Should welfare recipients be allowed to keep having children
By wlee9696
@wlee9696 (595)
United States
September 27, 2009 4:49am CST
I have a problem with someone who cannot support themselves continuing to have children that I have to support through higher taxes. I have two children, I would have loved to have more but knew that two was probably all I could afford to raise and send through college. I resent very much the fact that some people who sit home and collect welfare continue to have three, four, five and more babies without a care in the world as to how they will afford to raise them. I can barely afford to send my children to community college because I am so busy paying for welfare recipients children to go to college. It has to stop. What happened to former President Clinton's welfare to work program? I would support a program that states every US born citizen has the right to receive two years of welfare and not a penny more. That is sufficient to help someone get back on their feet. Don't tell me there aren't three and four generations of the same family who have always been on welfare - I know too many people that fit this description. What is your opinion?
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14 responses
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Sep 09
Wow, you've really opened up a can of worms here! To first try to answer your title question as simply as possible, I don't know that there's a way to NOT "allow" anyone to keep having children short of forced abortions and forced sterilization. I suppose we could keep them from keeping the children they have but that would REALLY open a can of worms! I mean, would that mean taking a baby away from a mother who had never done anything to show she wasn't a good or fit mother simply because of her economic situation at the time of the baby's birth or what? It would be nearly impossible to enforce and totally impossible to know it was fair since every situation is different and life happens to good people.
I think many states already have time limits on how long someone can receive cash assistance at least and I'm pretty sure some give little or nothing for additional children after two. I think food stamp benefits increase according to family size but the cash amount is very small no matter how many kids one has. The idea of having a two year lifetime limit may seem fine and dandy in good economic times but these days, with unemployment so high and so few jobs even for educated and qualified people it's not really feasible. I'm all for assistance with job training and child care and requiring someone to show proof of actively seeking work once they've gotten some training but how can you punish someone, especially the children, for someone not working when no one will hire them?
You wrote, "I resent very much the fact that some people who sit home and collect welfare continue to have three, four, five and more babies without a care in the world as to how they will afford to raise them. I can barely afford to send my children to community college because I am so busy paying for welfare recipients children to go to college," but then further down you wrote, "Don't tell me there aren't three and four generations of the same family who have always been on welfare - I know too many people that fit this description." I won't argue with the latter, especially since after delivering mail for 18 years I saw it all but obviously most of these welfare recipients are NOT sending their kids to college or they wouldn't also end up on welfare, would they? Unfortunately, these kids get stuck in a rut and without someone to give them a hand to pull them up they don't know how to get out of it.
I wanted to add that I agree entirely with the other posters who have said corporate welfare and farming subsidies are worse for our economy than giving a small stipend, food stamps and medical assistance to poor young mothers. I especially believe that way considering our unemployment is as high as it is at least in part because of corporations that pay their CEOs several hundred times more than those who do the actual work and then give them bonuses in the millions on top of their salary to reward them for laying off thousands of those much lower paid workers. How can we be fine with that yet complain when someone needs a helping hand for awhile to feed and clothe their children?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Sep 09
You're right, the system IS messed up and I realize there are cheats. As I said, I came across quite a few of them in my days as a letter carrier. I'm talking about the ones who are legitimately trying their best, not those who are living with a boyfriend who makes really good money while they collect benefits. Especially when there are so many people who could really use some help with food stamps but they make just a few bucks too much so they can't get anything. It's a mess all the way around, there's mo doubt about that.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 Sep 09
of course there are people that sincerely need help and yes, they should be helped. She is talking about the "cheats" and trust me...I'm surrounded by them. They get pregnant and claim they don't know who the father is. If they did...welfare would go after the dad for paybacks for the support. Meanwhile the dad is living with her in subsidized housing secretly and all the while working....none of that income is claimed. She gets her rent dirt cheap. Sometimes under 100.00 per month. She is collecting benefits for her children and herself. Food stamps? Oh ...they sell them for cash. Ya..I know it is on a card. they lend the card and pin # out in exchange for cash. Yes they have a limit as to how long you can be on welfare. They make you go to job school. you take tests to see what jobs are suited for you. they pay for your sitter while you are in class. You are required to look for a job and show proof that you are looking. They don't just cut them off. I get them coming into my job all the time asking if I would sign the paper saying that they asked for a job here. They don't want a job and don't even fill out an app. most times. They just want to hand in the paper work for the extension. not everyone on welfare is like this but i'll tell you what...there is an awful lot of it going on. I was raising 4 at home at one time and working and getting no child support even tho it was ordered. They included the child support I did not get into my income. yep...4 kids and 5.50 an hour and at that time no rental help or anything. They offered me 20.00 per month in food stamps! I told them it was not worth the paper work. Beause I had been on welfare for a brief time, they told me that they warned me against getting a job without full benefits that paid less than 10.00 per hour! They advised me to quit my job and return to welfare!! NO LIE!! I refused. I'm sorry, but it is a really messed up system.
