Do you keep a diary?

Diary - Keeping a diary is a good way to record down your life and experiences.
September 27, 2009 2:04pm CST
The question is, do you keep a diary? When I was in Elementary School, the teacher made us write in our journal twice a week, and hand it in to get them marked. Everytime we wrote a very good entry, we receive a sticker. Ever since that assignment began, I had a keen interest in keeping my own diary that no one will ever read, and write all my deepest and truest feelings into it. So I started one, but soon discovered that it was really hard for me to be honest with myself. I don't know why, but I couldn't write anything really personal. Then, I started losing interest and wrote in my diary less and less often. Now, I still keep a diary, and I write in it occasionally. I try to write it as actively and as honestly as Anne Frank, but I just can't. What about you? What's your experience with keeping a diary? How often do you write in it? Do you share it with anybody else?
8 responses
• Philippines
28 Sep 09
Hi AmuletGirl! I still do have a diary until now. I have blogs and stuff, but nothing beats having to write down my thoughts :) I have NEVER shared any of its contents to anyone else! I write in it whenever I have the urge to write something down, something that I couldn't post online. My deepest and darkest secrets are all contained in a cute notebook that I keep somewhere in my room :)
• Philippines
28 Sep 09
I have never shared it to my family members, I stand corrected :) My friends know about some of my entries, especially the ones about my messed up so-called love life! LOL :D
@zhyair (89)
• China
28 Sep 09
Never share? Maybe you would share some of them with someone you trust in the future.
@DCLehnsherr (1037)
27 Sep 09
Hi AmuletGirl, I keep a combined food dairy and normal diary at the moment. I did used to try and do separate ones but I kept never doing the normal diary so I combined them. Each day I write what I ate, how much exercise I did, and then what I did, and how I felt. It is only an A4 sheet of paper so there isn't an awful lot of room, but it helps me to wind some things up in my mind, or to clear things. I am aided by the fact I have a keen interest in myself, my past and how I change over time. I am not egotistical (I hope) but psychology fascinates me and the fact I don't have records from some of my worst times upsets me, so to ensure that never happens again i write things down. I also like being able to wonder what i was doing last year or the year before, and read about it in the diary, it is a nice buzz. I think that if anyone else ever read it though they would find it boring. I write it for myself and no one else so it is full of what interests me. On the note of not being honest, I came across that recently. There was a feeling I got caught up in which I found a little shameful. It isn't anything bad but it involved admitting something to myself, and it took me a few days to actually write it down in my diary. I feel better now I had, and it was interesting to see the reluctance too. Uhh and another reason I write a diary, I learn things. I have learnt so much about myself from the thoughts that appear. I write exactly as I think things, so being forced to think and write helps me to understand, sort of like doing this now does too. All the best, Dranz
• Canada
27 Sep 09
Wow, you must be having a very healthy life, to be keeping track of what you eat and how much you exercise :D I also agree with you on many things you said. I'm very interested in looking back and see what I wrote before. Sometimes I read my past diary entries and think, so that's how I felt then! And sometimes it brings up bad memories, but still, it feels good to remember. So thanks for your insights!
28 Sep 09
Hi AmuletGirl, Many thanks for the BR and I am glad you liked the insights All the best, Dranz
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
28 Sep 09
I used to keep a diary in paper and then I dont know just got to busy. I then started one online as Im online alot working I havent been there thou close to a year. Things in our family drastically changed and I just havent found the time to go. I am brutally honest in my diaries thou. To honest some may say. LOL! However if you cant even be honest with yourself, how can you ever be honest with someone else? I do allow people to read my diary too. I had some nice people that I meet there. Hmmm think Im gonna go back and see if I can get into it again. I do miss those I used to read. Anyways, so the answer is yes I have had one it is about a year old and I shared it online with the rest of the community.
• Philippines
1 Oct 09
Hi, AmuletGirl! I started keeping a diary when I was in high school as during my elementary days slumbooks were very popular though some of my classmates then had diaries. Keeping a diary helped me a lot in high school as I was very introvert then with low self-esteem...there I write my true feelings, my poems, my songs, my drawings, etc. Probably it was here when I had develop myself in written communication as my diary is a compilation of the letters I wrote to a dearest friend that I never had (like an invisible friend). However, there was one classmate who was very nosy and was able to get a hold of my diary and read some out loud in front of a lot of students without warning so since then I stopped...because I felt betrayed or mocked because I wrote everything true about myself even my deepest darkest secret which many did not know. I kept this diary until it got burned because of termite infestation in the dormitory I lived in college. Right now, I do not have a diary as I can't write as diligent as before due to time constraints...besides I had a lot of friends in mylot and facebook to write to instead. God bless! Have a great day ahead!
@Baluyadav (3643)
• India
27 Sep 09
Hi,Amul,i used to write diary till i got the age of 27 years that too mainly day to day happenings,regarding special occasions like fastivals,birth days etcBut once i started my business activities i confined to write diary for only business matters.Have a nice time.
• Canada
27 Sep 09
I know, it's hard to keep a daily diary when you are busy with your work and business. Happy Mylotting!
@lena12 (15)
• Mauritius
28 Sep 09
I started a diary every new year I think, and my first entry was always this : I think it's about time I had a PROPER diary and I hope I can add at least one entry each day. But after a few weeks my entries would seem alike and I'd give up altogether. Besides I wanted to write about exciting things but all that I had to write about was my complaints with homework and my insufficient allowance and all I wanted to buy. A few months ago I found an old diary and boy was I laughing my head off!
@zhyair (89)
• China
28 Sep 09
Not really, just wrote a few days when I was in Elementary School as you. But I got two pen friends in highschool. We contacted once or twice one month, now I think about what we wrote in the past time, most of it was trivia(maybe it's not at that time).
@Craicha (801)
28 Sep 09
i keep diary once when i was in highschool....i just stop doing it when my sis found my diary and read it and share it to the rest of the family that made me sad, mad....