S.O.S. My Pants Are Missing!!

Black jeans - Slender Black Jeans missing...possibly kidnapped!
September 27, 2009 8:15am CST
Yes! You heard right! I am officially sending out an S.O.S. for my missing pants! I have looked high and low, in every nook, cranny and drawer in the house, in the washing machine, dryer and even under the beds for the last two days and they are No where to be found! These are not just Any pants...these are my Favorite pants and they have just disappeared! They are a slender black cut jean type of material, on the left side by the hip they have a silver emblem telling you that they are a Luxury Queen and use to nothing but the best...but you will not see the emblem if they have a shirt down over them, they are loving and comfortable and we have been together a long time! Now I am positive that they have Not run away from home as they have been treated with tender, loving care all of their life with me! I have taken them on trips all over the World to exotic places that Many never see! They do not fly 2nd class in the luggage hold with the rest of the clothes and bags, Oh No! Rather they are use to flying with me on the plane where we sit in very comfortable seats! They are always washed very nicely and then folded very gently so as not to hurt them in any way and they I take them out shopping often to see if they would like something new to go with them! Personally I THINK they have been kidnapped! Yes! You heard me right! Kidnapped! And it is breaking my heart thinking that they may be roaming the red light district of Amsterdam in the dark and cold all by themselves or Worse...Sold Into Service!!! In fact, I am on my way over to the district at this very moment to look for them, but before I left I just wanted to send out an S.O.S. to ALL myLotters to keep a Very Close eye out for my beautiful, missing black Queens of Luxury! Will You help me find my pants? They and I would be Ever so grateful to Anyone that could reunite us!
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9 responses
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
27 Sep 09
First and foremost I want it on record that I had absolutely NOTHING whatsoever to do with your missing pants. They do sound like the kind of style that I'd look pretty good in, but I didn't touch 'em! Did you check the votrtex that takes all the socks and hangers??? Did you phone up the Bureau of Meterology? Global warming could be involved here and I wouldn't be suprised if it was. What about the Mayans..... Did you consider the Mayans? I know they're aiming for 2012, but they may have started early. Just to be certain, I think heading off into the Red Light District is a very good idea. Please be sure to bring back hundreds of photographs of ALL activity there so we can analyse them for clues.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
27 Sep 09
Dang! I'm absent from mylot for only a short while, yet I see my typing errors are still alive and well! (I blame the stress over your missing pants) Ok, repeat after me..... vortex, Meteorology, surprised..... Cool, I feel much better now!
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Sep 09
hi James its so neat to know that I am not the only one with dyslexic fingers
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
27 Sep 09
If it weren't for Global Warming, it would've never gotten too hot and GEL could've left her pants ON! But NO, she had to take 'em off and now they're missing..... Good enough validation for ya? We should start a club then Hatley! We could name it "Total Wankers Instigating Typo's Stupidly" (TWITS)
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Sep 09
hi greeneyedlady I will keep a eye out for a struggling 'pair of black Queens of Luxury trying to get away from' some evil woman bent on having them all for herself. he he' Maybe if I see them I can trip up the evil kidnapper and ' grab that favorite pants of yours, then put them in my super duper transporter and zap them back to you.he he he he
• Netherlands
3 Oct 09
Oh thank you Hatley, I Knew i could depend on You! Make sure if you Find this Evil Kidnapper that you are Very Careful because if anyone would be so bold as to kidnap pants goodness knows what they would do to a beautiful lady such as yourself...Next we will all be looking for You! But If that something should happen to you in your quest, have No Fear as I will put out an S.O.S. for you also!
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
27 Sep 09
Greenie! Calm down!! You are going to give yourself a stroke or at the very least a melt down. Now, When all else fails, I usually find missing clothing stuck somewhere in my hubbys clothes. With the gentle care you take, you may have put them in with hubbys jeans. Or for that matter hung them up with his pants. Remember, we all have those days when our heads seem to be on someone elses body!! Relax and check there if you haven't already. Hugss Leenie
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
28 Sep 09
2 people like this
• Netherlands
3 Oct 09
Hi Leenie! Great to see you and thank you for your concern about my health. While I Did take your advice and look through Hubbies 'drawers"...ou la la! and his closet, where he has hung clothes, they were not there, but I was pretty sure they weren't as I would Not want them to be abused...(if you know what I mean)!!!!
