How many hours for proper sleep???

September 30, 2009 11:25am CST
i have lots work in day..i got only 5 hours to sleep in day..i have to sit & work computers for sleeping hours good enough????
5 responses
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
30 Sep 09
Hi Jiamxjimax, The proper sleeping hour is at least 8 hours per day. But then I hardly have proper 8 hours sleep lately. I always stay up late at night till 2-3am in the morning and by 7am,I have to wake up again to get ready breakfats for my family. Since nowadays,my son also wake up early,sometimes before 8am,I can't get any more sleep . Only in the afternoon, I will have a nap for awhile to build up my energy. Do you need to work everyday?7days in a week? During weekend or your off days,you can sleep longer hours.
• India
30 Sep 09
yes i work almost everyday...Sunday i tried to keep off..but as per all days habit..i could not get sleep if i wanted..its become routine now...
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
30 Sep 09
Hi, Do you mean that you can't sleep longer during your off days??? Maybe it has become your habit to sleep at shorter time.Won;t you feel tired and sleepy sometimes? Don't drink a cup of coffee before you sleep and avoid heavy meal before you sleep.That's my advice to you!!
@gtazok (28)
• Italy
3 Oct 09
i think it's not 4 hours or 12 hours the adeguate time to sleep. the thing is to enter into the r.e.m. phase, when we dream. after that,you can feel yourself good rested, even if you sleep 5 hours ;-) imho obviously
@argytrans (225)
• United States
1 Oct 09
as I know we have to sleep at least minimum 8 hours a day. It will not make your body condition good. one day you may collapse or sick. I'm not a regular sleeper, if I lack of sleep, my body condition can recognize it, like i will feel exhausted or something, so I will decide to sleep at a certain times to meet the needs of sleep.
@gowriv89 (295)
• India
1 Oct 09
Hi jiamximax... have happy posting.....not at all buddy.... your sleeping hours don't sound that good... May be you are always tired and with hyper tension because of less sleeping time... If you can manage with a sound sleep for some seven to eight hours, then you can have a refeshing mind... You can stay calm and chill all the day... Can easily manage things also
• United States
30 Sep 09
Different people require different amounts of sleep. Some people need eight or nine hours, but some people only need five or six. If you feel okay with five hours of sleep, then it's enough for you. I would suggest taking a short nap if you feel exhausted after coming home from work. Your body will let you know if you're not getting enough sleep. I myself get about five hours of sleep most days, then take about an hour long nap.