The Argument
By Reya_and_Tai
@Reya_and_Tai (4)
United States
October 1, 2009 8:18am CST
Reya:I think the government is only after our money.
Tai:I think educational facilities are just a detention facility.
Reya and Tai:Explain!
Reya:The government is raising everything without raising pay. We cannot survive in this economy without money and they know it. It feels more like a consum-ist economy and the government is the consumer.
Tai:Consum-ist is not a word.
Reya: I don't care. This is how I feel, Ms. Haze. It is completely unfair how they treat us. People are losing jobs and homes. There are more people on welfare than a few years back. It is tough for us college students to find jobs. And unless it changes...
Tai: You are going into economics and rambling.
Reya: Fine think about this.
Tai: this is dangerous...
Reya: How much do you make?
Tai: Nothing it is hard to find a job.
Reya: Why is it hard?
Tai: I don't know.
Reya: It is because employers don't have the money to pay for more workers. The government is taking our money. They are using it to fuel a useless 'war' that should have been over in 2006. They are using our money to rebuild another country when ours is in the slammers.
Tai: Alright I see where your coming from but we destroyed their country.
Reya: 'Cause they destroyed ours.
Tai: Whatever. Lets ask everyone else. What do you thing of Reya's topic?
Reya: Wait a minuet you didn't explain your topic.
Tai: That is because you talk to much. Bye!
Reya: Tai Icice Haze get back here!
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