Signal Number 5
By aylim14
@aylim14 (501)
October 1, 2009 3:54am CST
I just got this text message from a friend of mine.
"Dearest friends and family, this just in from CNN. The coming storm is now a category 5 super typhoon. Expected landfall is late Friday or Early Saturday. Path is through Northern Luzon. We can only pray and prepare as it is the strongest storm category. Please warn your loved ones in that area while still early. Let's also hope and pray it takes a different course. Pleas spread the word. God bless the Philippines."
Well, after 5 days of being devastated, here again is another super typhoon. Let's just do what we can do.
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22 responses
@abbypringles (1613)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
I am so sad to hear about this news. I was just talking to my mom this morning pointing out how the weather here has gone much better as compared to the past few days (I live in Davao City in the south). Then, I just realized that weather forecast indicates that the super typhoon is going up north as days go on, which probably explains why weather here in our side of the country is going better while in the northern part, things are looking bleak. I am just praying that things do not turn out as worse as expected to enable the victims of Ondoy to recover. 

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@abbypringles (1613)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
that's good to hear. at least information dissemination is more precise
we are praying that pepeng will not be as devastating as ondoy is. there is still hope since the forecasters at PAGASA indicate that pepeng is stronger than ondoy in terms only of wind intensity, but the amount of rainfall is not yet determined.

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@aylim14 (501)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
yes, but there are already areas which are flooded. The news confirmed the direction that it will pass through northern luzon. Just hoping that it won't be sever and devastating. Since a lot of places are still submerged in water, even just a few hours of light rain can still cause sever flooding.

@amaine (2027)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
After having 16 inches of flood, we may never know what can happen next. I have received the same text message as a matter of fact.
Even though it seems that the news is being a bit exaggerated we may never know how it would really go. We just hope would could get over it, and prayers very much appreciated on this case.
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@edujccz (929)
• Philippines
1 Oct 09
It is good to tell news but news that tells the truth, we are monitoring the typhoon path right now and its 650 miles east of Samar heading NW which means it will not hit the philippines but rather heading for taiwan. Yes we will have rain in the coming days but not that much.
@edujccz (929)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
Actually you are right, it will hit northern luzon and the center will pass the tip of aparri cagayan valey.I am from Manila and when I saw your issue, storm signal 5 that i never heard of in my life, which i thought its a scare news to attract attention on people. Remember that Ondoy just pass a while ago and another news like this will scare people, I notice that people are buying everything in grocery stores, because of such news can create commotion thats why I tend to deflect the news that you are mentioning.
The scope of the typhoon will cover Aurora, Isabela, mountain province and the Ilocos but typhoon like this is common to the place and people are geared up all the time. upon entering Aurora the peak of wind is 115, and since the place will not be hit at center the typhoon that you will encounter if you are in aurora will last in two hours, thats all.
@aylim14 (501)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
is that true? i really hope so. im still trying to load the pagasa webpage to see where the typhoon is right now. But according to yesterdays reports, it will hit northern Luzon real bad. And i heard that the water it brings is not that great as much as Ondoy, but the winds are really strong. So i am not sure of what to expect yet.

@msfrancisco9369 (10002)
• Boston, Massachusetts
1 Oct 09
thanks for this information. but i just got an update from our HR manager saying that typhoon pepeng had already changed its course-- and our country is already spared of any worst effects/impact of this super typhoon.
i am hoping and praying that we will be strong enough to handle what we're going through right now and faith that WE CAN OVERCOME ALL THESE NO MATTER WHAT!

@aylim14 (501)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
yes but if it brings in rain, even if it is not that strong, the still flooded areas would be really affected. Relief operations are not reaching some areas yet, and there were areas that takes weeks to let the water subside, but what more if there would be typhoons such as Ondoy? We can only hope and pray that we really can overcome these things.
@msfrancisco9369 (10002)
• Boston, Massachusetts
2 Oct 09
yes friend... it's only divine intervention that we badly need this time. let's continue praying for a change in direction of this coming super typhoon!

@grey26 (253)
• Philippines
1 Oct 09
Oh really? A shocking news. I hope that the typhoon will change its direction going to another path.

@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
I think this news is very exaggerated and up to now we still waiting if the typhoon brings wind or rain. We can't tell exactly how disastrous the typhoon is until it hits our area. We are also preparing for the coming typhoon my mother ask our neigbor to fix our leaking roof. I hope this typhoon will change its direction because many are still suffering and grieving from the last typhoon Ondoy. Let's pray that all of us are safe.
@msfrancisco9369 (10002)
• Boston, Massachusetts
1 Oct 09
yes, the typhoon changed its direction alrady as per our HR manager...the latest news dear friend. thanks for the concern!

