Shareapic- did anyone got payed?

@Bionicman (3958)
Czech Republic
October 1, 2009 10:51am CST
Did you get payed by shareapic? I requested a payout a month ago and I havben't received money yet and I think I won't get it at all. I've seen on shareapic forums that users are complaining that it took them 6 months to receive a payment and they were lucky to get it at all. And they cut away your earnings and give you just 20% from what you earned claiming that traffic you gave them came from countries they don't support but they won't show you any statistic as a proof. I'm done with this site but I requested my $80 so it would be nice if I get at least $10 lol So I'm wondering if anyone from mylot got payed from them...
2 responses
@fresefan (177)
• United States
7 Oct 09
I have been paid third time. I requested $20.00 and I only got $18.00. I dont have problem with them. I safisty with my payment than get $10
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
7 Oct 09
Nice to hear that
@chocsie (259)
• Greece
1 Oct 09
Shareapic is currently not paying their members, because they are using their money to fight a pending lawsuit filed against them. They mentioned it on their site. On the members area page, look at the second box saying Important Announcement. This is where they are talking about it. Anyway, good luck and hope you get paid soon! And how did u manage to get $80? I've been with them for 6 months and I only have $0.21! Good job!
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
1 Oct 09
Unfortunately they have payment problems for years. It took me 3 years to reach those $80 but last 2 years were pretty much about passive earning from existing galleries. I really liked shareapic and I used it for wallpapers on my blog and stuff like that but they are very unreliable since the site is very slow and often down.