, and it's very annoying! I'm sure that the people doing it are well aware that they probably shouldn't, and it's just a quick way of getting traffic without having to think, and having to be too creative about the discussion post. It's obviously very unfair on the person who wrote the original discussion post. I know you've probably done it already, but this is indeed cheating, and cheats need to be reported.
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
24 Sep 09
It's absolutely cheating. My guess is it's done by people who are just trying to earn extra pennies, people who think they're going to generate some huge income on here. Just report them and forget about them - people like that don't stick around once they realize how much work it is to earn 'big' money.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
24 Sep 09
Hi princess07031980! I'm glad you started this discussion. It will be good for those who are cheating and probably don't realize it. I have noticed that several have started discussions that are similar or pretty much the same as discussions I started a while back. I don't like this at all. Yes, I'm aware that there are some who might be cheating on purpose and just don't care. However, there might be some, like me for example, who tend to forget to check the discussions to see if they've already been started. Yes, it's against the rules to start discussions that have already been started. Kathy.
• United States
24 Sep 09
Well, like most people I am sure, if they actually do check for a similar topic and there has been one posted, but a long time ago, then they may as well go ahead and start the new one, especially if it was started long ago by a member who is now inactive. Why bother writing on a forum that you will most likley never get feedback from? So go ahead and start the similar discussion, I would guess. But seriously, I write mine, I post mine, and 5 minutes later, there is one almost identical to mine. Coincidence? Maybe. Or maybe someone stole my idea-not fair. Again--Cheaters suck!!
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
25 Sep 09
Hi princess07031980. I do understand how you feel. I had the same experience wherein I had one topic which I posted days before and I saw it again posted by another member. I was surprised when I saw it but I just took everything in stride. I just let it be. I guess it is something that we cannot control. Some people are really at the habit of taking someone else's topic or idea. Have a great day!!! Be cool!!!
• United States
24 Sep 09
I can understand why you are angry. I search for topics before I post a discussion, and I try not to duplicate anyone. However, I had at least one discussion that was similar to one that someone else started, and they were both started within minutes of each other. I know that it takes me a while to type a discussion and get it to sound the way I want it to, so I would imagine that others are the same way. The fact that they were within minutes of each other suggests to me that it might be a hot topic that interested both of you, so you were both typing the discussion at the same time and you just submitted yours before the other person. That is what happened when another member and I posted discussions on the same topic. If the other member's discussion was too similar to yours, though, then I guess they could have just copied it from your discussion and reworded it a little. I hope that is not the case, however, and it was just a matter of "great minds think alike".
@grey26 (253)
• Philippines
24 Sep 09
HI ,you cAN REPort it to our admin. You cAN prove it by viewing the time it is posted. I think the cheaters, scamMers should be bAnNed in mylot. Then they cANnot muTlipy lol, encourage people to go cheating .
• Malaysia
24 Sep 09
I haven't meet any cases like that but i can understand how you feel about that.Plagiarism is a serious offense in writing,you took the time to think and write a discussion and someone else just simply copy your idea and claim as its own.According to mylot rules and regulations,user can't write any similar topic to another discussion.So,the best way is report them by press ! and wait for the moderator to delete his post. Thumb down for the cheaters,report them for justice :)
• India
24 Sep 09
Well there had been several cases that relate quite well with yours, and this is specially due to the ability to copy and paste while posting something, that mylot gave us. Also to check on the misuse of this, mylot has created a report abuse button below every post and so one can report to mylot if they feel that the person has cheated or used abusive language in their topic or have created an offensive topic. So I very well keep in mind and never hesitate while using the report abuse button. That helps Mylot Keep a check on the cheaters. Take Care
@daliaj (5674)
• India
24 Sep 09
I have also seen my topics are repeated many times, but there will be a small change in the heading. But, sometimes it happens by mistake. I am lazy to searach for a topic all the time before starting a discussion. I have repeated two of the discussions in my whole stay with mylot. I have created more than 590 discussions.
@voldrox (7191)
• India
24 Sep 09
Hi princess I understand. . . it has happened with me as well, someone happened to steal my idea after 2 weeks i guess, i din get angry though coz it was 2 weeks later he started but he got more responses to it then i did, that was what concerned me . . . well but in your case the person started the discussion soon after you posted it! now that will make anyone angry. . . i haven't started any discussions lately, i guess now is the time. . . the worst part with cheating is that some people who could have given their response to you, instead give to the other person who started a similar discussion... now that really sucks big time i know... they should realize they shouldn't be something like this and yeah it is against the guidelines as well... take care princess.
@gmatthews (154)
• United States
24 Sep 09
That's crappy. There are some people in this world that are just scammers and they do not care about others. In the long run, all that matters is you know who you are and they will have to answer for the crappy things they do eventually.