Do you think home schooling is ok?

United States
September 28, 2009 9:54pm CST
Home schooling in my opinion is ok for some people but not all. I think you don't get the proper education that you would if you went to a regular school. I believe home schooling only teaches you the basics and you don't learn as much. When you go to a regular school you learn alot more and have people that actually have a degree in what they are teaching you teach you the right things. Educaution is very important these days. I would have to say home school would not be ok. You also have to think there are others that need special help and home schooling would not be the best idea for those types of kids who need to learn in a special way.
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32 responses
@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
29 Sep 09
Hi..I think,home schooling is not to good for kids before I know about it deeply.Now,I agree with home schooling.Because it's mean that we as first teacher for them and home is basic shool is real.The problem that come in home schooling such as sosialization with their friens and etc,you could choose Home schooling group and invite good teacher to your group.Regular school is to stiff and bind our kids.They could not free to show who they are.Grateful,now day,we could get many information by internet.You know,at regular school,teacher can't share their attention to all kids.
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• United States
29 Sep 09
I like your idea of having a "home school party". I am teaching my son at home. Once a week, a group of us will get our children together at the local library and we will share ideas. We take the kids to the park or to the movies or to the zoo....just something for them to have fun. I agree that they need socialization with their peers.
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@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
29 Sep 09's mean you feel the benefit.My son was two years and he not school yet but I want join with homeschooling group after I hear about it clearly.Honestly,I concerned about regular school in my country.There are many lesson that have to learn and I think it's low quality.Good scholl just for high people.I think,We could give basic education without much money.But we have to be creatif teacher.
@cherrc (661)
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
for some people that i observed, home schooling applies when the student is totally busy with his/her other engagements like working or extracurricular activities or somewhat special in the sense that all it takes is to stay at home. students totally busy in the field are somehow interacting with others which can still improve their social life and not merely basing things on theories.
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• United States
29 Sep 09
I am homeschooling my 9-year-old. He is classified as being in the fourth grade, but his reading has recently been tested at the seventh-grade level, and his math at the sixth-grade level. If he were in school, they would be holding him back to the fourth-grade level in everything. That is why I started teaching him at home last year. He was bored in school. His brain wasn't being stimulated enough. His teachers would not let him work ahead, and they would not give him extra advanced things to do. I felt that I was wasting precious years by keeping him there. You see, I can't afford private school, and the local public elementary schools don't offer gifted programs. I'm not even positive that the local middle or high schools do. Anyway, he is getting a better education than he would if he had stayed. I get a weekly report of what the public school 4th-graders are doing, and he has already mastered everything on their agendas. In my opinion, they are the ones who are being kept to the basics. Last year, they quit teaching the kids the history that they once taught. They teach them "Virginia Studies", but the kids have no idea how people came to live in Virginia. They are being taught miniscule science. Really, the only thing they are being taught is humanities and math. My son is being taught Biology (actual Biology, not regular science) since I am still in college and am teaching him from my old Biology books. He is being taught Psychology. He is being taught Spanish. He is being taught Chemistry, although we are sticking to the basics in that subject. I agree with you on the fact that homeschooling isn't for everyone. It definitely isn't for the parent who has no time to be their child's teacher. It isn't for the parent who doesn't have a lengthly education. In the early years, kindergarten through second, third, and maybe fourth grades, I think that any parent with a high-school education can cover the curriculum. But I think that more is needed in order to broaden your child's educational experience. My son and I are always taking "field trips" to the local science museum, the art museum, the zoo, and the transportation museum. We take family vacations to historical places as well as fun places. I make every day a learning experience for him. So, as I agree with you to an extent that homeschool is not for everyone, I would have to disagree with you that kids in public school get a more rounded education. Private schools are the only learning institutions that can rival the education that my son is getting right now.
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@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
29 Sep 09
Hi..I think,home schooling is not to good for kids before I know about it deeply.Now,I agree with home schooling.Because it's mean that we as first teacher for them and home is basic shool is real.The problem that come in home schooling such as sosialization with their friens and etc,you could choose Home schooling group and invite good teacher to your group.Regular school is to stiff and bind our kids.They could not free to show who they are.Grateful,now day,we could get many information by internet.You know,at regular school,teacher can't share their attention to all kids.
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@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
Home schooling is for people who are busy with their work. I think it is mostly to people who actors and actresses. For one, it is ok with people because they can attend to both school and work. But as far as quality is concerned , the regular schooling is a lot better.
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@Craicha (801)
29 Sep 09
i agree person do home schooling but person that is handicapped, that hardtime for them going back and forth at school especially if the school is far from there home..:)
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
29 Sep 09
If I could have home schooled my grandkids I would have. Home schooling can be much better than public school. the students can go at their own speed and stick with a lesson until they really know it. Those kids can go on more learning trips too. they can go in to depth more on any subject. They also have to pass the same tests that public school kids do. They also have to follow lesson plans the same as public school kids do but have fewer distractions. they have greater chance of getting into better colleges too.
29 Sep 09
I agree. I experienced home schooling and it rocks!
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
8 Oct 09
I am a primary school teacher and a parent of three children. I would have been able to home school my older son up until age 11 however I wouldn't have the necessary knowledge in Maths and Science to teach him now he is 14. I didn't decide to home school him. I was too busy with my own career. I think children to be socially aware when they are around other children. I know a lady that home schools her two daughters. I went on a day trip to France once and saw them there. Her children are fluent in French from all their trips over there. Her girls are very musical and able in cookery. Now they are older I think she is struggling with the subject knowledge. Luckily they have many friends and so are social aware. When I was in Western Australia I went to see the School of the Air. It was fascinating. Those children live in isolated and rural areas of Western Australia. They don't live near enough a school to attend it. Teachers visit at least twice yearly and educate on line.