@wlee9696 (595)
• United States
30 Sep 09
I agree in regards to the corporate welfare. It's not right either. But we waste so much money on duplicate services, people who just will not get off their butt and work and finally those younger people who have decided that welfare is a way of life. We have to cut these services off at some point. If we cleaned up the system then those folks who really do need services could get them. Again I am in favor of the 2 year limit. Have everyone entitled to 2 years of welfare - no more, ever. Use your 2 years wisely.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
27 Sep 09
Well Wlee, I don't like welfare either. I don't understand why tens of millions of my tax payer dollars in FARM SUBSIDIES should be sent to Manhattan, New York where there isn't a farm for miles. Why should hundreds of billions of MY taxpayer dollars be spent on Bush's war for reelection in Iraq? There are alot of money pits for taxpayer dollars, welfare is just one of them.
By welfare do you mean people that receive money from the government? Because if that is your definition of "welfare", then you will see millions of Americans effect by this. Especially heads of corporations, and the defense industry who receive "CORPORATE WELFARE". So, if you want to ban people on welfare to have children, then you will lose many talented executives because they want to have kids.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
27 Sep 09
You better sit down for this. I agree with you. Corporate welfare is far worse. I don't get the farm subsidies either. Paying someone to not grow crops? I just don't get that. I suppose it is to keep prices at a certain level but it is the population that suffers.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
29 Sep 09
Irish, I am somewhat surprised that you agree with me on this, but that just means that you have seen what I have seen, and are just as fed up as I am with it. I really wish that someone would do a study of what traditional welfare cost this coutnry, incomparison to corporate welfare. I am sure that there are a lot of people that don't want anyone to know about that.
@us2owls (1681)
• United States
27 Sep 09
I don't know if it is still the same but a person in the military got a pay increase for 3 dependents - a spouse and two children - any more than that and it came out of what they already got to support them. I would say on welfare - two kids and then youre on your own - no further pay increases.
@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
27 Sep 09
Massachusetts program works wonderfully as far as welfare goes. An individual can only be on welfare for 2 years, this is called a transitional period. During this time welfare will help with classes so an uneducated parent can get the skills they need to enter the work force. They help with child care, and of course food stamps and medical. After they finish school and get a job the money part gets cut off and they may still qualify for food stamps. They are offered healthcare if the new employers do not offer it, it is based on a sliding payscale. They keep the child care for an additional year. So within three years they are weened off of half the welfare system. Food stamps is a separate program and they must qualify every month showing what their income is. I honestly believe that Mass has this down pat and the federal government can definately learn a few things form them.
Mass believes that you have to give the recipient a future in a field before you throw them off the system otherwise they become life long welfare recipients. This is definately a hand up and not a hand out.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
27 Sep 09
A program that works is well worth the effort. I remember when welfare deform (can't call it reform) started. I knew those who were forced to leave school and get jobs. It didn't matter if they were merely months from graduating.