@JodiLynn (1417)
• United States
27 Sep 09
Some guy sued over his missing pants, 65 MILLION dollars worth. maybe you should sue somebody for your pants, then buy lots of friend pants for your pants to hangout with! www.flowgo.com/funny/13044_i_lost_my_pants.html
2 people like this
• Netherlands
3 Oct 09
Hi JodiLynn! Thank you for the information and I would happily sue someone 65 Million dollars for my missing, beautiful, comfortable, pants...in fact I am sure I will! Just as soon as I find the culprit and know who to sue! I am sure, as much as my pants love to shop, they could buy a lot of friends for 65 Mil!!! LOL
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
27 Sep 09
All that searching and panic: you've been wearing them all the time
2 people like this
• United States
27 Sep 09
Oh my! I certainly hope you find them, as i known how annoying it can be to lose a favrotie article of clothing! I personaly have not been able to find my favorite black hooded sweatshirt with the little rhinestones decorating it....the one i sually LIVE in during the fall as the weather is getting chilly. I have searched everywhere for it, but can only come to the conclusion that i left it at someones house at some point in time, and i can't remember where, and they don't know whos it is so they can contact me. With a jacket, that would be very easy to do, but with a pair of pants? Well, i would like to think i would remember if i left a pair of pants at someones house, or at least noticed when i went home that i was missing them! So i doubt this is the case with you. Have you checked in all of your suitcases? maybe they got left behind after your last trip? Where was the last place you remember having them? When did you last wear them? These might be good places to start. I hope your jeans and my jacket haven't run off to the land of missing socks!
2 people like this
• Netherlands
3 Oct 09
Hi Fruit Cake Liz! I am beginning to think that Maybe they did run off and after hearing about how nice your hoodie is, maybe they were a match made in Heaven and they did run off to the Land of Missing Socks to live Happily Ever After, I just wish they would drop me a card and let me know! I hope you find your hooded sweatshirt with the little rhinestones soon as I know the weather is starting to change and you will need it soon! (If they do drop me a note and let me know they are together I will let you know and please do the same for me)!!
@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
28 Sep 09
Just so you know...I did not kidnap your pants. I might have borrowed them. I might have forgotten to return them. But I did not kidnap them. They might have come with me willingly. I swear they might have gotten in the party van on their own. You just have to believe me.
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• Netherlands
3 Oct 09
Oh Royal! I Honestly Do believe you did Not Kidnap them and that Maybe you borrowed them but did you happen to get the license plate of that party van? Maybe they are Still there after all of this time partying! Of course I would hate to think of the state they are in now if they are, but they are Always welcome back home, I can handle a bit of Detoxing them!! Thanks JodiLynn! Looks like we Might be on to something Now that You also think you may have seen them!
@JodiLynn (1417)
• United States
28 Sep 09
they DO look like the pants, don't they? turn around please Royal?
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
29 Sep 09
Oh no! Whatever will you do? When was the last time you had them? Where did you where them? What did you do when you returned home?
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
3 Oct 09
My my... the life you lead. I'm sure they will turn up!
@sasalove (1709)
• China
28 Sep 09
I am so pity for your lost pants, no matter how you take care of it, it is still gone, maybe you pants did not love you. Oh, yes, your pants is properly kidnapped by the terrorism. God knows, do you have any pets at home? Maybe you can talk to you dogs or cats before you called the police or the detective? LOL.
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• Netherlands
3 Oct 09
Hi Sasalove; Yes I did talk to my dog and cat and they swore they knew nothing about them gone missing, but just to make sure I have gone into each of their rooms and checked their closets and drawers and I have even questioned their friends, with their parents present of course! LOL