
September 29, 2009 6:36am CST
I am reading a book called Serendipity by Umberto Eco, which deals with language and ideas. Languages have their own history and it is fascinating. I felt anagrams have something to do with language and ideas. Post Da Vinci Code , it is fun to dig some anagrams. To start with Anagram, A gram ., Mark Twain - Twin Karma Mylot- To my L, Y to ML English-Shingles-keeps spreading, a virus
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1 response
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
i love anagrams. sometimes when i am really bored, i create anagrams from the names of people i know. my username here in mylot is actually an anagram of my full name. :-D
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• India
29 Sep 09
Good one. Immediately,i am unable to decode your name. You should give other mylotters a chance. ABLE TILL LEA BC
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@pgntwo (22408)
• Derry, Northern Ireland
10 Oct 15
@harshadod good idea!