Are Garage sales worth it?

United States
September 27, 2009 12:03pm CST
I have had garage sales and not made much money. It seems as though you buy a bunch of things and sell things that you own for not even what you paid for it. You don't even make half of what you spent on the item you bought back. Too me garage sales can be a waste of your time. Most of the time you don't make much of anything trying to see your stuff. It more like you are being ripped offfor selling all the stuff that you bought at such a low price. I hate being ripped off but when you are selling stuff you paid ten dollars for for fifty cents. When you come to terms your ripping yourself off.
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12 responses
• United States
28 Sep 09
If you take the attitude that you're being ripped of when you sell something for much less than you paid for it, then no, garage sales aren't worth it. So, what will you do with all those items you don't want or need any more? You can give them to a charity if they're still usable. If you don't want to do that, it's pretty much down to just throwing them out? How much money have you lost then? Most people have garage sales to clean out the clutter, get rid of stuff they don't need any more. If they can make a little money back, then they're ahead, not behind. They've also contributed to stuff being recycled rather than added to the dump, and they've let someone else get something they need or want at a good price.
• United States
28 Sep 09
Before I moved from England to America I had to get rid of a lot of stuff I couldn't take with me. Some stuff I donated to a charity shop, some I let friends go through and take stuff, but the rest, my brother and I had a car boot sale (the equivalent in England to a garage or yard sale, sort of - like a giant yard sale out of your cars in a big field with lots of people!) Selling my books, videos and general household junk, we made about 300 pounds. The trick is to remember why you're there, if its to make money, and not buy anything!!
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
28 Sep 09
Well, I for one enjoy having Yard Sales. Even though it is a lot of hard work, the items you are selling a lot of times are items that you have had sitting around the house for a few years that you are no longer using so for the most part making a little extra off of them is a plus for sure. Now most people do not go and buy New things somewhere to sell at a Yard Sale. They do this if they are going to sell on Ebay or at a Flea Market even and buy Low so they can make a profit, but Yard Sales are usually used items for sure and one mans junk usually becomes another mans treasure as well.
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
28 Sep 09
hello tuckersheri, it is worth it, if you are the one buying for you can buy lots of valuable items at a very low price. but if you are the one selling, it's not that worth for you are just selling them in a much cheaper price. is like you are just giving your stuff away for you have no place for them anymore. much more that you don't need them anymore that's why you are doing the garage sale.
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
28 Sep 09
I do not think garage sales are a waste of time. You may not get much for your things but at least you did get something. Many people when they go to garage sales are looking for big bargains and do not want to pay even half price for something that they could probably get brand new for half price. I always tell myself that what I am selling does not fit anymore which is true. Anything else I am selling is something I have not used in years and I do not want it anymore which is also true. When I go to garage sales I do not pay much for anything I buy at someone else garage sale.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
28 Sep 09
Garage sales are not big moneymakers unless you have some high priced items to sell. Sometimes it can seem like you spend more time preparing for the sale than anything else. Then you wait for that first bargain hunter and the first thing they want to do is give you less for an item than you are asking. Sometimes I think people think garage sales are just give aways. They want your items for nothing.
• United States
28 Sep 09
I tried having a yardsale a few years ago with my partner. We had quite a few items to sell and the most that I sold was a fancy belt and a few CD's. My partner sold one of those tabletop waterfalls and maybe a puzzle. I couldn't believe at how much stuff people skipped over when I know it was in pretty good shape. I think the stuff that never sold just needs to be taken to a dump and tossed or donated to get rid of it. It's just taking up space. No reason to keep it around then.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
28 Sep 09
Yeah. sometimes it is worth your time and sometimes it isn't. Alot of people can find good deals, but then again, the seller loses out on some money at times. You can come out ahead sometimes too though if the items are no longer of use to you.
@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
27 Sep 09
Hi tuckersheri I for myself really enjoy yard sales. I want to start by being on the other side of the table. I have found some really good deals along the way. I have been able to find clothes for my grandkids which have been in dire need for some clothes. Now I go back to your side of the table. I enjoy having those yard sales. yes you never make what you paid for them but at least you are getting something for those used items. The key word is USED...Plus I always get to see people that I haven't seen in a while.
• United States
27 Sep 09
Well, no matter what you pay for an item, it is going to depreciate and be worth less as time goes on and the item is used, so expecting to get back what you paid for the item is just kind of silly. Garage sales are great ways to lear the clutter out of your house and get rid of items you dont want/use/or need any more, all while giving others the opportunity to get something that they will want/use or need at a good deal, just because the item isn't new. Look at it this way, say you have a shirt, that has been sitting in your lcoset for years and you never wear it any mor because it doesn't fit you. Yes, you might only get a dollar for it if you sell it at a garage sale, but that is one dollar you wouldn't have if you just left it sitting in your closet or threw it away. You aren't using it anymore, you are out the moeny you spent on it already. I only think you are "ripping yourself off" if you buy something that you are never going to use in the first place, and then try to sell it in a garage/yard/tag sale.
@patofgold23 (5069)
• Philippines
28 Sep 09
i've done 3 garage sales my whole life and I always earn everytime i do it... I stock up the clothes and stuff I barely use...i gather so much in one year... when i do garage runs from 3days to a week... I do not sell everything..there is alaways stuff left behind...... but i earn about a hundred dollars for each garage sale I do... My very first time was the best money-earner for me coz it earned me almost $300.
• United States
28 Sep 09
I think garage and yard sales are really good for those who happen to have a lot of things they have collected throughout the years and no longer want. When I did yard sales, I only sold stuff that I couldn't sell for a decent price on craigslist or in a local newspaper. For some stuff, garage sales are usually the last chance you have of getting any money back before you resort to throwing or giving it away. Garage sales are also good for getting rid of random junk. My brother was able to sell a metal pipe that had been sitting in his backyard for two years. I have no idea what the guy wanted it for. :P