In my own case the rules had changed for mothers of disabled children. Where it was considered necessary we be available to our children changed. They just didn't get it. I can't count the times I had to go to school to pick her up for one reason or another. I also knew other mothers who missed work because of an issue to do with a disabled child. Some may say what about childcare. Call any of them, tell them your child is autistic, and I can guarantee they'll turn you down. I went through every one on the list. Well, honestly, there was one that agreed to take her but here's what I would have had to do to go to those classes:
Walk a mile with two small children to a bus stop. Wait for bus. Take my son to his daycare (hoping someone would be there that early in the morning) leaving a five year old by himself. Get back on the bus and go in the opposite direction to take my daughter to her daycare and hope they were open that early. Get on another bus, go to the classes and hope I wasn't 15 minutes late because they won't let you in and in fact missing one class you are forced to start the program all over again. They set up an impossible task and threw a "no excuse" claim on it. In the best of circumstances I could have made it work but my situation was unique with children who went to two different schools. My daughter was in SPED classes and the school in our district had no such classes.
As a result I missed quite a few meals to make sure my kid ate. All the while hearing the ex brag about having parties on his food stamps. Go figure.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
27 Sep 09
Maryland still has a Welfare to Work program as far as I know but I'm not sure about Florida, where I live now. As someone has already mentioned, the problem arises when children are made to suffer because of the misdeeds of their parents and, while I do agree that welfare should not be a long term lifestyle, there also needs to be compassion and the realities of life applied to any rules enacted in this area. With unemployment rates as high as they are now, it would be even more difficult for a welfare mom, fresh out of some training program, to find a job.
@NatashaBird (640)
27 Sep 09
I personally don't understand how these people can have any self respect. I know people who purposefully get pregnant just so they can claim benefits for the child and not have to work. It's disgusting that not only does everyone else have to pay for them to live this way, but they give a bad reputation to people who genuinely need these benefits.
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@wlee9696 (595)
• United States
27 Sep 09
There are a lot of people out there that do need the benefits and had the children before going onto the welfare system. They were able to raise and care for their children and then life happened and they ended up on welfare. So I do realize that just because you're on welfare doesn't mean you are in the situation described above.
I agree NatashBird the types of people we are talking about are disgusting. It's time to bring the stigma back to not even trying to support your children and yourself.
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@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
28 Sep 09
I he to say it, but it is true. I live in an area that isn't very well off economicly, and being a "welfare mom" is actually a cereer choice some make. I have heard it straight from their mouths, so don't tell me i am making judgements, please! I have heard young girls say "nah, i am not going to bother looking for a good job, any time now i will get pregnant and have a child and then i won't have to worry about it any more"
This just makes me ill to my stomach.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
27 Sep 09
Personally this has always been something that I have wondered about as well. Why do they continue to just easily hand out $$ to people, especially when they are younger and Single just for having babies? And if you have another one they hand you even more? Seriously I think it is only encouraging lazy people, and when their is not enough work to go around and money to help those out of work, they should only encourage more people trying to do their part before wanting to hand out more money as well. When you see Grown people loosing their benefits who really need them and handing them to people just to continue to have more babies for the Government to take care of, it makes you wonder where things in life are really based from.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
27 Sep 09
Your absolutely right. There are multiple generations on entitlement programs. And they feel it is their right to receive this aid. Whether people should be allowed to keep having kids, I would not want our government to EVER decide when we can and cant have kids. EVER. But I would say that no matter how many kids they have, they should not get any more money. I also think they should be put on notice - 6 months and no more welfare.
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
27 Sep 09
I think you can't tell anyone whether or not to have children. It goes down a dangerous road of eugenic type thought. Are we going to start determining whether people are fit mothers or fathers based on their income level? I don't like that idea. There's too much potential for abuse.
