Is there a book that has influenced your life??
@LittleMrsSunshine (201)
September 29, 2009 4:53am CST
They say reading changes and influences your mind, so is there any books you can say has influenced the way you live your life or the way you look at life? I cannot personally name one book that has changed my life, but books have changed the way I think in general, for example, books like Thousand Splendid Suns and Memoirs of a Geisha make me glad to be a woman in England in this century which tehn makes me look on life as being better as it is easier for me than for many others, it also makes me want to go out and help others more.
What have books done for you?
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18 responses
@vinotys (9)
• India
30 Sep 09
TITLE: Rich dad and poor dad
AUTHOR: Robert Kiyosaki
This book has literally transformed my life.I was totally hopeless before reading this book.But when I read this book,the way of my perception changed.I transformed pretty strong despite the fact that I faced lot of failures.But still I am strong and roaring to taste that success.
@LittleMrsSunshine (201)
30 Sep 09
someone else has said this book as well, is it relevant to women too? whats it about?
@vinotys (9)
• India
1 Oct 09
It is related to everyone who wants to succeed in their life especially those who are poor.The narates a simple yet powerful story about two teen boys and their respective dad's.One is rich and the other is poor.The author describes real life situations and gives a pretty interesting solution.A must have book to roll your brain in top gear.
@LittleMrsSunshine (201)
1 Oct 09
I'll have a look then, we can hardly be described as poor but neither can we be described as rich! Need all the help i can get to geth to the comfortable zone so my kids can have a comfortable life.
@rameshkumaar57 (5908)
• India
30 Sep 09
I have read many books in my life. I cant say that any books have changed my mind radically or influenced the way I live my life. One book which comes to my mind, which made me think is "The Chicken Soup for the Soul". I do not know whether you have heard about this series of books, but I found it useful in some respects.
@LittleMrsSunshine (201)
30 Sep 09
think i have read this but when i didn't believe in self help books. i may have to revisit it and see what it ccan give now i am older and wiser!
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
30 Sep 09
Hi LittleMissSunshine, books are everything, who could imagine a world without them, they are histories, knowledge and a good read. Many many bookd have helped to form my cynicism with life and the knowledge that people the world over will keep repeating the same mistakes time after time. The most memorable book for me though is always 'Eleni' by Nicholas Gage, a true account of the authors search to find the truth surrounding the murder of his mother by the communists during the Greek civil war. One of the most compelling books written I believe.

@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
9 Oct 09
It's in English as the author emigrated to the US at the end of the civil war.
I know what you mean about those English abuse type things, depressive and a bit self indulgent and all the tourists seem to leave behind at the book swap these days. Don't worry , Nick Gage was a journalist on the NEw York Times and is very well respected American writer. Hope you get a copy.
Oh and thanks for the best response.

@LittleMrsSunshine (201)
1 Oct 09
Sounds really good. True stories in England tend to be about kids who have been abused as children, and though i feel for them, their are only so many that you can read before depression kicks in, especially as i know many people who have been through it!. I'll see if there is a translation, my greek is none existant, i could not even pronounce one of my own staff name!!

@ChrysanTflower (1607)
• Indonesia
5 Oct 09
Hi LIttleMrsSunshine
I've read and have that books! Memoirs of a Geisha and Thousand Splendid Suns. The later really make me angry to the man in that country and thanks to God, I live in a quiet modern societies. I'm afraid they don't wanna be helped, because it's their culture and that kind of life already told to female there to their parents.. It's so scary for me
But Geisha not really bad, at least we know about Geisha's hair and other things related to it..
Paulo Coelho's books always affect me deeply. I love all his books. The one that really influence my life is "The Alchemist". That book makes me dare to reach my dream and there's one sentence : "You can always go back and return, so why you decided to go back now?"
I don't know my translation is good or not, but since that time I decide to never hide and go back in reaching my dream
And its ending is so unpredictable!

@ChrysanTflower (1607)
• Indonesia
9 Oct 09
Hmm.. How can that book come to you?
That's an awesome books and you will be surprised with the ending!
Try to read it if you have time!

@LittleMrsSunshine (201)
6 Oct 09
Someone recommended that before! I'll have to read it when i see it! i tend to wait till books come to me and they usually do!!

