Is Reincarnation an absurd idea?

@Pose123 (21635)
September 27, 2009 1:15am CST
Who do so many people think that the idea of reincarnation is absurd but that which their own religion teaches is perfectly fine, no matter how strange it may sound to another? One idea strikes at the very heart of Christianity and that is that God demands a blood sacrifice in order for sin to be forgiven. Should not that sound absurd? There was no way he would change his mind so he sent his son to die on a cross, now it's okay because his blood will pay for everyone who accepts Jesus as Saviour. Don't you think that might sound absurd to someone who hears it for the first time? Than there is the idea of both Christians and Muslems that God will send millions of good people to hell to be punished for all eternity unless they believe and follow either the Bible or the Koren depending on whether they are Christian or Muslim. Since he didn't tell us which was the right book or give us all a copy, none of us can know for certain who's right and who's wrong, and what about if both are wrong? Christians also believe in the resurrection of the body, so that means you may be dead and buried for a thousand years, yet you will take up the same body! Maybe the thought that reincarnation might be true is not so absurd after all. I'm not against people believing what they want, yet I hear many laugh at the very idea that reincarnation might be true. I know that we can know very little about the spiritual while we are in the physical, but reincarnation is at least as logical as any of the other ideas put forward by religions.
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20 responses
• United States
28 Sep 09
I do not believe in Reincarnation - I have never met anyone that remembers to have lived a previous life...therefore what is the purpose of coming back, when you don't remember what you have to learn from the previous life. "Souls remember nothing whatever of the events that took place in their previous states of existence. For if they were sent forth with the idea, that they should have experience of every kind of action, they must have retained a remembrance of those things that they have previously accomplished, in order to experience those things they have not accomplished, instead of chasing the same pursuits over and over again in vain." Hellenists Doctrine
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
28 Sep 09
Hi Sweetchariot, Thank you for commenting. There are good and valid reasons for not remembering past lives, but nevertheless many people do remember, especially as children but in most cases are ignored or warned not to talk about it. Parents are often scared that their child will be seen and 'different'. Brian L weiss MD, Chairman Emeritus of Mount Sinai of Psychiatry at the medial center in Miami has used past life regression to heal thousands of mentally ill people and trains hundreds of other professionals every year. Of course many still have problems with the idea because our belief systems in the west, for the most part, don't teach reincarnation although it was believed and taught by many of the early church fathers as late as the sixth century. My purpose here however is to show that the idea of reincarnation is no more absurd than some other current beliefs. Blessings
• Malaysia
30 Sep 09
Sweetchariot, Can you remember clearly what you did 10 years ago chronologically? If you do then you can make sweeping statements of the kind you made. What proof have you got to clearly state that Shirley Maclaine fabricated what she said? Can you for sure and with evidence repeat that which you stated. Quote,' Souls remember nothing whatever of the events that took place in their previous states of existence' unquote.
• United States
28 Sep 09
Pose, I understand you reason for posting, but I was trying to justify how absurd the idea of reincarnation is, whereas we have more witnesses to SOME of the other claims that have been a stated in your discussion...although more people refuse to see the reality of those too. We can also say that Past life regression prooves nothing, as that is often regarded as Suggestions that are instilled in a person's mind while under hypnosis. A child's memory of a past life that is held back by a parent, should still remain in that child's memory when he/she becomes an age of understanding on their own. Certainly, there would be some teenagers or young adults that would then speak about it...I can't imagine all of them refusing to acknowledge these memories. If it became public knowledge, Science would be looking into this alot more. Without acknowledging the possibility of a past life, then what purpose would there be for it, if those do not use it as it should be. Followers of the New Age movement often claim that early Christians believed in reincarantion, because Shirley MacLaine (a New Age disciple) recalled that she was taught that "the theory of reincarnations is recorded in the Bible, but the proper interpretatios were struck from it during an ecumenical councile meeting( a meeting with all Christian Faiths) in Constantinope sometime around A.D. 553, called the Council of Nicaea. Historical facts provide no basis for this claim. In fact, there was no Council of Nicaea in A.D. 553, and the Ecumenical Councils actually met in A.D. 325 and A.D. 787. But records from this Counicl show that it, too, did not address the subject of reincarnation, and non of the early councils did, either. Therefore this is complete fabrication from Shirley MacLaine and her followers.
