How Can A Mother Hit Her Child Everday??
By Archie0
@Archie0 (5652)
September 29, 2009 10:31am CST
[i]Man heres a lady just above my flat room, she is such a fatas-s and takes out that strength on her sweet little 7 year old son.He is such a sweet kid, i know kids make mistakes but that doesnt mean you shout at them drag them like a dog, hit them to wall and beat them with your broom sticks.The child take this every single day and his mother i never found her talking sweetly never kissed him never carressed.It just takes my heart grabbing out for that child, she sends him to work for getting the car cleaned,geting vegetables, making him wake up early in morning during holidays from school, not sending him out to play at all.
She is such a cruel, she even never talks lovingly to her husband i think i never heard her talking softly every single day she shouts and yells and creates mess and even disturbs others by her acts.Its so much disturbing because someone is getting hurt.I feel like going and slapping her tightly, but its their personal matters but why she has to get that to whole of us, her yells can be heard till my room and makes me disturbed with the childs screaming and yearns
Oh the poor child of the fat old cruel horrible lady[/i]

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32 responses
@jodylee_04530 (1097)
• United States
29 Sep 09
I am not sure where you live but I would get in touch with someone with authority to protect that child. It sounds like a very abusive home and no child should be forced to stay in that environment. Just hearing this story makes me sad. I can't imagine hurting a child and not offering them love and affection. Please contact Child Protective Services if you live in the states and if not find out who you have in your home country.
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@Archie0 (5652)
29 Sep 09
I was thinking the same too jodylee
but here its not all that easy, she can say it that i have no rights to poke nose in her matters and even if she threatens the child to say no she doesnt trouble him, then it cannot be any case as such.But i think it can be done if the child agress that she harrasses him.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
29 Sep 09
In India situation is too bad may be you can call cry people they are very active in the city or 1098 they take kids who are being harassed and call them quitely no need to involve yourself. May be he is a servant brought from village and not her own kid. If that is the case that means that lady is looking for trouble. But be sure because situation in remand homes is much worst then what child is going through at present.

@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
30 Sep 09
well, if she does this in the US then Im sure she will be in Jail by now. Kids are cute and I also have two. Yes, sometimes they are too much to handle but I never yell or beat them or drag them like a dog cuz they are not something that I can release my anger to them. If I feel not happy or stressful then I just let them play alone.
If she doesn't like kid, so why she has to give life to him... why dont she just go ahead and give him away, Im sure someone else will take a good care of him more than her.
I hate to see this, u know if I see this action I will call the police on her.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
30 Sep 09
[b]Damned straight! I'm 61 & hardly able to walk, & make virtually no money, but if I knew of a child in his situation, I'd take him in in a New York minute! There's just no excuse for abuse.
By the bye,' I speak from the point of view of one who was abused, physically, emotionally & mentally, as that poor kid is. Once I ran away, & the police put me into an orphanage. It was one of the best places I'd ever been--for a week. I'd started to make friends & really was getting into the sane, orderly life that place led--but I was herded back home when Mom found me. Soon my step-dad was back, & it started all over again.
I say make that woman release her child! She's not a fit parent!
@jewel76 (2305)
• Canada
30 Sep 09
Why haven't you called any authorities on this fat, child beating b*tch??? you are wrong, it is not "their business" when a child is being abused, beaten, etc. it becomes everybody's business to try and protect this child! please, call some authority on this, don't be afraid of her saying to you to mind your own business, she has no right, as she has no right to beat on that poor boy of say yourself you hear that poor boy's screams and cries can you just stay there and do nothing? i hope you realize that you must help this poor boy, please.
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@jheLaichie (4438)
• Philippines
29 Sep 09
she is such an a*sh0LE!!! damn her! she has no right to treat her child like that. even if her son do some mistakes but damn her! he is still a child. and we must love, support, give our child the freedom to be a child and let them be what they are. and all we should do is give advices and not hit them hard by things that are not really for such!
you can alwasy report her to child welfre right? or call the police because what she do is not right! and she must accept the consequences of her damn actions!
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@cutepink_13 (691)
30 Sep 09
that mother is crazy. why hit her child when the child is an innocent one. if she has problems she better keep it herself or hit a wall not her child. better help the child now before its too late
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
30 Sep 09
[b]Yeah. Where's Steve Wilkos? He'd have her sorted out, you betcha!

@fluffleshark (810)
• Ireland
29 Sep 09
Oh please report her to the authorities! Children cannot speak up for and protect themselves, and if family and neighbours don't look out for them and report abuse when they see it children's lives can be ruined. It's really not their personal matter, what she's doing would be regarded a crime in most countries, and a very serious crime at that, and that little boy needs protection. In most countries you can report child abuse anonymously if you want to, so no one would ever know it was you who reported her.
@Keola12 (823)
• United States
29 Sep 09
I totally agree with you. That woman should be locked up and never be allowed out in society again.
@ShirleyBillingsley (1544)
• United States
30 Sep 09
That is child abuse! You should report that to the child protective services. That is just terrible. If someone doesn't want their child, i just don't understand, why they don't just give it to someone who will take care of them and raise them as their own. That just makes me angry this morning.
@ShirleyBillingsley (1544)
• United States
30 Sep 09
If you are afraid to report this matter, then send me all the information in a pm, and i will report it.
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@Keola12 (823)
• United States
29 Sep 09
Any parent who beats on a child, period, is clearly not in touch with reality. This type of parent needs to have the authorities called on him or her and placed in a mental fascility and then in jail. Children do need discipline; however, when a child is being spanked for doing nothing wrong, that is just criminal. No human being deserves to be beaten upon and be fearful in their own household. Everyone, especially a child, has the right to feel safe in their own household, and especially a child has the right to be treated with fairness, respect, humility, and love by his own parents.
@lulumartin (963)
• Germany
30 Sep 09
Oh...that's horrible!!! I really cannot imagine how can a mother hit her child every day. I wonder does she love her child!!! Poor little boy...has to live in such an environment...this will definitely influnce his characteristics and have a long term effect on it.
I hope this child will not become an abusive person like his mom when he grows up.
As a mother of a son, i truly believe there is no reason for a kid to live like that! The kids deserve better life, i am not talking about the wealthy life, but at least there is love in the family.
I believe you can report this to the authority to provide some support for the little boy.