@veronizm (907)
• Philippines
1 Oct 09
Hi LittleMrsSunshine! Me too, many books have influenced my life and one of it is "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Have you read it? It's a really great book! It is filled with valuable lessons about life and a deeper understanding about love and friendship, and being happy. It's my favorite book of all time! It's where the saying "What is essential is invisible to the eye" comes from :) It's a classic, for children, and as well as adults :) This book can really make you think about life, and how we humans live our life.
I also love the books by Paulo Coelho. His books are alwats filled with no nonsense facts about life, love, and also about faith in God.
Right now, I am reading "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" and so far it has really helped me with facing tough challenges in my life.
I also read "Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul" but not too often coz I always find myself crying everytime I read their stories! Yup, that's how "cool" I am, LOL!

@veronizm (907)
• Philippines
3 Oct 09
You're welcome! Yeah, I guess you're right about the being cool thing :D
I also cry at films, actually I cry at almost anything! LOL. But yeah, books have more impact on your feelings since when you read a book you'll feel like being the character instead of the audience. I remembered when I read the "Message in a Bottle" by Nicholas Sparks. I cried so hard I didn't even consider watching the film coz I was afraid I might cry again. Also with "The Notebook", I saw the movie and didn't bother buying the book coz I know I'd be crying real hard when I'd be able to read it.
@LittleMrsSunshine (201)
1 Oct 09
My friends think i'm mad cos i don't cry at films or tv but do at books. I think the written word and imagination affect you so much deeper than films. Being cool is about being in control of your feeling not bottling them up!! lol
Think i have read the little prince. But not the other ones you mentioned, thanks for the recommendations.

@linamachina (521)
• United States
29 Sep 09
When I was high school I read Leo Buscaglia and that influenced the way I felt towards myself, which profoundly changed my outlook on life at the time. I recently just finished The Shack, (which I had mentioned in another discussion) and the book has also influenced the way I view life and spirituality. It also, on an intellectual basis allowed me to understand just a little bit more of the Christian faith. I probably can honestly say that I get something out of every book that I read whether its pure fiction or thrillers, sci-fi, and the self-help books,etc but of course, some books more than others!

@linamachina (521)
• United States
6 Oct 09
Hi LittleMrsSunshine, Please do let me know what you think of it. I am very taken with this book and what it means to me, I would be curious if others have the same reaction. Thank you for remembering about me and the book!
@LittleMrsSunshine (201)
29 Sep 09
Never read his either, but they look interesting! I'm the same, every book i read give m some information that helps in some way, whether its emotional or just knowledge to help me understand things better.
@LittleMrsSunshine (201)
6 Oct 09
Really weirdly went to my mum's the other day and she had just finished the shack, so i've borrowed it! i'll let you know what i think when i finish!

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
29 Sep 09
Yea there have been a few books that have had a huge impact on my life actually...Courage to Heal and Awaken the Buddha Within, are two that immediately come to mind...Hardcore Zen is another one...A Child Called It is another one...
@LittleMrsSunshine (201)
29 Sep 09
I've read a child called it and yeah another one that has made me so grateful for my life and my parents and family! There are a lot of similar books out there, especially from Ireland, and I thank my stars that my grandma moved over here then stayed over there in the 60s! Though it is a lovely country, it was gripped by idealism and religious dogma that haunted a generation.
I'll have to have a look at the other ones you metioned! Need more books, though the hubby disagrees!!
@LittleMrsSunshine (201)
29 Sep 09
No prob not for me!! we are moving house next month so a lot of books will go, but in my mind that means room for more when we get there!!
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
5 Oct 09
Yes. It's funny that I actually read it after the experience that it could have helped me with happened, but I'll know what to do the next time I have an experience like that (hopefully I never will). It was by Susan Strempek Shea. She's a local author to me and the book details her recovery period after hospitalization due to cancer. She ended up working part time at a bookstore and it really returned her to a sense of normality and got her thinking of herself as a well person as opposed to a sick person. I read this book three years after my own hospitalization experience. I had a brain event on an airplane which was in no way fun. I was in the hospital for two months. After I got out, I didn't act normally. I was afraid to do things or be alone even for a minute. Eventually, my friends got tired of me acting this way and told me that I had to start acting like myself again or they would stop being friends with me. I don't think they meant it but they used it as a threat, and I'm really grateful that they did that because I had no choice but to behave more independently afterwards. I wish I would have read this book when I was in the hospital. I think it would have really helped me. Now, I'll buy it for any of my friends who go into the hospital for a long period of time.
@LittleMrsSunshine (201)
6 Oct 09
I'm sorry to hear that you were unwell! I try to think when my health lets me down that I am still better off than some people and i am at least alive so i can enjoy what life I have!
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
2 Oct 09
I grew up under segregation. Blacks and whites lived in separate parts of town and went to separate schools, not by choice, but this was the law. Blacks could not eat in the same restaurant or use the same rest rooms. There were even separate drinking fountains. I didn't think much about it. That's all I had ever known. I don't think I had ever seen a black man until I was about four years old. I was afraid of him. At about thirteen or fourteen, I read the book "Kingsblood Royale" by Sinclair Lewis. That book made me think as nothing had done before. It is the story of a man who, according to family tradition, was descended from kings. That is supposed to be how they came having the name Kingsblood. He set out to trace his roots back to that king. He found his ancestor, the king, alright, but he wasn't prepared to find him in Africa. His ancestor was a runaway slave who was taken in by an Indian tribe. After a few generations the descendants of that runaway slave was able to pass for white. Knowing that I was 1/16th native American made me wonder about my own heritage.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
29 Sep 09
hi littlemrs sunshine,
i have read several books but only Telugu books of Ramana Maharshi,Vivekananda,Iskan books,master C V V books,geetha,all are spiritual books i think,but the book of master Tuesday Lobsong Rampa's "Die for Ever" translated by mr PG Rama mohan have influence my mind to change,i wish to read all books of master T Lobsong Rampa in Telugu version,i could not find any such brave writer to come forward to tranlate the T Lobsong Rampa books to Telugu version,I master Sarvari can translate the books of master T Lobsong Rampa,but he yet to write a book on T lobsong Rampa,have a nice day

