What kind of boss would you be?

@jesssp (2712)
October 1, 2009 6:20pm CST
Or if you ARE the boss, what kind are you? Would you be the easy going kind or the rules with an iron fist type?I think I would be pretty tough. After working in a place with a far too easy going boss for such a long time I can definitely see that the boss needs to be, well, the boss. I don't think I would have a difficult time firing or punishing people if need be. I wouldn't be completely rigid and inflexible though, tough but fair I think. What about you? Would you be a tyrant or a pussycat if you were in charge?
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20 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
2 Oct 09
I've been in charge at some jobs and it's difficult. I don't like it. I have a certain set of rules I expect to be obeyed but other than that I expect people to work on their own, at their own pace, as long as they get it done. I'll help anytime they need it but I don't believe people should have to be poked or prodded to do their work. I lost a supervisory position once because of my main rule. No personal calls unless it's an emergency, either incoming or outgoing. Kids could call in for moms to say they were home or something of that sort, but not chit chat, no boyfriends or husbands calling--we were there to work, not socialize. I still feel that should be the rule everywhere. I was overruled then and I probably would be sued these days!
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@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
8 Oct 09
I totally agree about the personal calls. It's fine when it's absolutely necessary but needing someone to bring home milk is NOT an emergency! I feel that people should work on their own too and one would think that adults wouldn't need to be watched over like little kids. Unfortunately it seems like most people do need direct, constant supervision and it really bugs me.
@pkc3000 (1266)
• India
7 Oct 09
Hey guy I think relation between employee-boss or employer is very sensitive and both side co-operation is required to maintain the smooth function of industry or work place. I am working in a semi-govt industry where workforce is about 4.30 lakhs and most of them are illiterate. To handle the labour oriented industry relation in between employee-employer is very critical. I have seen so many boss in my life some are very rude, adamant and few are very humble, polite and not a good administrator. You can not have perfect boss. I think in the present scenario the relation between boss-subordinate should be harmonious, cordial, flexible the roll of boss should be tactfully. In the present scenario the definition of management is "manage men with technique". pkc3000
2 Oct 09
I was a works manager for over 30 years. IN my opinion a successful manager needs a number of skills such as an ability to plan, be able to judge character, be able to deal with customers and so on. I don't think it makes a great difference to your success if you are a tyrant or, as you say, a pussycat because if you are sucessful over time you will attract the type of staff who prefer to work under that sort of manager. I have met both sorts and both of them seem to keep loyal staff fcr many years. The important thing is to be consistent. If you are going to the a barstard to you staff then you must be that all the time and visa versa
8 Oct 09
HI jesssp. I'm sorry I did not make myself very clear. You can be a pussycat or a tyrant but what you must be is a manager and run the business. If poeple are getting away with things they should not then as a manager you must put a stop to that in a nice way or a nasty way but whatever way it must be done otherwise the firm goes bust and everyone suffers
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
8 Oct 09
Where I work we have very lenient management and I can definitely say that there are many loyal employees here. However, they are only loyal because they do very little and get away with everything, which is not good for the business at all.
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
I am a democratic authoritarian kind of boss when subordinates see me doing my own job done well and be the one to set the first samples of being a good model. and in return I expect everybody to perform their duties and responsibilities as well. If the employees neglect their duties they are going to be dealt with fair due process giving a warning, memo suspension or reprimand. However, if all those measures are not follow then I would see to it to deal with the employees in a professional way and gives him the necessary policy against employees who disobey the rules. All kinds of setbacks are going to dealt with fair justices and never have to deal with erring employees as they have no place in my business/company. I hired them to perform and any neglect have effect in the performance productivity and thus it is only proper to stand protective of my ground acting as the main boss not easily pushy but responsible boss with the final say in all the decision of my company itself and no other else.
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
8 Oct 09
I think that having policies in place and making sure they are followed is very important. It seems like too often policies aren't upheld or taken seriously.
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
Unfortunately I am not that assertive. I tend to spoonfeed my staff. My partner is often complaining that I tend to socialize with them too much. He hates it when I involve myself with their personal agendas.
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
13 Oct 09
That can be a problem because your employees start thinking of you as one of them rather than The Boss. It's good to be friendly with them but too much socializing makes them think that you're just peers.
@cherrc (661)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
i would be a leader and a player at the same time. one who designates and participates in the task. i will make sure they respect my views but will give my colleagues the opportunity to air their views also. i want a healthy relationship with them. i believe that respect begets respect. i will show them friendship with authority. as for the terminating situation, i will not hesitate to deal with it provided that the grounds are reasonable to do so. :)
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
13 Oct 09
I think that respect going both ways is very important. If you don't respect your employees then they aren't going to respect you.