@doormouse (4599)
29 Sep 09
if you're concerned i suggest you report her,at least then you will have peace of mind that you've tried to help
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@gracefuldove (1668)
• Malaysia
29 Sep 09
Sadly, there are many mothers can beats their children day in and day out. I have a relative who does that. If you chastise her, she will beat her children even more. You can practically see the fear of pain the the eyes of the poor children. Unless you want ot reprot her to the authorities, you just let sleeping dogs lie!

@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
30 Sep 09
And you haven't reported her why?! All you need to do is make one call! Or don't you want those kids to be safe? "Let sleeping dogs lie" is fine advice for trying to avoid trouble, but there is no reason you would be in trouble for making an anonymous call!

@irisspeedy3xc (64)
• United States
29 Sep 09
well see you just have to know how to tel it. call the police, tell them the child is in danger, they will respond quickly. you call the police they will arrive she would not know that you call the police is not like you gonna go and tell her "hey i just call the police on you so you better stop it" the police will be at her door and she would not even know why.

@irisspeedy3xc (64)
• United States
29 Sep 09
Ok that's plain terrible, if you seeing this or hearding this, you need to call cps or the cops and they will take the child away she doesnt deserve the little boy, and i know you said is personal but is a child and if you dont do anything, you in a way are as much fault as her because you are not doing anything about it,you are just letting it happen, call the cops, tell them you can hear her all the way to your room and that is all they need and is a child trust me they will do something about it. child abuse is wrong, there is other ways to discipline a child.
@Archie0 (5652)
29 Sep 09
I seriously accept this fact that i am too wrong, but i need support i tried talking to my neighbours but they say she is not a good woman she will trouble even us if we try to mess what to do in that then and i am just a student, i stay away from my hometown no parents too. :(
@irisspeedy3xc (64)
• United States
29 Sep 09
Ok I understand you are just a student, but you can still call it in and make yourself anonimous, just tell the authorities, that you are afraid this women might harm you or do something, so you just want to do the right thing after all you still young, put yourself in the position of that little boy, wouldnt you want some help? she cant harm you, trust me, she will be arrested, and you can tell the authorities, like i said, tell them you dont want her to know you told on her, or how about go to a public phone call the 911 number tell them what's going on dont tell them who you are and they cant ever know it was you. dont wait before is too late if she is doing this things to this child, she needs to pay for it before she does something to that child that might life threating.
@blueberry2008 (40)
• Ireland
29 Sep 09
This is a very serious situation. You need to contact the local authorities!! IMMEDIATELY!
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
24 Oct 09
Is there anyway you can call the police and report her, without giving your name and information. I mean she wouldn't know who exactly called the cops on her, since every single person in your apartment knows what's going on. Why doesn't her husband stick up for his son and tell her to knock this crap off. She needs to realize that once that child moves out and on his own. He won't look back at her. Plus if he's the only child. He will be the one that determines how she's taken care of once she gets to old.
I have a 7 year old, and this breaks my heart that people in this apartment doesn't get together and confront her about her abusing her child. The dad needs to realize that he's just as horrible as his wife is, because he turns a blind eye. I don't want to sound mean, but the neighbors of this child are just as bad for turning a blind eye. At least you have talked to your neighbors about stopping this. Your next step is reporting her. If they ask for a name, simply tell them you don't feel safe giving them a name. Poor child doesn't even know what love is. He needs to get out of this situation before he grows up and marries a girl and the cycle repeats itself and he abuses his wife, or even worse, his own kids.
Good luck with this situation.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
29 Sep 09
That is very sad. I would hate to hear and see that all the time too. In America we have a government agency that will go out and check on cases such as this one if someone calls them tells them a child is being abused they will come and do and investigation and then if they fnid that it is true that the child is being beaten and mistreated then they will remove that child from that home and place them in a hopefully bettr foster home. Is there someone like that you can call in your country?
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
30 Sep 09
[b]I believe in spanking, as a last resort, & under very controlled conditions. But this isn't spanking, this is abuse. It's a crime. If you don't report this woman to the police, you're as guilty as she is, because you can do something to stop it & save that poor kid! So get off your computer & make the call RIGHT NOW.
Come back after you've done that, & then we can talk!
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
29 Sep 09
I really can't believe that some people do that to their own children. All that children really ask for is to be loved, and protected. This boy doesn't even get this from the person, who should love and protect him. It's really unfair that some parents can't do this or provide this for their own children. It's something that I could never really understand. It breaks my heart just knowing that some children go through this sort of thing, everyday.
@red_amethyst (3518)
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
hello archie,
Oh, this is terrible. Yeah, me too, can't imagine how could a mother do this to her own son. This boy who came from her. Do this woman have a heart?
Anyway, if ever this happen again, maybe you can help the boy by calling the cops. I know there are some law regarding child abuse. and if this would happen, I hope the mother would learn.
@jashoaf (296)
• United States
1 Oct 09
I wonder if there is a way to tape or video her doing this to her child? that could be sent annonymously. I don't see how you can NOT report this if it is really this bad. That child needs help!
You are a student; of a university? Perhaps there is a counselor there that can advise you or help you?