bored into submission
bored to death
do anything just to make it stop
shut up
talk to damn much
talk too much
Is he trying to BORE us into submission?
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
United States
September 26, 2009 10:20pm CST
Is the new method for wearing down the opposition to BORE them into submission?
Endless speeches, sometimes several in one day, media junkets, talkshow circuits, more speeches, youtube videos, televised conferences, national addresses, hours and hours and hours of television interrupted to show more and more speeches - how can he govern at all while he's so busy TALKING?
Do you know that happens when something gets overexposed? People lose interest. Especially if that overexposure consists of lengthy monotone monologues which essentially say the same thing over and over and chock full of stammering errs umms and uhhs.
This is not a great orator, it is barely even a good teleprompter reader and it is getting excruciating to see the non-stop blathering on every channel all the time. Obama is a media wh0re and the networks and cable outlets are the pimps, even Fox is guilty of it!
Evidently, I am alone in this opinion. Here is a great quote from terrific article on the subject:
[b]No one cares.
Your incessant chatter, endless rhetoric, nonstop nattering, constant conversing, and limitless lecturing has become so predictable and pedantic that well… we’re mostly ignoring it.
What you don’t seem to understand, but which astute observers know all too well, is that you’re a one trick pony and that no one really cares very much what you have to say. Frankly, you’re boring us. [/b]
Americans are not exactly known for having long attention spans or much tolerance for repetition and redundancy. Do you think the president and his handlers are hurting him by using up all his "bully pulpit capital"? Or do you think perhaps the object of the exercise in tedium is to bore us into obliviousness in the hopes that we don't notice what he plans to do to our country?
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2 responses
@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
27 Sep 09
You know my position on Obama so I won't go there. What concerns me is that it is not the President who is preventing change, it is the American people. For good or bad, we need to allow change to occur and stop fighting it.
I did catch a commercial yesterday that used a clip of the President speaking on the hunger crisis in America. I have to say, it's about time Americans started listening to that message. As an American who has and is facing a very difficult time that means not having enough milk to give my babies, I feel it's time Americans get off their high horse and start working for the better and stop delaying the changes necessary.
Have a wonderful weekend hun. Namaste-Anora
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@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
28 Sep 09
Have you been on WIC recently? WIC recently cut back on what they give to families so you run out of formula, milk, eggs, and milk before the end of the month. It helps, but it is not by far enough! Food stamps only allows a family of 4 to make a gross income of 27,500. My family of four makes slightly over that so we do not qualify, but after paying out the nose for healthcare and taxes we have less then that! So where do I get off telling Americans to get off their high horses? That's where. I have watched so many people come to Mylot to write on how they hate Obama, and seen people who did not understand what he proposes say we should just kick him out.
I have to shake my head every time I see a political thread on Mylot because the people speaking are completely ignorant on what the government is trying to do. I hear and see American's going off at the mouth and making themselves sound foolish. Perhaps friends who have left this country are right to go because right now I'm ashamed to be related to you and other Americans who are ignorant enough to stop the necessary progress needed. And the statement about WIC is proof that you are very ignorant on the real life workings outside of your hidy hole online.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
28 Sep 09
I can't just accept the "change" Obama wnats to do becasue I feel that "change" will destroy this country. I too am poor and have to struggle to feed my family, but I don't see anything Obama is doing that will help that and I se plenty that will HURT. When Cap & Trade becomes law, it is estimated (by a non-partisan entity) that the average family will have to pay $3000 MORE a year for electricity. I don't have three thousand dollars to spare, do you? Guess where that money will come from? MY FOOD BUDGET! Higher utility rates means LESS food for my family. Obama himself said that Cap and Trade will cause utility prices to "Necessarily skyrocket". When the operating costs of business get even higher than they already are do you know what they will do? Cut employees, cut benefits, and raise prices for their products. Will that change help us? I don't think so. Will gas prices rising higher than we have ever seen them before help the average family? Considering the fact that MOST families drive much older used cars and can't afford a hybrid, again I say no, I don't think it will help but I DO think it will hurt! When we start getting fines of up to $1900 if we don't BUY health insurance how is that going to help people who are struggling and can't afford anything but the basic necessities to scratch out an existence? When they can't afford the fine, they will be fined TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS or face a YEAR in PRISON! Do you think that's going to help? Mothers and fathers taken away from their kids and put out of work to serve prison time or fork over more than they make in a year to the government does not seem particularly helpful to me!
