how does one get into the business of reviewing movies?

@goat6boy (314)
United States
September 24, 2009 4:04pm CST
just how does a person get to become a profetional movie reviewer i love movies and have since i was a kid ive watched every genra atleast once but i mostly like comedys and suspence and some dramas.latley ive been watching more and more movies and it dawned on me i wondered what it would be like if i reviewed movies eather on youtube or in a blog so if anyone can tell me how to break into the business or make things original to get noticed that would be great thanx alot
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4 responses
@elenyae (388)
• Australia
25 Sep 09
Using proper spelling and grammar is probably a good start. I know a lot of movie reviewers on the net start out with personal blogs which just review every movie under the sun and they become heaps popular. Then once they've been noticed by someone big, they get a job like that. But I'd guess that the most effective way would be getting into the journalism career, starting at the bottom and working your way up. Y' everyone else does with their career.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
27 Sep 09
My suggestion would be to submit reviews to sites such as ReviewStream. There you can review anything, not just movies. Annie
• Indonesia
25 Sep 09
I think the most common way is apply to be a columnist in a major media company, whether it is internet based or newspaper. That way, people will take notice of your writings. Maybe before applying those jobs you have already got an experience in writing credible reviews, starting from blogs or local/campus newspaper.
@leahsmom (337)
• United States
24 Sep 09
If you find out let me know.