E-mail from teacher

United States
September 24, 2009 6:29am CST
It's a well known fact that my oldest child isn't exactly the greatest student. He's not dumb at all, but he struggles to maintain an average grade, mostly because he doesn't care and doesn't try hard enough. Every year, usually towards the middle and end of the school year, I do start to get calls from the teachers about his behavior. He gets to a point where he stops turning in work, and starts becoming a distraction in class. So I was not exactly shocked, but certainly concerned when I opened my e-mail yesterday and saw a note from one of his teachers, the subject line was my son's name and the date. My first thought is "Great, what did he do now?" I get to the e-mail, open it up, and begin to read. "Thank you for attending our open house. This note is to inform you that (son's name) is currently up to date on all his homework and has scored 100 on his first quiz." Phew!! Talk about a sigh of relief there! Has your child's teacher ever e-mailed or called you just to say your child is doing well in class?
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20 responses
@pillusch (1147)
• Mexico
24 Sep 09
No, it has never happened to me, but I congratulate you. What happens on the whole is that I am so used to getting calls or generally bad news from my boy's teachers, I'd probably fall of my chair if I'd get an email like that. But it should happen more often, shouldn't it? I mean the teachers themselves are so conditioned that it, on the whole, wouldn't occur to them to get in touch with the parents to give them some good news. I think the teacher who sent you the mail is a pretty smart teacher.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
24 Sep 09
wow. that is just wonderful. yes, it seems the smartest kids dont do much in school. they get bored. my oldest (all are grown now,hes 45yrs) used to goof off all the time. then in 5th grade the teacher called me, (no email back then) and said he was really just bored. he had scored the highest in IQ tests and i needed to consider skipping him a couple of grades so, thats what i got, a call.
• United States
24 Sep 09
I wish I had that problem. My son is smarter than he lets on, but he's not so smart that he's bored!! He struggles to achieve average grades!! He was tested in preschool for Learning Disability, but they say he's only borderline which doesn't get special help. Until his grades suffer the school won't help him at all, and he does enough so that his grades don't suffer, but it's hard on all of us to keep his grades at that point. Don't get me started! I wish they'd make this stuff easier on us.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
24 Sep 09
Did you know that my second son has learning disabilities? My husband use to say that this son had common sense and that common sense was a very uncommon thing to have. he is average and if her worked harder then he would be better than average. It does not sound as if he has any learning problems now to stop him from doing better. I know that you are behind him in his dreams and this will help him to achieve.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
24 Sep 09
the first week of school I email all of the teachers. I let them know that I am open to communication and would like to know what is happening with my child. I got an email from her choir teacher two days ago that she was texting in class. The teacher took the phone for the class period. Then when she got home, she lost it for the night. This is very tragic to a 15 year old girl! I like the teachers to communicate with me. I have also received emails saying she is doing well. Not this year yet, but she had better! :)
• United States
24 Sep 09
That's part of the reason I don't agree with kids having cell phones, they aren't responsible enough to know when to use it and when not to. Then again, most adults aren't responsible enough either. I'm just against cell phones completely. Sure they're great for emergency type situations, but NOBODY uses them in emergencies only. Everytime I leave the house I see someone somewhere with the dang phone stuck to their ear! I guess I'm old fashioned and would rather have conversations in the privacy of my home and not while I'm out in public where my attention should be on other things.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
24 Sep 09
I have gotten a call from one of Jeremy's teachers before telling me what a great job he was doing in class and that she really enjoyed having him in her class. I was shocked really because up until then his teachers only called me when they had something negative to say about him and his behavior.
• United States
24 Sep 09
I got so many calls last year from Javy's teachers that one of them decided it was really important to start saying positive things when she called as well as negative things. "He hasn't turned in homework for a week, but he really is a great kid and loves to help" As if that were going to lessen his punishment, lol.
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
24 Sep 09
When do school start in Teneesee? Schools start here around August. In any case, we don't have children yet but In highschool some of my teachers would email progress reports to me and to my grandfather, it was courtesy I guess. Lol. I thought it was awesome that I could check my email to see the progress report, and my grandfather could to!
• United States
24 Sep 09
I don't know when schools start in Tenessee, I live in NY. We started beginning of September, so we're still less than a month into it.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
4 Oct 09
Lol either I posted it on the wrong discussion or it didn't go through... I noticed right after I responded, I go, wait She isn't in Tennessee! I was responding to JeninTn at the time as well! Sorry about that!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
24 Sep 09
This is wonderful news for you and I am sure that your praise will motivate him to attend more in class. regrettably, students who are not doing well are often the clowns in class getting attention by making others laugh. If a child is not motivated the it is important to keep everyone in the loop. I am sure that you appreciated that email. He has now made the tun to progress. My kids were in the before email group so it was always face to face discussions with their teachers. As a teacher what I used to do was visit every home of my student's and speak to their parents. I did this in the first 2 weeks after school reopened. Boy, my respect for he children and parents increased so much when I saw how neat they sent their children out daily in fresh uniforms and sometimes they did not have running water or electricity. I raised hell until they council agrees to keep the library open until 7 pm so that he children could do their homework and study in peaceful surroundings as well as access to books. There was no Internet widely available then. Well, I must stop reminiscing. You must be so proud of him.