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
hello tuckersheri, i think that is okey for those who have no time to go to school in a regular basis. like the celebrities who like to finish their studies but they have a hectic schedule. this way, they can adjust their time studying and able to graduate at the same time.
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
Hi rober19ph. You are right about that, it is for those who can not afford to go to school because they're schedule is mostly spent on working.
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• China
8 Oct 09
it is easy to hold a method of study,or say,form a habit of study of method
• United States
30 Sep 09
I dont agree that much with Home Schooling but if there is no other way you can get an education like school is away from home or school's life is not for me then yes I do agree with Home Schooling. But if it's just for as simple as it is way eastier and i cheat well no I definitely would not agee. School is all about nothing more than Education.
@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
Definitely "yes". Have several friends actually have done home schooling. The bottom point is that if you really want to study, the type of medium doesn't care. Because at the end, its your lost or gain.
8 Nov 09
I am a home schooling parent (and certified teacher). I love to be with and teach my children. It is not for everyone. I always wanted to home school but if my child needed something else I would be open to that. My main interest is the best education for my child, in fact, my son went to special ed preschool at the public school and it was great for him. However, now, he is doing better at home. He is autistic so he is very academically advanced but socially behind. He would have trouble fitting in at school and would not be able to advance as fast as he wants. He seven and reading at a fifth grade level. I am not pushing him, he is pushing himself and I feel public school would hold him back. Some children (and parents) are not disciplined enough to do the work. Some children rebel against learning from their parents. You must know your child and yourself in order to make this decision. You also must be willing to socialize your child in other ways. It is hard work but in my expericence very rewarding. I love it! Good luck to anyone concidering this choice.
• United States
8 Nov 09
In the U.S., the public schools primarily test younger students in language arts and math. The children are not tested in other subjects until they are in middle school or high school. I'm referring to the standardized testing that relates to school funding. The sad thing about this is the students aren't exposed to much history, science, art, music & sports. My kids love history & science and are thankful to be homeschooled and exposed to the outside world issues. So many people go through the school system and do not know basic things. What are the branches of American government? Who wrote the Constitution? How many states are in the United States? It's just not important enough to learn these things or follow current events. How many people DON'T vote? How many college student are there that are in heavy credit card debt? As they went through the school system, they were taught how to add but they weren't taught about credit, borrowing or economics. I think priorities are WAY to mixed up. I homeschool and have a handle on my kids education. I have the security of knowing that my kids will be well-rounded, self-sufficient citizens who will contribute to their world. I did not feel this way a few years ago when my kids were in the traditional school. I feel bad for the teachers in the traditional schools. The responsibilities & expectations put upon them are unrealistic. And THAT has an impact on all of us every time the interest rates increase to absorb the bad debts.
• United States
8 Nov 09
Ooops, my post got a little mixed up when I went back to add something. Yes, I agree that homeschooling isn't for everyone. However, it should not be taken away from those who are enriched by it. BTW - my older child is a special ed student. I homeschool him through a charter school and he still gets special services (speech). I just wouldn't want anyone to take away my freedom of choice...
@youless (112923)
• Guangzhou, China
30 Sep 09
I think home schooling has its disadvantages aspects. Even if you have a good education and knowledge, but it doesn't mean that you know how to teach others well. Besides, children will have less social relationship and they can't make friends with different people. Whereas the school is a good place for them to get to know others. They will learn how to get on well each other in a big society. I love China
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
29 Sep 09
I think it is good for some and not good for others. I think some parents home school for the wrong reasons, and if they are not properly trained themselves, I don't see how they think they would be capable of teaching their own children. I do know some parents who have children who can not handle class room settings and I think for them it is a good alternative, but I don't agree with those parents who do it protect their children from the world. What happens when those children grow up and become adults? How do they handle the world with no experience? That being said though I have known some home school parents who do a really great job with their kids. I have also known home school parents who have no business teaching anyone.
• United Kingdom
29 Sep 09
I think that home schooling can be ok just as long as the parents agree to work through the National Curriculum that is present in schools. The good thing about teaching a child at home is that the child is given your undivided attention and may perform better as a result. The disadvantage of teaching a child at home is, that child is not being introduced to other children and social skills may be lacking as a result. I think that the best idea is to let a child go through normal schooling but obviously teach the child privately too at home. The child will then be known as an all rounder, able to adapt to any new situation quite easily! Andrew
@bmuchler (441)
• United States
30 Sep 09
I grew up with some of my friends that were home schooled. I think for some it is ok and works for them. Most people I know need the social interaction though. A lot of the time the kids that were home schooled did much better on exams, state tests, etc than kids ion the school system. Says a lot for the school I went to. My kids go to school. I don't think I am qualified to home school. Plus I want them to learn how to interact with others, as much as I want to protect them from certain things. I do understand why some parents choose to home school though. I often wonder if it has to do more with their religious beliefs. Some of the kids I grew up with that were home schooled now live in religious communities. Who knows.
• United States
29 Sep 09
Education is very important so why do the Teacher's need to Unionize. Had there not been "politics" int the schools, parents wouldn't feel threatened by what they teach their kids. Fact: It cost the NY Public schools $27,0000 to educate one child and a parent can homeschool for less than $2000. What is missing here? Our country spends BILLIONS on education and we are miles behind some developing nations...why? Some kids will do well with HS as they learn at their own pace and others need the strict discipline of the Classroom. I think there are pros and cons on both sides but this should be left to the parents to decide the outcomes of their children, otherwise, make the parents sterile so they don't upset your apple cart and have kids that they want to raise instead of the Nanny state.
• United States
30 Sep 09
I feel that public schools are better because it will help you in college settings and other settings that i feel home schooling doesn't provide. That is just my opinion anyways. Feel free to explain why I may be wrong.