@wlee9696 (595)
• United States
28 Sep 09
I am not telling them they can't have children. I do have a right as a tax paying citizen to not be expected to pay for their children. I don't know what the answer is but it's not rewarding bad behaviors. I don't care have children they have I care how many I have to pay for.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 Sep 09
don't get me started...oops did. I agree that the welfare system should be in place to help a family out in tough spot. it happens...I was there myself. Circumstances left me in a situation where it was a matter of feeding & providing for my children or losing my pride. I chose to lose my pride...for a short time. I moved, got myself a job (convenience store) with no benefits and very low pay. I immediatley lost all my benefits. I was raising 3 kids on my own at the time. Even on welfare...I was barely getting by. The only way one could possibly be comfortable on that system is to cheat and they do and they get away with it. I did have another child...I was unmarried and on my own. I did not even try to get welfare at that point. I just dealt with it. It was my own doing. I moved into a low-income housing development while I still had 3 at home. They base rent on your income and trust me...if you play by the rules it isn't easy. 30% of the child support that I was supposed to get but rarely did was figured into my rent as well as the income from my job. Then I look around me. A good portion of my neighbors do not work at all. They collect welfare. Their cars are far nicer than mine. They are not struggling at all. Their boyfriends live with them...not claiming income of course because they don't report it. They have kids with these guys and don't put the father's name on the birth certificate. Welfare umps their monthly check to support the baby. The dad is living there rent free and banking his money. Eventually they move out of here and buy a house. I could really rant all night about this but I need to stop. I do know what your are saying

@wlee9696 (595)
• United States
30 Sep 09
I can rant on it too sid556. It's a difficult questions. We know what these scammers do its wrong but how do we correct. We could start by requiring fingerprinting in order to apply for services. This way no one could come in with multiple SSN #s and get multiple checks. We could also put in place a policy where you get less money if you have a child while on a welfare program. I don't know the answer but I know the current system rewards bad behavior and encourages multi generations of people who think there "job" is to collect welfare.
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@valentinesdiner (1214)
• United States
28 Sep 09
I appreciatre that it is frustrating to see families living on the state who keep having children they could not afford to care for if not for you and I and millions of other taxpayers - -
but it comes down to the kind of nation we want to have... I would rather pay the extra freight than to live in a country where there are restrictions on child bearing.
Great diuscussion... thought provoking, eh?
@wlee9696 (595)
• United States
30 Sep 09
I prefer to live in a country that restricts child bearing. If you can't afford them then don't have them. I would have had several more children - and I could have afforded them except I am too busy paying for someone who sits at home on their butt all day to have children instead.
@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
28 Sep 09
It is such a difficult is not the childrens fault that their parents cannot afford tosupport them and need the denying assistance to the parents would be in effect, denying the children, which is not something my conscious can do.
I have always joked about how, in an ideal world, if you left out the fact that it would be absolutley be ignoring peoples civil liberties (which will not/cannot happen) i would love to see a world where people are not ABLE to have children until they can prove financialls and mentally that they are prepared and fit to have them. I think it owuld solve a LOT of problems.
Granted, it is all just a sci-fi dream of mine LoL...but having to worry about birthcontrol, as you cannot get pregnent unless you are approved and see a doctor who will make it so you can...people who have no jobs could not get approved to have children, people who are not mentaly fit to be raisin children could not get approved to have i said..pure fantasy and it will never happen, but just think..there would be no 'unwanted" children left to float around from foster hometo foster home, every child would be loved and well cared for by their families.....if only LoL

@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
30 Sep 09
LoL....well..a girl can dream can't she? As i said, this will NEVER come to happen, but woudln't it be nice?
And to top it off, every child would know that he or she was wanted, and that mommy and daddy had to work hard and prove how much they wanted a one would ever grow up wondering if they were a "mistake" LoL
@wlee9696 (595)
• United States
30 Sep 09
Oh I love your sci fi world. I wish there was a reasonable way to bring it to reality! It isn't the children's fault and that does make a solution hard. But it isn't my fault and my children shouldn't have to do without because so much of my money goes to pay for theirs. There has to be some middle ground.

@gossipzz (498)
• Canada
27 Sep 09
I don't like when people just have kids just to collect welfare money. I cannot tell someone not to have children. I just believe everyone should have some ambition in life. Welfare is there for when you fall and need help to get up. After you get on your feet you need to give it up and move on. They should learn how to save money. Happy lotting.