• United States
24 Sep 09
Our schools do a curriculum night in the beginning of the year, where the parents go, meet the teacher, and the teacher tells us what our student will be learning that year. The teacher also tells us their class rules, grading policy, homework policy, a bit about their teaching methods, things like that. Then in a few months we do a parent/teacher conference where the teacher tells us specifically how the student is doing in class. We do a few of those a year.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
24 Sep 09
That is an excellent system. I had to climb hills and jump across rivers and nearly break my neck on tracks that were not meant for humans. It taught me so much about the culture of the people who had nothing but knew that an education would make sure that their child had a chance in the world. I will never forget the courage and resilience that I witnessed. I then campaigned for a breakfast programme so each child could get a hot drink and some food every morning. No wonder my son is trying to do you know what. He lived it all of his life with his father and mother as pioneers for social and political justice
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
25 Sep 09
Hey that was good news though. Maybe things are going to be a little different this year? But no my little sisters teacher has never contacted my mom or me since I am also a contact or second in command...but it would be nice to get one so I know what I can do to help her with her work since she is here at my house several times a week and we can go over her weak points to help her get ahead instead of lagging behind.
• United States
30 Sep 09
i didnt know teachers even emailed parents about stuff like that
• China
25 Sep 09
Your son begin to toward the right direction,he will be better and better,Congratulations!
@yoyozhou (356)
• China
25 Sep 09
I think maybe you could praise your little boy and encourage him to work hard.Sometimes encouragement is more helpful to make child work hard.
@zspsql (28)
• United States
25 Sep 09
i think the purpose of teachers' e-mailing or calling is to help educate our child. so whether praise or criticism is all natural. we should not be afraid of finding or facing our child's weakness. only can we find the problem ,we are able to help our children improve their own.
• United States
25 Sep 09
No, you never hear from teachers when things are going well. I wish that you would. Then you wouldn't feel as awful when your child does stray. Sadly, once your child start acting up they carry that reputation with them forever. The teachers don't even try to understand where the child is coming from anymore. It's like he's got a label across his forehead that says 'Problem Child' so nothing he says can be truthful or relevant. Nothing unfair can happen to me. He is automatically the source of all problems.
@sasalove (1709)
• China
25 Sep 09
Here I am sure that the teachers will not e-mail to the parents, only give a call if any special happened. As long as I remembered, our teachers will give a routine visit to home every terms and give a heart-to-heart communication on the kids. Along with the popularity of the cellphone, the communication between parents and teachers are much more frequent than before. And teachers will comment the kids' performance positively or negatively.
• Philippines
25 Sep 09
There is what we call teacher factor. This contributes much to the achievement of the students. Perhaps your son's teacher had done something good enough to motivate your son.Congrats to your son. Hope he continuous to show up. I was a teacher and I talked to my student's parents when there's an improvement in their son's performance.
• Canada
25 Sep 09
I don't have kids, but as a kid, I had a French teacher who used to call my parents to let them know how I was doing. He's set up meetings with both of them sometimes, because he knew they lived in different locations. The first time this happened my father was ready to wring my neck, until we got to the class, and he realized what the meeting was really for. LOL
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
24 Sep 09
So far I haven't gotten any bad reports or good reports from teachers. I wish I would at least get a good report every so often. My oldest I don't think I'll get any bad reports on. She is too shy to be bad and likes homework too much to get bad grades lol. My middle one just started preschool. She is my stubborn one. I fully expect to start getting bad reports on her at some point. So far in preschool she seems to be doing well and the teachers haven't said anything to me. Maybe she'll do good for them and just keep to being rotten at home lol.
@gemini_rose (16264)
24 Sep 09
I bet it was a lovely surprise for you to receive that email! I reckon he should get a treat for that! I have never had an email from the teacher about anything, up to now my two boys are good in class so I have not had to go in over their behaviour and they are middle of the road with their work.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Sep 09
Well that's great, I only get e-mails when there are problems. And the problems usually center around one of the twins, mostly Cary because of the autism. I would love to see an e-mail saying that they're doing great!
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
24 Sep 09
woops sorry! I Was going to answer a discussion by jenintn, but didn't... I don't know why I got the two mixed up! Again sorry!
@daliaj (5674)
• India
24 Sep 09
I am not parent yet, so I don't know many things about kids and their education. It seems your son is doing well and you are his proud mother. I understand that such an email will make any mother feel proud and excited. I just got married a few months ago, not yet planned to have a kid. My hearty congrats.