Neither does alienating the countries who have always supported America in favor of kowtowing and capitulating to dictatorial regimes who hate us seem particularly helpful to me, it seems DANGEROUS.
It is not the duty of Americans to lay back and accept whatever our elected officials choose to do to us. It is every citizens duty to scrutinize what the elected officials are doing while they get paid from our taxes and ensure that they don't destroy the country.
When Bush went to Iraq, did you think Americans should just lay back say nothing and allow that "change" to happen unchallenged? Because I saw a lot of people who would not agree with you on that one.
I'm not on any high horse and I don't blame Dana for taking offense at what seems to be a condescending statement.
I am aware that WIC doesn't go very far, been on it myself only to discover that the free food cost me more in gas money to get than it saved me on my grocery bill. (But is was a lifesaver when the babies were on formula). WIC is not intended to last the whole month, the signs in their office say it is a "hand up not a handout", people are still expected to figure out how to get by, WIC is intended to help, not cure your monetary issues.
If you are not an illegal alien, it is very difficult to get foodstamps, at least in my state. IF you claim to speak no English, all they do is make you sign your name and you get it. If you are a hardworking person, you do not qualify. Even if you have worked all your life and have fallen on hard times, they often will deny you.
If the Obama administratiuon and the rest of the people running this country REALLY wanted to help average American families they would:
work to lower utility and gas prices, which would help businesses keep prices from going up too high and employ more people at better wages
raise the income threshold for foodstamps and financial assistance to needy families (they could cover the additional cost by booting illegals off the welfare rolls and make it a program only for people who are actually here legally and also kick fraudulent recipients off the rolls
Instead of forcing a healthcare bill on the populace that will RAISE costs while lowering quality and FORCING people to BUY something they can't afford or face fines and prison (which they also can't afford) leave it as it is NOW but raise the income threshold for obtaining medicaid so the 40 million or so who have nothing can get it if they need it. THAT would cost a lot less to the government, businesses and families than the current insanity they are trying to ram down our throats and it could be done right away instead of making everyone wait till 2013 the way the CURRENT insanity being proposed will do.
I am no on a high horse, I am on the ground about to get stomped on by a totalitarian regime which has FA overstepped its bounds.
I will fight to my last breath he type of change I see being thrust on the backs of the American people because I think the change being pushed is dangerous to our future and I love my kids too much to let my country be destroyed while keeping my mouth shut.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
28 Sep 09
Hey Dana, what do you think of my ideas posted above as an alternative to the plan currently being pushed? I think it would be fairly easy to cover that relatively small amount of people who cannot currently GET coverage through other means and it would not screw things up for everybody else (like the dems nightmare legislation would) and would cost many billions less than what is currently being proposed. Do you think my ideas have any merit?

@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
28 Sep 09
YESSSS! Make it stoooop Mommy!
Cheeze whiz! I can't even watch the danged news any more--& me a news junkie! I'm jonesin' for a fix, but every blessed time I turn on the tube, & a lot of the times it's not even a news channel!--there he is, blathering on & ON & endlessly on.
Ye gods & little fishes--& I thought Clinton's first speech at the Dem's National Convention was a yawner, holy cow, Batman--hellllp! Get 'im OFF!!!!!

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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
28 Sep 09
[b]Hear, hear! I've been thinking of writing them & letting them know how it's affecting my viewing of their channel. I guess it's time!
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
28 Sep 09
Tell me about it, and it's contagious too, Fox is fast becoming an all Obama all the time network, interrupting their programming every single time the guy opens his mouth, sometimes several times a day! The cut into Beck on Friday, a special show with mothers in the audience that I wanted to see and spent 45 minutes of the one hour show airing Obama instead of Beck and then talking about it afterwords! I tried watching the Saturday Beck rebroadcast and they cut into it again to show Obama giving YET ANOTHER damned speech! I'm gonna be boycotting Fox soon and cursing them along with the other state run media real soon. 

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