@Yunion164 (73)
• Canada
2 Oct 09
oh my goodness, I am so sorry for this devestation, I hope you are not near Norther Luzon. Or hope your family isn't Of course, it does not mitigate the fact that it is still an unnerving experience to be so close to.
You are in my prayers and so is your country. God Bless
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@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
hello aylim14,
that serves to be a warning to eachand everyone of us. we should ready everything that we need while we still have time. nothing to lose anyway. hope and pray that the direction will change. this way, we weillnot suffer from it.

@aylim14 (501)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
YEs i know, if Pepeng was to hit again, we just hope that it will not bring about more floods nor cause havoc brought about by its strong winds, as i heard. They say that it does not have much water volume but really strong winds. So fasten you things, pray and prepare.

@levite (1062)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
It's not signal no.5, as signal no.4, so far, was the worst which hit the Philippines. Perhaps in international weather stations but not the Pag-asa rated it as signal no.5. Let us not make our fellowmen panic by bringing the news as they are just beginning to rebuild their lives.
@aylim14 (501)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
sorry but its a category number 5, not a signal number 5. my mistake. My bad regarding that, but i do not want to brought about panic but just warn people and want them to be prepared. That is all. anyways, thanks for the comment, and just hoping that we will be really prepared when the time comes.
@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
1 Oct 09
Hi aylim14,
Aylim thanks for the news about this Hurricane. It has not hit this Country yet but I suppose it will. We have our own Hurricane type weather going on at the moment the areas that are being hit and badly are Valencia, Murcia, parts of Catalunya powerful Rivers run here. All these provinces have been hit by flashflooding yet again.
I know the Hurricanes cannot be avoided to some extent but flashflooding could be avoided in these provinces if they were only to try and put right the damage they have done.
All these Provinces are surrounded by a string of beautiful Mountains and with the damage that has been allowed over so many years is helping to cause more damage to some of the most historical parts of Spain.
Aylim if you did´nt post this news on here about the Hurricanes I would probably not get to know much about it as Spain treats this kind of thing as very minor news que horror as they would say here.
I also get to learn more about the Philippines and its People.
So for anyone coming to Spain bewarned of flashfloods in these areas in particular.
Lleida is another I forgot to mention I know a lot of Philippine people come to Spain for various reasons so that also is one of the reasons I mention it here. All Provinces mentioned are in the South of Spain.
Safe journey to all who come to Spain.
Hope that this Hurricane loses all its Gas and diverts itself prayer is a very powerful thing too.
@aylim14 (501)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
hola..i do do know a bit of Espanol too. and yes, a lot of Filipinos go there because it is like another Philippines since a lot of traditions we have here also came from Spain, if you know the history. Anyways, its really terrible, these things are. Last Saturday when Ondoy hit the Philippines, there were also earthquakes and tsunamis in other parts of the world. So let us just pray and help one another.
@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
2 Oct 09
Hi aylim,
You got me watching the News a bit yesterday I only watched the Weather bit though to see where the Hurricane was going and what had happened.
I was dismayed to see all the damage done and that another Hurricane is on its way too over the Philippines direction.
Spain has it all organized now when it comes to rescuing people because of the overworked Firemen the problem here mainly is the very poor drainage and that they will insist on building where a natural River once existed you should see the damage that this causes impressive to say the least.
I really feel for anyone who loses their Home and other things and if you send things and money with this Country you never know whether the money actually reaches them or not.
I hope nothing happens over there and that everyone stays safe and sound.
Bueno hasta otra aylim, chat with you another time aylim. Cuidate, take care.
@iceydon (342)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
THE "ORATIO IMPERATA For Deliverance From Calamities":
"Almighty Father, we raise our hearts to You in gratitude for the wonders of
creation of which we are part, For your providence in sustaining us in our needs, and for Your wisdom that guides the course of the universe.
"We acknowledge our sins against You and the rest of creation.
"We have not been good stewards of Nature.
"We have confused Your command to subdue the Earth.
"The environment is made to suffer our wrongdoing, and now we reap the harvest of our abuse and indifference.
"Global warming is upon us. Typhoons, floods, volcanic eruptions, and other natural calamities occur in increasing number and intensity.
"We turn to You, our loving Father, and beg forgiveness for our sins.
"We ask that we, our loved ones and our hard earned possessions be spared from the threat of calamities, natural and man-made.
"We beseech You to inspire us all to grow into responsible stewards of Your creation, and generous neighbors to those in need.
" Amen. "