• India
29 Sep 09
I don't quite agree with your idea that good people will be sent to hell unless they believe and follow the Bible. I think it's little different. But coming to your point on reincarnation I would agree that resurrection is as reasonable or unreasonable as reincarnation, if we just listen to the nature of the belief. But if we go further and examine the evidence that supports the belief then I think there could be a difference. We have to apply rigorous testing methods to both reincarnation as well as resurrection. I have not read rigorous explanation that has robust intellectual foundation for reincarnation, whereas I have read such things for resurrection. May be for reincarnation such thing is not there or may be such thing is there and I have not read it. For resurrection I have read much and I would say the evidence is pretty convincing... at least for me.
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• India
3 Oct 09
To my knowledge what many Christians think is that if they are saved through Christ they will be in heaven; and if they are not saved then how much good they might have done then they'll land up in hell. Because ultimately good and bad is defined in term of what God thinks of them, and not on what an individual person thinks of oneself. And God reckons a person good or bad based on whether a person has agreed to accept Jesus as Lord and God, and once the person agrees to accept Jesus as Lord and God then what Jesus has done for the person on the cross gets effected in the person's life and the person is considered to be good/righteous. That's the way I understand about Christians belief. Christians don't believe that following the Bible, as in the sense of doing or not doing as if it is work, will save them or otherwise. For Christians being in heaven or not is through faith in Jesus, not through work. But what do you think is the reason for not believing in resurrection? Changes indeed have been made in the Bible. For example if you read King James Version and New International Version you will notice hundreds of differences. So there is change. But change is required because language changes. But if you look at the content you will see that there is no change or rather the change is minimal. If you are talking about change in the original Bible, then also I would agree. Because there is these few books and then another book would be added and then another later and so on... so the collection of books took years. So in that sense there has been addition and so the change. But if you talk about addition of chapters even then I can still agree. But if you talk about change so that the content is ultimately distorted through copying, then I disagree. Historiographical evidences clearly is against such theory. That's the way I see it.
• India
4 Oct 09
I am amazed at how a Muslim is teaching a Christian what the Bible actually says! My friend, what you do is just proof text. You are making the mistake of reading the Bible like the way you read the Quran. We don't do proof text. I find that mistake being committed by Muslims again and again. Even your apologist like Dr.Zakir Naik makes that mistake. Please learn how Christian do hermeneutics and argue with us, then we shall listen. If you argue with us from your understanding of the Bible by applying your hermeneutics then we do not need to give you proper hearing when you try to debunk what we belief because you have not done enough homework. I belief the God Muslims believe is different from the God we Christian believe. We believe in a God who incarnates, and you don't believe that. And therefore even our hermeneutics differ. I personally won't like to argue against a Muslim on what they belief except for those topics that I have studied well. And my friend, your writing tells me that you have not done the basic biblical hermeneutics.
@Gordano (795)
• United States
7 Oct 09
But dear headhunter, why don't you tell me what is wrong with my understanding of the above mentioned biblical verses ? what do I lack of to be able to understand the bible like you ? Do you think it is the lack of Faith or it is the lack of being under the authority of Priests and clergy all The time ? the lack of being baptized by a Priest, getting my copy of the bible interpreted by a priest, confess to a Priest, getting promised of forgiveness by a priest. any help will be highly appreciated
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
27 Sep 09
Sometimes I think reencarnation might be possible because I usually have a dream where I see myself different but I know that is me. I'm also hanging out with people that I don't even know in the dream.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
28 Sep 09
Hi Mirita, Thank you for commenting and although I've never actually experienced a past life, it seems that deep down I always knew it was true even from earliest childhood when I felt I was supposed to be somewhere else. I kept quiet about it for years except among close friends as I thought I must be different from everyone else to have such thoughts. I've also had dreams which I feel certain dealt with a previous life. Being raised in a Christian household I tried to put such thoughts out of my mind, but they kept coming back. I read the Bible over and over again, checked out different religious beliefs, all to no avail. I was told I must give my life to Christ and have a personal relationship with him and I tried that as well. Nothing worked, so I decided to accept what I knew all along was the truth. We're not going to know it all here, but I feel certain that there is sufficient proof of reincarnation, with all the cases that have been investigated in recent years. Blessings.
@Gordano (795)
• United States
27 Sep 09
Hello Dear Pose, It is you again, this a nice Indeed, I'm so busy now, but I hope to respond later, you asked some questions, which a Book is required to answer them all, since you brought Islam I think I'm invited , I hope to respond later, but this quick response is to send Greetings to you, and to book my place in the first Page Best Regards
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
28 Sep 09
Hi Gordano, Thank you for once again responding to one of my discussions, you are always welcome my friend. I mentioned Islam as well as Christianity because I want it left open to all. I hope people of other religions will respond as well. I will be looking forward to your further comments later. Blessings.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Oct 09
Hi Again Gordano and thanks for commenting again as you had promised. I agree that we should respect the belief of others. I have read that there are some followers of Islam who believe in reincarnation. Do you know if this is true? Blessings.
