A request to those who think the Birth Certificate issue doesn't matter
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
October 1, 2009 9:34am CST
[i]Of course you all know that I do not support the policies and practices of our current administration in the White House.
But I would like to ask those who do support what President Obama is doing in Washington on things like healthcare and cap & trade, spending and bail outs to read this information and comment.[/i]
Obama for America, Obama's 2008 political campaign, merged with the Democratic National Committee in January and is now known as Organizing for America. The grassroots army that some refer to as "Obama 2.0" is still collecting financial contributions.
Federal Election Commission records for "Obama for America" show that the lobby organization has paid international law firm Perkins Coie exactly $1,352,378.95 since the 2008 election.
The FEC shows Obama's campaign has made regular payments to Perkins Coie since Jan. 1, 2007 – the month he formed a presidential exploratory committee and only weeks before he formally announced his candidacy for president.
In total, Obama has paid Perkins Coie, a single law firm, $2.3 million since he announced his campaign for presidency. By contrast, a cumulative total of all of Sen. John McCain's legal consulting fees from Jan. 1, 2007, to June 30, 2009, amounts to $1.46 million.
You may say, so what, he's got more money to spend. What does it matter?
But paying lawyers to quash the dozens of lawsuits that have challenged Obama’s eligibility still doesn’t answer the question of who exactly is behind the blanket blackout of the media, Congress and courts when it comes to Obama’s origins, parentage, credentials, indeed identity.
In an explosive interview by Dr. Laurie Roth on her syndicated West Coast radio show on August 7th, Douglas Hagmann—a respected journalist, director of the Northeast Intelligence Network and longtime private investigator, and Judi McLeod, a prolific journalist and the managing editor of Canada Free Press—the reason for the media blackout about the birth-certificate issue was nothing less than organized Mafia-like dire threats to members of the media issued not only from the heads of major TV and radio stations but also from Federal Communication Commission officials!
Remember ‘If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun’
According to Hagmann and McLeod, who conducted a nine-month investigation and documented their findings scrupulously, after Obama was elected but before he was inaugurated:
•A major TV talk-show host reported that he was ordered not to raise the birth certificate issue or risk losing his job.
•FCC officials threatened to yank broadcasting licenses, break up conglomerates, and make the enactment of the Fairness Doctrine “look mild” in comparison to other consequences.
•In at least one corporate TV headquarters, memos were circulated to all on-air employees not to mention the birth certificate issue, as well as other specific subjects like Obama’s Illinois lawyer’s license, his college records, etc., under both implied and explicit threats.
Just who has been sending “the message”? And how did it permeate not only the media, but also the once-respected U.S. Congress and the courts of our land, including the once-incorruptible Supreme Court? And what menacing forces made the once-courageous conservative media abandon their mission to expose rank corruption and collusion?
The boycott of Glen Beck ring a bell? Or the request for Americans to inform on each other?
Two words: Money Talks!
If you’re a media mogul and you get word from the FCC that your license will be pulled immediately and irrevocably if you mention only three words—Obama’s birth certificate—poof! You send that word to your employees and tell them that their mega-salaries—in fact, their employment—are on the line.
If you’re a conservative talk-show host and you get your boss’s directive not to dare to mention only three words—Obama’s birth certificate—poof! Lips sealed; curiosity zero!
The kind of money that “talks”—that can buy people off, finance revolutions, launder money, pay to rig voting machines, manipulate allies into positions of power (czars, anyone?), conveniently crash markets (as George Soros did in England in 1992, Asia in 1997, and, I believe, the U.S. in September 2008), make people disappear, make birth certificates and other vital records disappear and then make sure that an entire media, Congress and court system is terrified of “going there.”
We all know of the many multimillionaires and billionaires—including Soros, the Saudi royal family, et al—who contributed to Obama’s presidential campaign and continue to fund his leftist agenda, all of them with an ideological, religious, or personal stake in his remaining in power. And all of them part of a larger, more ubiquitous conspiracy—yes, conspiracy!—to conceal Obama’s origins and true parentage.
To sum it all up, this isn't how I'd like to see things work in Washington DC. Let's not even consider the illegality of some of it. Let's instead consider the ethics of it. If you consider all of what has been done to hide JUST ONE DOCUMENT that would prove Obama's eligibility, that alone should raise your suspicions. It would if it was McCain doing it, or Bush. Why is he hiding it and taking such great pains to do so? Tell, me what is the purpose of spending millions in contributions, aparently, to hide ONE DOCUMENT. I've yet to get a satisfactory explanation for the president to sign a presidential proclamation his first day in office, to hide his personal documentation from the people he promised transparency to! You tell me why?
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5 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
1 Oct 09
I think there's quite a lot to hide, the birth certificate may not even be the most important part of the documentation. However, I wonder now if he isn't spending a lot of time and money hiding something that no one would even care about if they knew it. No one cared about his relationship with the domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. No one cared that he appointed a communist to his administration. No one cared that he belonged to a church that taught racism and anti-semitism. Would anyone care if we found out that radical terrorists paid for his education and that he was groomed to be the front man for a socialist revolutionary movement? I am beginning to think a great coma has overtaken the American people. They are non-reactive to things that should signal great danger.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
2 Oct 09
It does seem that way, a great coma. Lulled to sleep with lullabyes...peace and safety...until sudden destruction comes upon them.