@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
30 Sep 09
Well there are plenty of books out there that have influenced my life. I read a lot of nonfiction books so they are designed to help teach me new things or new methods for things I already know. Some of the biggest influences on my life so far are The Teachings of Sri Aurobindo and Eckankar by Paul Twitchell. They are both beautiful pieces of literature that can really help you to think differently about life and the bigger picture.
@LittleMrsSunshine (201)
30 Sep 09
Again nothing that i have rread, can you tell me what they are about?? I'm looking for something new to read.
@dominiqueen (69)
• United States
30 Sep 09
Books that have influenced my life. The Power of A Womans Word by Sharon Jaynes. And also THE BIBLE. I used to think the bible would be such a boring hard to understand book but it is the most amazing book you will ever read. It has plenty of stories and most important it is fact.
@LittleMrsSunshine (201)
1 Oct 09
Stories from the bible have obviously influenced my life. When i had a mid life crisis a year ago (!!!) more of a crisis of self, i looked back on my life and what was going wrong, and changed my job and my life so that i help more people. now work for a charity and feel so much better even though life still throws crap at me!
@LdeL0318 (6400)
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
Yes there is. I must say it's Mitch Albom's "Tuesdays with Morrie". I am a teacher also, and I really got inspired with the story. I hope I can also be such a teacher. It also made me appreciate my former teachers and professors a lot.
@LittleMrsSunshine (201)
29 Sep 09
Another one I haven't read!! I'll have to look it up! Teacher is such a good proffession, I wanted ot be one, but I only have speak spanish and in the uk they want teachers to teach french too so I didn't get in. Now doing a course in community teaching, which in a way will be more rewarding as it is encouraging people to learn and change thier lives. Maybe I should read tis book too!!
@bettydeng5 (1822)
• China
29 Sep 09
yes, Mrs sunnshine, reading can encourgae and remance your life, maybe people live the reality life,it's flat and simple, but reading can bring the colourful in your life, especially the remantic book can bring love, crazy etc to you, the encouragement book can let you to be stronger and never give up your dream, so I think so, pls stick up to your reading, it's a good habit.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
29 Sep 09
i would have to agree with you (other than the Bible) and although i have read a great number of books that have given me a greater appreciation for the contents of the book and what they have related to, i would have to say that no one book has done that.
@finnyjoysarvodayite (49)
• India
1 Oct 09
the Bible has influenced me more than any book..about almost every topic relating to youth, sexuality, behaviour , love..etc
@getfastcash (26)
• India
29 Sep 09
I have read many books from academic to professional to other entertainment magazines.But I found Bhagvatgita As it is by srila Prabhupad very interesting which help me realize my actual position and importance of devotional service and not being like cats and dogs.After reading this there is no knowledge to gain as it is mentioned in it.Hare krishna
@irene3184 (898)
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
Yes. There are certain books that influences me such as the Bible which I consider it most as my guidelines in my day to day living.