So when is the revolution coming?
By shamsta19
@shamsta19 (3224)
United States
September 28, 2009 5:24am CST
We sit back and complain about our governments corruption. We all stood by and watch them commit countless acts of conspiracy, treason, betrayal and murder. We all post our gripes here and abroad.. Our nation is now divided among racial lines because we have a new commander-in-chief. 200+ years of corrupt policies, indoctrination and lies. No one seems to be satisfied so when is the revolution coming? When are we going to overthrown this evil regime we call government and claim what is rightfully ours? How long are we going to sit back and watch them commit acts of genocide with no repercussion? How long are we going to let them lead us blindly into wars for political profit? How much more are we going to take until we act? They are destroying our Earth and we stand by and do nothing. They rob the American public and we do nothing? They kill their own citizens in the name of oil and we do nothing? How many more will be slaughtered before we do anything about it? How can we stand so idly by and watch these horrors take place and do nothing? have we really become that complacent? That stupid?
Don't talk about it be about it... What needs to be done? What are we going to do?
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7 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
28 Sep 09
"Our nation is now divided among racial lines because we have a new commander-in-chief"
BULLSHYTTE . Our nation is divided along FALSE pretenses of right and left and black and white because people keep pushing that false divide.
The revolution has already begun, it started a year ago when G.W. and the congress of the time forced T.A.R.P. through, under threats of martial law made to some congressional members (no, I'm not making that up, it happened). What we are seeing now is the swell of anger that preceded our forst revolution. This revolution will be different however. I just don't see a populist uprising happening this time. This revolution will happen at the ballot box and in our state governments regaining their controll over the federal government as was originaly intended.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
28 Sep 09
"Our nation is divided along FALSE pretenses of right and left and black and white because people keep pushing that false divide."
I don't expect a populist uprising and I pray I haven't been misunderstood here. This is one of those discussions I like to start, that will cause a conversation here. I happen to believe that voting really does nothing as the officials we vote for are all motivated by political gain and money. Will we truly ever have a government for the people run by the people?
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
28 Sep 09
As long as we keep sending establishment politicians in to government, we are going to keep getting the same. I think 2010 is going to be the year of the independant and the third party candidate. The problem is we keep electing one of the same two identical establishment parties every election and then call it "change"
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
28 Sep 09
I have to agree with you there. Neither of the parties are about anything different. Neither parties are promoting any real change and instead are only practicing the same policies we have already come to know as the norm. I ask again when will the revolution come. Revolution is a "change," not necessarily a conflict of arms or an uprising of the people, and it is due tome for a revolutionizing of our government...
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
30 Sep 09
Some of us have been fighting peacefully everyday, some for over a year in the courts and trying to make the media report the truth. Some of us call, write, e-mail, fax Congress every day. Proof upon proof has surfaced about the illegality of O, as usurper, yet everyone in "power" is afraid to act. The sword over the head of many is the race issue. That was the hope of Soros, Winfrey, Ayers, et. al. who designed this gambit to make Americans afraid to speak out or dissent from his (their) evil, destruction of our freedom.
Our country is NOT divided among racial lines. It is the above mentioned scum that are trying to make it so, especially O, who is a racist of the worst kind, who hates America, and whose allegiance is Muslim.
We, the people, are not the problem. Our corrupt and cowardly government, many of whom are aligned with O to bring down this nation and subject its citizenry to their rule, will have to be removed. We try and try to be heard and do things peacefully and legally, but they will not hear and they denigrate us at every turn. We do not have a free press to report the truth.
We are like Iran in that there is a sinister ruling class that wants to subjugate us and abrogate all our freedoms.
The revolution will probably begin when liar, deceiver O can no longer "persuade" and use the power of persuasion to keep their agenda and his vital records undercover and sealed; then he/they will use the persuasion of power, that is force. Maybe to innoculate us against our will, maybe to put us in internment camps - who knows? But it is obvious he is preparing.
We should find some manner of reliable organization. He is trying to disarm us and leave us unprotected in every way - borders, terrorists, illegal aliens, deathcare.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
3 Oct 09
You have some good points here. My thing with what you have said here is that Obama is the scapegoat for everything that is wrong with our government now. He is but a figurehead in the greater scheme of things. I don't believe if he was Muslim or not it would have any bearing on his ability to run the nation either. Islam is the largest religion in the world my friend.. Our nation consists of millions of Muslim citizens who love this country. We cannot classify all Muslim into one category.
But I don't believe our country is divided among racial lines either. That was said to spark this conversation. Check out the FEMA concentration camps on Youtube.. If you haven't already. Also check out the Obama Deception on youtube. They have it in its entirety.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
6 Oct 09
I do not want to get into this Muslim argument again!!! I am Muslim and I love this country. I also speak for thousands, millions of others who feel the same.. When we tune in to CNN all we get is this negative view of Islam so I can understand where you are coming form but not all Muslim share the same sentiment. We have been falsely portrayed as terrorists in the media, not saying there don't exist Muslim terrorists but terrorism exists within all races, creeds and religions. To label an entire nation of religious followers as terrorists (not saying you have) is straight out ignorant and biased.
Muslim means one of peace. So again I stand firm to the belief that a Muslim could run this country just as well, if not better than any of our Christian leaders of the past. Even if Obama had been a Muslim or admitted to being one, this would not be the reason I would stand against him.. The fat is our government has been acting out on plans written out years ago and Barack Obama just may be a part of that grand scheme but I cannot allow him or anyone to defame Islam because of it. I appreciate their being an African American in office as well but in the overall scheme of things, I do not trust our government, nor do I don't trust any of our leaders to have our best interests at heart, Barack included.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
11 Oct 09
It sounds as if you have a personal gripe with Barack Obama himself. Again I am not defending the man but you need to show some proof of these things you speak. Don't just shout out the same mindless rhetoric we've all heard but spit some facts. I hear he isn't from this country, yet he is our President. It's obvious the "higher ups" saw him fit enough to even be considered as a candidate. Like Obama just lied and the entire government fell for the trick, but you saw through it? I doubt it.
If you want to criticize his politics we can talk but you just seem to hate the fact he is in office. Personally if he was a Muslim, I'd have had no problem voting for him. Because he is Black didn't sway my decision either way. I found him to be a more trustworthy character than his opponents. The way you tell it the man is a terrorist or something, yet George W. blew up the World Trade Center. Why isn't he being persecuted, put on trial and shot in a public execution, as you'd have Obama?I respect any political view you may have but the personal attacks and unproven rhetoric must end.