@shobhan51 (376)
• Malaysia
30 Sep 09
There cannot be smoke without fire. What I'm trying to say is, the very thought of reincarnation could not have materialised unless an individual or a group of people have experienced some form of communication with the spirit or spiritual world. We have also heard from different sources, the world over, from people of all walks of life, creed and religious background of their experiences related directly or indirectly, to reincarnation. Even the resurrection of Christ as you mentioned in your writing, Pose 123, indicates a form of reincarnation. We here in the 21st century are clinging on to both facts and fiction documented centuries before us. Some of us are beginning to question some of those documented, as in the case of the Dan Brown's, 'The Da Vincci Code.' Some bigots criticise what is written while others look at it with skepticism. Yet there are those frantically searching for the truth. I am really interested in the paranormal, like the psychic phenomenon. There are many who laugh it off saying that there is nothing beyond the material world. Yet, I do believe the existence of the spiritual world which is accessible to those who are able to connect with it.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
30 Sep 09
Hi shobhan, Thank you for commenting and we agree on many things. I have lived long enough and seen enough to know that there is something beyond the material word. I have felt for most of my life that reincarnation is a fact, and today there is much proof that it is true. There is much that we don't know and may never know here but there is nothing wrong about having an interest in the paranormal. Blessings.
@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
10 Oct 09
Is reincarnation an absurd idea? Definitely not. In fact, it is highly sensible. Only one life does not make much sense to me. The idea that I have taken lives before and will take lives in the future makes some sense because then there is a wider scope to enjoy life, to learn the lessons of life or experience life. Almost each of the ancient religions had believed in the concept of reincarnation. As for those who scoff at the idea of reincarnation, I have only this much to say. Just because people scoff at an idea does not mean the idea is false. Scoffing only means those particular people are with a closed mind.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
10 Oct 09
Hi Frederick,Thank you for commenting and we agree on this. It is a known fact that that it was taught in the early Christian church as well up until at least the fourth century and maybe longer. I believe it to be the most logical of all beliefs and a large number of Christians accept it today although it is not taught in any of the main line churches. Blessings.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
27 Sep 09
I don't think it's absurd. We don't know what actually happens in the afterlife until we die. Who is to say that someone may not come back in another form. It sounds like Hollywood, I'll admit. But, as I said, who knows? I would like to think that some of the people I love who have gone on before me get to do it again in another body. The only thing I wonder about is do you retain your memories? That would be difficult for me.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
28 Sep 09
Hi cripfemme, Thank you for commenting and you're right we don't know. In resent years there has been much research into the idea of reincarnation and there is more proof for this than anything else. Apparently,we do not retain our memories and there are good and valid reasons for that. It's good to know that you think it's possible, it shows that do your own thinking. Blessings.
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
The idea of reincarnation is not absurd though may sound strange to a lot of people. It may surprise you that even the Bible of the Christians is used to teach reincarnation. When Jesus healed a blind man, the people asked Him, Who sinned why this one one born blind, was it his parents or he himself? If it is not the parents then it must be himself, and when can he commit sin before he was born. Can it be that he has a preexistence before he was born? This is only one example, there are lots more. My point however, is that we must exercise tolerance in different beliefs. We may agree to disagree and insults have no place in the diversity of religious beliefs worldwide. Each believing that their own is the true one. If one is a Christian, he must try to be a good Christian. One a Muslim, do his best to be a good Muslim. The same is true with other religion. We can peacefully co-exist as friends. Cheers.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Sep 09
Hi manong, Thank you for your excellent comment and I agree with you completely. If we all exercised tolerance in religion, the world would be a much better place.I am familiar with the references to reincarnation in the Bible and know that many early Christians believed in it. I believe in reincarnation and more and more Christians today are starting to accept it although the majority do not. Blessings.
• India
1 Oct 09
As a practising Hindu, I strongly believe in reincarnation. You would have heard it before, but let me repeat it, that the Hindus believe in Karma and reincarnation.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
13 Oct 09
Hi rameshkumaar, Thank you for commenting and I'm sorry for not getting back to you before this, somehow I must have overlooked your response. I understand that Hindus believe in reincarnation and karma and while we may think a little differently, I too believe in both of it as well. Blessings.
• United States
1 Oct 09
I suppose the tenets of Christianity can seem absurd to some people. The Bible even says in I Corinthians 1:23 that Christ crucified is a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Greeks (Gentiles). But I think what you have to do to make an educated decision regarding beliefs is to look at the track record of each belief. Is there anything about a particular belief that can be proven, or is it all just nonsensical stuff that's been passed down from generation to generation? Can what's being claimed in any belief be backed up with evidence? If it cannot, it's probably an absurd idea.