@aylim14 (501)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
really? you experienced a category 5 hurricane? where was that? how was it? where did it happen? nonetheless, i just hope that it won't happen here. The Philippines cannot afford to have another super typhoon. Ondoy's damage is still preset, a lot are still flooded, so another syphoon will really wreak havoc and panic. so pray and be prepared.
@shizuka15 (55)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
I'm from the Bikol Region and somehow I am quite thankful to God that he spared Bikol 2 times already. I hope people would be prepared before the typhoon landfalled tomorrow. May God Bless Them.
@shizuka15 (55)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
Some areas here in Naga City are already flooding. Goverment efforts are still ongoing. But overall, i think the situation is still okay compared to the floods in the capital.
@online_jon (1476)
• Philippines
1 Oct 09
Good day to you aylim14, wow! As you said, I think it's really the most strongest storm that will hit in our country. Well, imagine signal number five? It's really ultimate storm and no longer to be called a super typhoon. I think this will surely damage a massive number of structure here in the Philippines. Imagine after the storm ondoy here we go again, we will encounter a strong storm again... How i wish this storm will be delayed for the next month, for the others who affected in the past to start and prepare more before encountering this storm weather signal number five.
Well, if we have no choice but to face this storm. Let's show again the true blood of a Filipino,which is strong and became sharper in times of calamity. Then show our unity even though our one feet is on danger. I'm sure after this calamity many foreigner will admire us because of the super natural powers of being strong, as long as we are together.
In addition in my opinion the message that you received is only a spam message, which is fake. As I watched the news they said that the direction of the storm is to the west and not in the north, but no matter what is the direction it. We can finish this trial here in our country.
@aylim14 (501)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
first of all, if it goes to the west, then it will really hit us real hard. if you would like, check the PAGASA website and see that it is to the east of us, so if the typhoon would be going west, it will really hit the Philippines at its full force. anyways, the most recent view i saw from the website is that it is already covering the Philippines with its winds, but it is up north. I do not know how to interpret the satellite image correctly but its already near. Hopefully it would lessen its impact and just become a breeze and a drizzle. Because if it changes direction, then another country will have to suffer. Better not to suffer than suffer at all.
@biman_s (1060)
• India
1 Oct 09
Thanks for sharing this information. A warning has been issued here also but its not severe. I will pray for you and others. Try to get to a safe place if you can and also warn others about it. Mother nature can be very fierce and we all know this. Just pray to God that it doesn't cause too much damage in terms of life.
@aylim14 (501)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
yes i really hope so. I would not want to get stranded again, nor experience seeing the horror in other people's faces when fleeing from the flood. Although i may not have experienced the flood first-hand, i can tell just by looking at their faces, hearing other people's stories, and seeing the disaster brought about by the typhoon just rips my heart. Pray and prepare. If we do our part, God will do the rest.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
1 Oct 09

@LdeL0318 (6400)
• Philippines
1 Oct 09
Let us just pray that this super typhoon Pepeng will change it's direction. A lot of our fellowmen are still in trauma right now due to the damages done by Ondoy. Let us just hope for the best.
@vopols (204)
• Philippines
1 Oct 09
Oh my God with what you had shared aylim it gives me tears Oh my God people should must be warned about that as early as possible that signal number 5 can really destroy some of the small and not that concrete house in Luzon.
Many people will again suffer from this upcoming calamity.The only thing we can do is to pray that the typhoon will change it's direction or even reduces it's capacity of destroying houses.
@aylim14 (501)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
YEs, i know. it rips my heart to see these things happening to our beloved country. and yes, that's the only thing we can do since we cannot save everyone. We have limited resources and limited manpower. But there is one things we can do, pray. Pray and prepare. Let's do our part, and let God do the rest.
@i_love_precious (3)
• Philippines
1 Oct 09
Sadly, typhoon "Pepeng"/"Parma" is similar to typhoon "Reming"/"Durian" way back in 2006. Please continue to pray that if it really must hit our country, at least everyone would be safe. We can get material things back in time but we can never get back one's life when lost. "Ondoy" have already left us with more than enough damages and losses, if we'd be hit again, only God knows what..
@aylim14 (501)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
Yes. I really hope that everything will be fine. Just really hoping that the course changes completely and won't hit any other country or just lessen the winds and rain it will bring. Drizzle and a breeze would do for me. So let's just pray and prepare. Expect the worst, hope for the best.