@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
28 Sep 09
The revolution is already going. Don't miss out just because you don't recognize it.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
30 Sep 09
The revolution has been in effect for some time. Wassup ParaTed? Its been a minute...
I recognize it all you know... I like to pose the questions that lead to interesting conversation though. Its in my nature. I have been up to my old tricks and I am always looking to invoke ill thought.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
28 Sep 09
Wow, there are a lot of accusations here and I disagree with much of it. I don't agree that this country is divided among racial...or even political lines...and have seen actual evidence to the contrary at the various TEA parties. I'm not complacent nor am I stupid. My voice is heard regularly by those I helped to put into yours? What kind of revolution are you suggesting?
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
28 Sep 09
"My voice is heard regularly by those I helped to put into yours?"
I hope you're not referring to Bill Nelson or the now absent Mel Martinez. I found both of them to care very little for what voters had to say. Calling them was pointless and emailing was even worse as it led to responses so generic they could be given to a person who agreed OR disagreed with their choice followed by months of unwanted emails from Mel Martinez's mailing list.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
30 Sep 09
Again I love posting these types of discussions. My questions are posed in the third person and I often have ulterior motives behind my posts. Not to confuse but to spark these interesting conversations.
Having said that I the revolution I am suggesting is simply a dramatic change in our government. We have the structure but we need a change in the way of thinking. We need officials who are motivated by the advancement of its citizens and not by money and political power. An honest and open government that serves its citizens instead of enslaving them with tax debt. One who foreign policies don't involve the destruction of cultures for oil profits. I can go on but I think you can see where I am coming from.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
29 Sep 09
LOL! I've unsubscribed to Mel's mailing list more times then I can count! I actually agree with you about both him and Nelson but you gotta work with what you have. There are some good folks in the House though...with the exception of Alcee Hastings.
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@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
2 Oct 09
First, quit voting the same people back into office and make sure the new ones we vote into office understand we're serious. Of course that's never going to happen because we all believe it's the other person's representatives that are the problem, not ours. The Communist could never have taken over this country by military force, but they could through altering our way of thinking. Too many of us have become dependent on the government (social security, medicare, medicaid, public housing, food stamps, disability, etc.) and because of that we have become weak and forever dependent. It was all done on purpose and we fell for it hook, line and sinker.
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@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
3 Oct 09
Furthermore , I have lost faith in the voting process anyway since the whole Bush fiasco. We know the system can be manipulated. We know our vote doesn't really count anyway. I think we have been duped for a long time now and the truth is just coming to light now. And we have become so dependent we seemingly have no choice in the matter..
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
11 Oct 09
And finally what do you mean by an American hater? One who hates this country and wants to tear it down? Or is it one who hates the policies this country has had in the past and is committed to changing them. Even in that sense you could say I hate America. Being a black man in America could make you feel that way though. Not saying I hate this country though, I'm just saying I hate the policies this country has had regarding black people in general. We've only had the right to vote for about 50 years yet we fought in EVERY WAR America has had. Bled our blood in building this nation, and had our ancestors placed into captivity, attacked with dogs and sprayed with hoses. I "hate" that America too. But this is the greatest country in the world as far as the freedoms citizenship here affords us in general..
Now I have no idea if Obama is a trustworthy politician, but I have never met one of those anyway. He is a politician, which means he cant be trusted anyway. That I do agree with. Not because he's Black or because you still believe he is a Muslim non citizen.
@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
11 Oct 09
Everyone is so focused on our President, yet historically the President has never really ran the government. He is but a figure head for the entire governmental body. He didn't write the Constitution. And lest we forget he is still held in check by two other branches of government.
Thank you for responding..

@shamsta19 (3224)
• United States
3 Oct 09
Change the way you think. Revolution means change. It is also rotation. We have to think on a different wavelength...
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
28 Sep 09
"What are we going to do?"
Read you talk about it.
Or practice yoga.
As it stands now, I can't get my head far enough 'tween my legs to kiss my a$$ goodbye. 

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