Let your children sleep over at their friend's house
By clorissa123
@clorissa123 (4926)
United States
September 26, 2009 12:36pm CST
Would you let your children sleep over at his/her friend's house? Sometimes, as parent, we were so worry about their safety, and you never knew what they do, once they were out of your sight. They might do some crazy stuff. Yesterday, my niece slept over at her friend's house after the football game. Althouh she got her mom's permission, she must under the condition of call her after 11:00 P.M. After 11:00 P.M. she didn't call, and her mom worried sick, so I made the call for her. She claimed that she forgot, and her mom give her one strike, and warn her never do it again. I understand how every parent felt toward their children when they were not home at night. Would you let them sleep over on somebody else house?
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19 responses
@irisspeedy3xc (64)
• United States
26 Sep 09
simple nope! I am ver over protected, and yes i know sometimes i have to let them go but when i know that they will do the right thing and i know i done my job well to teach them what is right. but as long as they still under my rules, and i know that teenagers are vulnerable with peer pressure, i wont let them sleep over some other people house. they can hate me for one day, but they will get over it.
@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
27 Sep 09
I would agreew with you at this point. And I definitely won't let my children go over someone else house to spend overnight. You never knew what is going on, and what gonna happen at that night. Better let your children hate you momentarily than sorry right?
@irisspeedy3xc (64)
• United States
27 Sep 09
yeah, thats right and when they will have they own childrem, they will understand, i remember when i got really mad at my mother, because she told she didnt care if jesus christ was there she still wouldnt let me. is our job to protect them and we know how the world is, because we being there already and they havent.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
26 Sep 09
Back when my children were young they both went to and had sleepovers at our house. All my children had a circle of friends that i knew not only the friend but their parents. and the only time they went was when i knew i could trust the parents of the kids house they were staying at. and i kept in contact with the parents through the evening just to make sure.
@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
27 Sep 09
Well, it is reliable when you knew that your children spending time with his/her friends family to whom you are familiar with. What if your children want to spend overnight at someone else house, whom you have no idea, or never met before? Would you totally reject that idea of sleepover?
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
27 Sep 09
I would not totally reject it, but i would go and speak to the parents, and make sure i had the phone number where i could reach them, and that they had a number of where they could reach me. and i would check on my child a few times during the evening to make sure they were where they say they are.
@writermom8 (913)
• Philippines
26 Sep 09
Funny to encounter this discussion just when my 10 year old told me the other day that he's been invited to sleep over at a friend's house. I told him not yet because I haven't even met his friend's parents yet and I don't know where the house is.
My kids often spend the night at their cousin's house though. I let them because I know they would be taken cared of well by my sister in law.
But with other houses, I require that I know who the kid's parents are first and if I'll feel comfortable leaving my kid with them for the night.
@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
27 Sep 09
I agree with you, and I won't risk the chance to let my children to go over someone's house I barely know. My children might not know what is danger; they only knew that they want to have fun rather than concern about safety. I would rather lock them up.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
28 Sep 09
I think sleep overs are good for children. It gives them a chance to practice being away from mommy and daddy. When I was a teenager, a friend and I went to a church camp. It was either a week or two weeks long; I don't remember which. Anyway, the other girl cried nearly every night. She was 14 years old and had never been away from her mother for a whole night. I let my children stay overnight with friends as soon as they were old enough ask. Of course, this would be only with a family with whom we were well acquainted and trusted. I also made sure that the arrangement was satisfactory with the parents, and that they would be there to supervise.
Perhaps there are more things to worry about now. It was 1948 when the girl cried because she had never been away from her mother, and it was about 1966 when I started letting my children attend sleep overs at the house of friends.
@Wynters_mama (109)
• United States
27 Sep 09
When I was in my moms house I was allowed to stay at friends houses, but my twin was not allowed becouse of the fact that I made sure I called at least 2 while I was there and my sister woul never call my mom. It worried my mom alot so she would not allow my sister to stay at friends houses. But we where not allowed to stay at friends houses until we where like 14 cuz my mom is very protctive of us. I have a 2 year old daugter and the only place that she has stayed with out me is her granma;s house becouse I do not like her being out of my sight, I guess you could say I am protective sence I will not let her stay at friends houses until she is like 16. The only way she will be allowed to staqy at a friends before that age is if I have known the parents for a long time so I know how they raise there kids and know that my dughter will be raised about the same. I will be very protective.
@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
27 Sep 09
There is nothing wrong to be protective, and as parents, We felt like we have the responsibility to protect our children. And we want to do the best job we can to keep them safe, rather than fall into the hand of dangerous people. So, not letting them go until they can take care of themselves is a good idea.
@forestgold (792)
30 Sep 09
We are not keen on letting our daughter sleep out at friends, so in general we say no.
She has a best friend, two doors away, and we let her sleep there, for her friemds birthday, but only because we trust, and know the family well.
