when a movie is based on a true story but then alters the end...
@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
United States
September 30, 2009 7:15pm CST
it drives me nuts! i mean i have watched several that are based on a true story and not "inspired" (which pretty much means nothing) and it drives me crazy when at the end of the movie they show who the killer is and everything when in real life they dont have a clue! i mean i would rather them NOT have an ending than lead people to thinking it was some one that who knows if they existed or not!
do you like false endings to true stories? just so you can get the closure that they got him even if they havent? or do you like it to be real and end saying "dunno" so that you dont research it and am swayed to think some one is guilty that may or may not exist in the first place!
i just wonder about the people that might fit the profile of who the movie says did it that may have been around the area. i mean if they do have similar people isnt that wrong to make the movie point in their direction? im hoping they are just making up some one to pin it on in the movie that has no way of being like anyone in real life..
6 responses
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
1 Oct 09
It's not just the false endings to true stories that drives me nuts, it is also when a movie is based on a book and yet the movie is completely different from the book, that is the other thing that drives me absolutely nutty.
In the case of a true story, I don't think that there should by any allowance of things to be changed. How is it a true story when things are changed. It just doesn't make any sense to me at all.
In the case of a book, I think that there could be some space for a screenwriters interpretation, but I still feel like it should be pretty true to the original written word.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
1 Oct 09
yeah its like they expect the people that read the book to be ok with them butchering it and redoing the whole story
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
1 Oct 09
It is really crazy that they alter what is real. It would not be called a true story if they make-up scenes. Some do it for cinematic purposes to attract viewership. They do this so that they could earn money. The sad part is it does not anymore reflect the lives of the personalities involved.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
1 Oct 09
yeah i mean i expect for some of them to really play up some stuff or add a little drama here and there to make it more interesting but when they show in the movie who the killer is and he just gets away but then say "they never figured out who the killer was" at the end and i am like "they just did! they said fred!" grrr drives me nuts! its like ok forget the last couple of scenes because obviously they were just crap
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
1 Oct 09
When a movie is based on a true story, I send a friend to see it who has read the book, or heard the story. unless it is 100% historically accurate, and has the same ending, I will not go. When my teacher told me that Titanic was not historicically accurate, I was glad I didn't go see it.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
1 Oct 09
i didnt go see that movie just because there was so much hype over it i figured it wasnt worth it since a lot of movies they rave about i hate lol
@leeloo (1492)
• Portugal
1 Dec 09
I agree with you on this generally, with the quick fix solution giving the killer in a nice clean and easily digested package whether true or not. It bugged me more before, now with these movies I always take them with a pinch of salt and if it really intrigues me will go and do the research and find out how much was embellished and why they chose that character to take the fall, normally a made up character that never existed either in real life or books.
There are always exceptions and the most famous of which is the stories of Jack the Ripper, that with pros and cons in relation to their validity give one or other as the culprit, since this is very old and there is no actual proof either way any plausible theory is valid. Then there is another category, like the organized crime stories, where everyone suspects one or other person for the crime, sometimes having confessions but since there is no physical evidence or with cases that are dismissed from court due to lack of evidence it means that only in fiction can those stories have a solution.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
1 Dec 09
yeah jack the ripper i can understand because unless there is a miracle we may never know so at least you can enjoy the hmmm who did it or did this person do it theory
@Haraaz (112)
• Sweden
1 Oct 09
Well, it use to be "based" on a true story, not "a totally" true story, if you get what I mean... A base is somehting which is in the ground, where other things get build upon. Like the base of a house for example. So, just cuz the movie is BASED on a true story doesn't mean they can't add some fiction to it.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
2 Oct 09
i expect them to add extra drama to spice it up but not make up an ending when its an open case
@doglady112 (604)
• Canada
1 Oct 09
I like how you think, a true story should always name the person who actually did the crime. I'm wondering what movie you were watching and why you think that the person named was not the actual person? Do you do this for a living? It just sounds like you have experience in this matter.
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@moonlitmagikchild (22181)
• United States
2 Oct 09
well i love horror movies and i have had it happen several times.. the latest being the "alphabet killer" movie which i had no idea was based on a true story. well at the end it shows who the killer is (it was one of the characters in the movie.. not gonna give it away) then says at the end that they never figured out who it was that killed the girls.. im like uhh you just showed us who and how he got away!! its like they want us to think that the case is solved so we sleep better at night when if there is a killer out there we should know he is still out there and not have a preconcieved idea on who it is based on who they showed on the movie.. i have no idea what year the case that that movie was based on was so i dont know if its so old that the killer could still be alive or not..
another one was one of the zodiac movies (they made a few but the one with jake gyllenhaal is the one im thinking of i think) they showed him figuring out who it was and running away and then of course its never been solved..
there are more but i cant think of enough of the info to give good examples.. i have a horrible memory and the other ones its been years ago
@doglady112 (604)
• Canada
3 Oct 09
Wow, sure sounds like your memory is pretty good to me. You know you should get into mystery writing, you seem to have a great knack for it. I'll bet you like suspense movies too. Maybe you could be like a true crime writer, you should try it.
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