How powerful do you think "words" are?

@manong05 (5027)
September 30, 2009 8:16pm CST
Some says words can kill, figuratively and literally, I think they do. Often we hear of people kill or killed because of some nasty words spoken or heard. On a positive note, some people became successful persons because of words of encouragement they heard when they were young that they remember and directed their lives. And unfortunately, even words of an innocent song can make people act violently. Any thoughts? an experience perhaps?
2 responses
1 Oct 09
Words are really powerful. They can brighten up anyone's mood by just saying the words "hi". But they can also ruin relationships. They can get people into killing each other. It is really up to us to choose the right words before we speak it up.
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
1 Oct 09
Yes, and choose we must, with care. Like what you said even a single Hi can spell the difference that brightens our day. I have experienced this and I'm sure you had too. Cheers.
@raynejasper (2322)
• Philippines
1 Oct 09
..yes.. it is better to be slap face to face physically than to be hurt by words.. words spoken will always stay in the heart while if physically hurt, after the wound is healed, it is gone.. but if it the hurt that is already wounded, it is very hard to heal.. it will take so many months or years to heal.. sometimes, it depends on the person hearing the words and giving meaning to this words.. there are some people who do not intentionally say words to hurt other people.. some people are not aware that others are already being hurt by their words.. this is why it5 is also necessary that we always open our hearts and minds to broader understanding so that we will not always take things negatively but learn to use words positively..