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@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
28 Sep 09
I think the idea of a heaven or hell is far more absurd then the idea of reincarnation. It makes more sense to come back to life again on a blank slate, since we know this life already, then to just imagine that we go off to some imaginary land.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
29 Sep 09
Hi Christoph, Thanks for commenting and I think so too. I feel certain that there has to be a lot of Christians who really don't believe all that their preachers tell them and who realize that the Bible is full of errors. Blessings.
• India
9 Oct 09
God let medieval humans write a religious book. And they made it confusing for the readers. Also people don't know who all have contributed and what was their credibility. If Jesus would have taken the task of writing the Bible then things would have been much clear. I wonder why Jesus himself did not write a book?
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@matsulori (269)
• United States
9 Oct 09
Reincarnation is no more absurd than believing that there will be 72 virgins awaiting you in heaven, or that Jesus's dying can save untold millions, or that Mary was a virgin, or any of a myriad of other dogmatic religious beliefs. What I find absurd as well as rude beyond belief is religious intolerance. I believe that anything that gives one peace within and motivates one to be a good person is good for that person. Call it religion, morals and ethics, whathaveyou, it matters not. Love and compassion are beyond dogma, and that's all that's necessary to live a good, blameless, fulfilled life, good for you, and good for those around you.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
9 Oct 09
Hi matsulori. An excellent comment, thank you. Blessings.
• United States
28 Sep 09
I believe reincarnation to be true. All religions imply that God is just and fair. That being the case, if we all started out the same at one point in time, I think it would be fair that our present circumstance is a result of our past actions. Since God is fair and just, then that power must have given us the right to choose our path and destiny. In doing so God does not punish but makes us responsible for our own actions. In the process of evolution from single celled organisms, to human being, and on to Divine beings we grow. How fast or how slow is up to us. The process of reincarnation or evolution coincides with a fair and just God that all religions speak about. It also does not deny scientific evidence. In fact, science says energy does not disappear it just changes form. This sounds like reincarnation to me.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
27 Sep 09
Why? because humans are arrogant by nature LOL...and so many are far too narrowminded and brainwashed either by their parents/caregivers or the community etc etc depending ya know....And generally ppl have a hard time understanding let alone accepting anything that is different to what they ahve been raised to believe....Sad really....
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
28 Sep 09
Hi Ravenladyj, Thanks for that comment and I really can't disagree with you. Blessings.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
27 Sep 09
I personally do not believe in reincarnation, but there are some that swear by it. In a lot of areas I have adapted the attitude, to each his own.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
28 Sep 09
Hi Rozie, Thank you for your comment and I have to agree with you,"to each his own". Blessings.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
27 Sep 09
For me Reincarnation is the only reasonable choice, what God would put his people through only one life and judge them for all times? But I have come to believe that we are all manifestation of one energy and that judgment of right and wrong are no more than illusions manufactured by man to maintain the manifestation of what we call life. As our energy becomes more refined all this will vanish.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
28 Sep 09
Hi savypat, Thanks for your support. I'm under no illusion that we can understand everything here but reincarnation seems to have been proven to the satisfaction of many. Blessings.
• Philippines
27 Sep 09
Hello Pose, I think people have their own right and own decision on what things to believe in. And with this we also have to respect their own decision. Though I am a Catholic, I sometimes fascinate the idea of Reincarnation. In a way, I believe in reincarnation. I am so interested in this subject and might consider attending some seminars regarding this if given the chance. Happy posting!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
28 Sep 09
Hi red_amethyst, Thank you for commenting and I assure you that you are not alone, many Catholics have an interest if not a belief in reincarnation. It was commonly believed in the early church and left out of Christian teachings until the sixth century or later. Blessings.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
27 Sep 09
This is very nice!! All I can do is AGREE!!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
28 Sep 09
Hi bird, Thank you for that comment. Blessings.
• India
28 Sep 09
yes, i think the concept of reincarnation is taught in almost every religion , and basically Buddhism believes reincarnation more than anybody. they often call reincarnation as the transfer of soul from one body to another. it's not that simple though.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
28 Sep 09
Hi venkat_readingmails, Thank you for your comment. While more and more people are beginning to at least entertain the idea that reincarnation may be true, there are still those who scoff at the idea. Often these same people believe that there is nothing strange in believing that people will take up again, decomposed bodies that in some cases have been buried for thousands of years. Reincarnation in the meantime, seems to be the one belief for which much proof has come forward in resent years. Blessings.