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@finlander60 (1804)
• United States
3 Oct 09
And then he nominates cabinet members that are BLATANT TAX CHEATS AND SAYS HE DIDN'T KNOW THEY WERE. In the famous words of Judge Judy "Don't pee on my leg, and tell me it's raining."
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
3 Oct 09
You felt that too? I thought it was just me. He is a puppet. There's some real big rich powerful people making sure he's securely in the White House, I do believe.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
1 Oct 09
He is hiding his BC because he has something to hide.
People don't spend that kind of money for nothing.
I think he is not eligible, and it is very possible that he is not even a citizen, much less a natural born one.
For someone who promised transparency, Comrade 0bama is taking great pains to maintain his secrecy on this issue.. as well as his school records.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
1 Oct 09
Thanks Destiny for your support and agreement...wonder where the Obama supporters are with that reason why he doesn't want his personal documents seen by the general public?
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
2 Oct 09

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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
2 Oct 09
Maybe they realize that screaming "racist" is not an intelligent response!
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
2 Oct 09
The Bamaloonies (he he he, still love that) are not responding whiteheather.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
1 Oct 09
I tried replying a couple minutes after you started this discussion. My reply didn't go through and I was thinking "oh boy, they got to myLot too!" lol
I think if all the information in your post is true, then yes...it's wrong that they are doing that...
But (of course there's a but), what comes to my mind whenever this topic comes up is the question - What would happen if it was proven that he is in fact ineligible.
How would that affect our country?
I don't know the answer to that question, but I'm not certain that I want to find out either.
I'm sure my type of logic will p!$$ some people off, but I figured I'd share my concerns anyway.
Thanks for the discussion.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
2 Oct 09
Did you post your reply in my reply on purpose or was that just an accident?
@Gangabag (28)
• Netherlands
1 Oct 09
Really guys, if you have a problem with Obama's ideology or his politics, stand up and debate your cause. But please refrain from all of this drivel which only undermines your arguments against the man who after all, whether you like it or not, is the president of your country. To even suggest that the debate on his citizenship issue has been stifled is simply untrue. This has been extensively debated by journalists of all colours, including all sorts of inaccurate and false accusations related to his family ties in Kenya. Face up to the fact that with the exception of those of indigenous origin, all other Americans are of foreign decent, at one point or the other. Don't make it a crime that his father is an African and don't suggest that in any way that reduces the magnitude of his citizenship. The man was born on American soil of an American mother and on both counts is thus entitled to the full identity of an American citizen. It is the cheapest and lowest of shots to try to deny him his destiny on the basis of some spurious rumour regarding his place of birth.
Besides, one day soon the whole birth place issue will be changed when the politically right leaning community decides that its best shot at the presidency is Arnold.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
2 Oct 09
He won't be found ineligable. NOt because he is eligable....but because there IS so much at stake. And those who wish him to be president have all the resources at THEIR disposal. What my concerns are, at this point, is what will happen to those of us who oppose him.
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@pixeltwistr (613)
• United States
2 Oct 09
In my opinion our country right now is basically split. There are two sides...one likes Obama and one hates Obama...and the problem is that no matter WHAT anyone on one side says to anyone on the other side (I am refering to both sides equally here!!!) it just doesnt matter....because noone is listening...there is NO open mindesness at all...everyones feet are firmly planted in the mud and no one on either side has any intention of budging an inch...
Debra i know you know which side I am on...and I do appreciate that you are the kind of person who IS open minded enough to accept that and still be friends....
I try to stay out of these discussions now because people are getting really hateful over this whole subject so I just stay away mostly...
But i did notice that no Obama supporters have even replied...so I will just reply with this link....
Of course I realize that the anti Obama side will just reply with 10 links that "prove" the opposite....and so it goes....
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
2 Oct 09
pixel...we are caught in the net of powerful and rich men. They have the money and the power to make PEOPLE disappear, not just documents. It is not just this one issue (of some document) that is causing all this upheaval. In asking why Obama has spent millions to keep it from view, and has - as one of the first things he did when taking office - make sure all of his documents are hidden from the public view, I am trying to show that he is a liar and cannot be trusted. He promised transparency and what was the one of the first things he did? Hide his proof under lock and key. In asking why he has done this, I am trying to show that there is no valid reason to go to such pains to hide ALL of the documents of his life. I am of the opinion this all was done to CAUSE a division and crisis in this country. Why keep asking for it then? To show him for the liar he is. Perhaps then the spell will be broken for some to finally realize the danger we are under.
I did go and read the article. It is dated Oct. 31, 2008. And I would add dear friend, meaning no slight or disrespect to you, that of course the media would stand by the propaganda machine that holds them by the gonads. See my link to the blog on how the media has been intimidated by the DNC.
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