Does violence solve anything?

@themdno (402)
United States
September 28, 2009 6:41pm CST
I've always been on the fence for this one. The question is, does violence ever solve anything? For the most part, I think people should be peaceful and not try to fight with each other. But, I've known some people that are completely full of themselves, and do whatever they want. They hurt people, and step on them with no regard. Some even get pleasure out of hurting or screwing over others. My dad has always said, these people just need to get their butts kicked. Not all the time, and not too seriously, but just enough to where they reflect on themselves, for awhile. I can honestly say that a few times in my life, I've needed to get my butt kicked, it makes you realize you're not always right about everything. I don't think many people fall into this category, but, I've run into a few... What do you guys think?
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16 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
29 Sep 09
I also believe that people should be peaceful and should strive to resolve conflicts in a peaceful manner but sometimes that's not possible so violence...or the threat of it...can be necessary for your protection. Where I live, it's legal to shoot someone if you fear that that person is going to harm you or someone else. Many people here own handguns and have permits to carry them so you never know who is armed as you travel around my state. I believe that this helps to keep conflicts from happening.
@Anchopy (1453)
• Paraguay
29 Sep 09
I hate to be violent, hate violence, but there are times when I have no other choice, as if the words do not suffice, as if there is no other way out. I hate being in contention with another person, especially with a person I admire and love you. I guess there really are times when words simply are not enough. : /
@themdno (402)
• United States
29 Sep 09
I agree...violence is no good. But, there are times when it is the only answer. I would absolutely be violent to protect my family. If somebody were to harm my family, in my opinion, they deserve violence in return. Peace isn't going to stop a person who thinks they can do whatever they want.
• United States
29 Sep 09
My mom has always taught me to never start a fight, always stay clear of trouble makers but if I had to defend myself then by all means fight! Growing up I learned alot and like you their were times I needed to get my butt kicked. but now in my state of adulthood looking back I noticed how hurting someone else doesn't make you feel better, it only makes you feel worst and doesn't solve anything. I like you thrive off of peace and harmony and its said for those who like to cause trouble and fight...
@youless (112923)
• Guangzhou, China
30 Sep 09
I don't think the violence can solve anything. On the contrary, I think it will create another serious violence. This probably how the war starts continuously. People are in troubles when they are violent. I love China
@raynejasper (2322)
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
..well, I don't believe that violence can result to anything good.. Violence most likely will always result to another violence.. Most people don't realize that making violence to people just because we want to let them know that they made a mistake is not appropriate.. It will just result to greater and much much worst situation.. Never in my life have I witnessed violence resulting to a good one.. Correcting mistake of other people will be more effective when we let them realize their mistake but not by making violence against them.. There are always good ways how we could let people realize their mistake and it does not necessarily mean that we commit violence.. Parents who sometimes spank their children is not violence for me.. Sometimes, children needed to be reprimanded.. However, of course, spanking children will result to violence if done so much.. What I mean when I say spank is, by explaining to them their mistake.. Often, we get angry but that's a part of trying to correct children.. Only, everything has to be done appropriately and just enough..
@themdno (402)
• United States
29 Sep 09
I think you're right, under most circumstances, but occasionally I think people might need get beat. I think that some people will cross the line and go too far, and they will never realize that they're wrong, until somebody shows them. Believe me, I think it's very rare that somebody actually needs a beating, but on occasions, some deserve it/need it.
• Pakistan
29 Sep 09
No religion in the world allows violence whether it is Islam Hinduism Jewism or Chrostianiity All the religion order its followers to remain peaceful Violence results in nothing but destruction. Killing and robbing own people is ridiculous but people are doing it just for money. VIOLENCE SHOULD BE STOPPED
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
29 Sep 09
i would say it depends. most of the time if its something silly no. but like my daughter was sexaul assulted by a so call friend, then i would say yes. often if someone hurts one of your family memember in a phical assult or rape then i say hell yeah let kick some butt.
29 Sep 09
In my opinion, violence doesn't solve anything, but the other way around, it just puts additional problem upon the main problem. Well, if we kick those who commit violence upon other, that makes us also suspect of violence. =) As you wrote above, we should keep this world peaceful and never try to fight each other, because we are supposed to be one. It's just language that separates us apart. It's a pitty because in reality so many people don't care about other people and always want to be the number 1, and that just makes them be number 1, from behind. =)
• China
29 Sep 09
I agree with you.The violence never slove any problems but causing much more.People would hate each other,the prolems would be more severe.If everyone seek violence to adress the issue,how would our planet be? Hece,I think we should educate our next generation get away violence and close to peace and kindly resolution.
@biman_s (1060)
• India
29 Sep 09
Violence is not an answer to solve anything. I am from India and with reference to Mahatma Gandhi I would say that non-violence when added with clever thinking can actually solve almost anything.
@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
We should always try to resolve issues in a peaceful manner, but unfortunately, sometimes we have to fight violence with violence. I know it sounds horrible, but we owe lots of good things that we have today to people who fought for them. For example, some countries who were colonies of other countries gained independence because they revolted against the colonizers. But this doesn't mean that we should always resort to violence. On the contrary, we should always try to be peaceful and resort to violence only when absolutely necessary and if there is no other way to deal with things.
@vandana7 (101605)
• India
29 Sep 09
Hi themdno, I agree with u about violence not solving anything. About 20 odd years ago I was reading about Sabra and Shatila camps, and I was shocked at the images that were splashed across Newsweek. Thereafter we've had many such stories, the Rwandans, the Serbs... Has it really stopped anything? If at all, we should have come out as a more civilized society, knowing how to nip such things in bud. :( I am all for peace, because peace leaves u with plenty of time to make the most of what nature has to offer and keep everything beautiful! And there are people who do take perverted pleasure in being obtuse, and I agree with ur father that they "need to get their butts kicked". Even I have been a pighead at times. :( And I have reacted at times in a way that I try to strongly justify, forcing others to keep their opinions to themselves. But then, I am just a human being. Non violent, peace loving human being with occassional eccentricities.
@mohitseth (568)
• India
29 Sep 09
sometimes it saves but many times it makes things worst. so try to be cool and leave voilense.
• United States
29 Sep 09
It depends solely on the situation at hand. Viloence ussauly causes more problems in the end but it does help in certain situations. War being the main one. If a country attacks another or threatens it then violence is the only option. Cuz it's not like you can call the world police. .lol but I think some poeple need to get beat up. When the justice systems fails and the person did something to you personally or someone close then why not? you can't just let them get away with it.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
29 Sep 09
I don't really believe violence can solve problem in this world. If there is a problem it is better to talk open and try to fix it by communicating each other. But, there are some people who never admists their mistake and keep committing mistakes. Those people need to get their but kicked. Then only they will realize their mistake and change their life.
@Realsmack (155)
• United States
29 Sep 09
There will never be peace in this world but I do believe that sometimes viloence can paint a bigger picture for someone. If you happen to have someone who needs an eye opener, then some times using a bit of violence may help. Some people are just crazy like that.