Otherwise, no, we are not keen, i like to know she is in her own bed at night, safe and sound.
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
27 Sep 09
hello clorissa123,
maybe yes but that depends on the situation. just like now that our eldest is in college already. there are times that they need to do group projects and usually they do it night time. i'd rather prefer him not to go home anymore and better if he sleeps with his groupmates rather than letting him come home and ride a taxi by himself alone. for me, he is safer to sleep their. more so if the house of their groupmates is far.
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
27 Sep 09
as i write this my 16 year old spent last nite at her friends but before i let my girls spend the nite at thier friends i have to talk to the parents cause I
am a worry wart when it comes to them
@alleroid16 (943)
• Philippines
27 Sep 09
well,me as a kid. the parents should also let their children do whatever they want to do. but there should be a limitation. like what mother do, i know when my parents will let me do whatever i want to do, like sleeping over at my friends house or hanging out wth my friend and go home late. well, it still depends on the parents itself, if they think that they can trust their child to go everywhere they want, then let the children go. but if they don't trust or they doubt to their children then they should have limitation.
well, me as a kid i don't want my parents will say NO to everything i want to do. i think i'm old enough to know what is best and right for me. but in some times, i need their advices but not their opinion.
@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
27 Sep 09
Hello Clorissa,
I can see nowadays children like to play around with their school friends and get to start a trend to sleep over at friend's house. In fact, it is a good way for them to expose more if the family of the friend is from a good family with responsive parents. I will let my children sleep over at their friends' house if my kids are well behave at home and I trusted them can do so in others place too. Why not give them a try.
@GaryJoule (211)
• China
27 Sep 09
Let your children sleep outside is just inviting troubles. Nobody likes troubles.
@lilhyppo (47)
• Malaysia
27 Sep 09
I think I will be ok with it. With conditions of course. There must be a parent around in case of emergency. I must know where the place is. And to make sure she calls at a time I have asked her to. We as parents tend to over-freak out when kids do stuffs. It's really a matter of communication between parents and kids. But we need to let them grow at their own pace... joining friends for sleepovers and parties is part of their life too.
@Henri_Clemens (47)
• Canada
27 Sep 09
Personally, i think parents get too overprotective. its understandable you would be worried about your child staying at someone elses home but as long as you can contact them and you know where they are it shouldn't be a problem. also, when you start to restrict your kid from normal activities they lose trust and respect for your wishes.
@darni2009 (65)
• China
27 Sep 09
All parents are worried about their children.I don't have a child.But if I'm a parent of a child.I will let it sleep in his friends house at certain conditions.1)He(she) is old enough,like more than 16 years old.2)His friends must be reliable.3)He is the child that I'm relived to let he sleep outside.
@coolcat123 (4387)
• India
26 Sep 09
I can never let my child sleep over any friends house as this is not the way to do so in our community or society.We are not so bold enough to let our kids sleep in any other place other than his own house.
some times it may be possible when there is a marriage party or any big reason for doing so.still i would prevent such things.
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
26 Sep 09
the closest my son has gotten, to staying at a friends place is over at his grandparents, he stayed at my mums last night and i'll go and get him in a bit. but i'm a bit worried about letting him stay at a friends place cause of his speech problem, it can be hard to understand him at times. thou he came up with a good one the other day, about staying over at my boss's place. cause their girls go to school with him, and are round the same age. that was just a no.
i remember when i was little it didn't bother me about staying over at a friends place.
@taztheone (1721)
• India
27 Sep 09
I really won't have any issue but there are some factors which needs to be considered. My relation with that family matters first; if I know that family well, then first condition will be ok. Second will be the age. If my child is not old enough, then I won't prefer sending him/her any where. The third one would be id it's a boy or a girl because the tension will be more with girls & as far as boys are concerned, I won' have that much problem. So depending on all these I can send my child to his/ her friends house, but there will be some tension in my mind anyways.
Happy Lotting

@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
26 Sep 09
Hi clorissa
When my kids was little I would let me stay over at certain friends house. Before that took place I would call the parents and make sure that it was okay for them to be there. Then I would take my son to the childs house. That way I knew exactly where he was. I even walked in and met the parents. I would then have him to call me before he went to bed. As they got older it got a little more stricter. Now that I have grandkids I tell them to do a police check on the place they want to go...LOL..I know Im a too big of a worry nut with the grandkids..
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
26 Sep 09
My daughter is now six years old and she has began to express a desire to spend the night at her friend's house. She actually tried to spend the night at her friend Atlanta's house during the summer, but it didn't last for the entire night. She stayed there until about midnight and then they called me and told me that Kathryn wanted to come home. Luckily, their house is just a few houses up the street from ours and I don't have to worry too much because I can see their house from our front porch and their father is a pretty good parent. He always tries to include the neighborhood children in family activities and does a wonderful job with his children as a single parent.