@cherrc (661)
• Philippines
13 Oct 09
exactly. we let them exercise their rights and obligations as an employees. we must know each other's place. ΓΌ
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
2 Oct 09
I was a fair Boss, I treated my Staff with respect and only showed who the Boss was when I really had which was rare as I received the respect back and they where a great team Punishing and Firing was hard to do but I had to be pushed into it before I took drastic actions and it was rarely in need for drastic action like that
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
I think I would be a strict boss because I'm a perfectionist. Thought I can be a very understanding and caring boss to my employees.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Oct 09
if you had ever had a tyrant boss you would never want to be like that. I would be a kind boss who wou ld demand all would 'do their jobs but would receive raises for good work and any employee could come see me and not be afraid. i would listen and try to help if I could. mean bosses will not make good workers so why be mean and nasty?
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
8 Oct 09
I agree, firm but fair is the best way to be.
• United States
2 Oct 09
i GUESS I WAS PRETTY TOUGH WHEN I WAS THE BOSS. I sat my standards high & expected the same of everyone else.
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
8 Oct 09
I agree with you, the boss should set the standards and everyone under them should be expected to keep them up.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
2 Oct 09
I would have a set of rules and guidelines for all to follow and I would expect them to be followed by all. I would not likely hire family or friends because I would treat all of my employees equally. I would definately be a boss that is not afraid to do any of the work that I ask of my employees and I would also be the type to join in on the work. I believe that it is important for a boss to be fair, and also to be willing to get out there and do the job themselves. I would be somewhat flexible, but definately not a pushover.
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
8 Oct 09
Not hiring friends and family is a very good point, all too often it just creates hostility.
@delkar (1712)
• Romania
2 Oct 09
I will be the "boss" , because i`ll finish such a college , but until i`ll be a boss , i must work with others to learn about that domain more. I can`t be their boss, if i don`t know more then them . And when i`ll be a boss, i will be not so nice , because i must make them understand that we must work good and in time, if we all want to be a nice and a friendly atmosphere betwin us . I will not ask them to tell me boss , or something like that. Just call me Alex and all it will be so nice . There are a lot of methods to make a man to listen to you .
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
2 Oct 09
Hello my friend I would be a little of both, I want my employees to like to come to work, I would do whatever it took to make the atmosphere comfortable for all concerned on the other hand if I have an employee that was not doing his/her job I would speak with them once, maybe twice depending on the situation if I see no improvement I will fire that employee I will also acknowledge my hard working employees, I will let them know I notice their hard work and give incentives for further advancement, I would be a great employer. Thank you my friend,really cool discussion.
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
8 Oct 09
I agree, I wouldn't be a mean boss but I definitely wouldn't put up with poor performance. I think I would be great to work for as long as people were hard workers and did their jobs, and I would reward them accordingly. But I think there would definitely be the three strikes and you're out rule too.
• China
2 Oct 09
If I am a boss, I will be both kind and stict with my employees. I don't want to be too tough, because that would make me unhappy, and make them unhappy too, then they would work in an unhappy environment, the working efficent will not be high. I have to be strict, because if not strict, some employees would just wanting to receive the salary without putting any effort to have his/her job done well! But i hope that I can hire some very intelligent person to work for me, so that they can help me manage my company, and I can pay more attention on my company's future development.
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
hello jesssp, given a chance, i think i prefer to be in the middle, strict but not that much. i will go along with my subordinates. i will make sure that, i can reach out if they need my assistance. this way, we can have a better relationship. but i will make a point that, being prompt and on time in going to work is important. reports should be given on time and the likes.
@suchi60 (912)
• India
2 Oct 09
I would definitely be a very supportive and easy going guy. One thing we must understand is that unless you have the support and sincerity of your workforce behind you, you will end up with a lot more headaches than normal. Your workforce should be treated well for them to reciprocate and if you're going to be a tyrant, believe me, you'll go nowhere in business.
@deniblue7 (122)
• Indonesia
1 Oct 09
I do have subordinates, but I can not tell the boss. I always do justice to my subordinates, if they are wrong I do not directly scold him, but I ask first why mistakes can happen and I advised him. sometimes I also help my subordinates work, I am a flexible person. if I became a big boss in the very first company I saw was the welfare of my employees, because employees are the greatest asset in a company. If the welfare of the employee's performance ensured they will be a maximum starch
@artistry (4151)
• United States
2 Oct 09
..Hi jesssp, I have been a manager in one of my many lives in the past. I had to try to be fair, though as a manager, I found as is human nature, I liked some of the employees more than others, but still I think over all,I was fair. I did have one person who I was going to have to fire. It was a photograpy company and we were selling packages as telemarketers. She would come in and listen to the other girls taking credit card numbers, write them down and charge other people's photos, as if they were a gift. The people started to call in complaining that they never ordered the ohotos, how she thought she would get away with it, I don't know. I pretended to call the credit card company to verify a charge and let her hear me, she got up and walked out. Very distrubed person. It worked out okay, I had given her a warning sometime before she quit. I was also very disappointed in her. Take care.
@riyasbass (118)
• India
2 Oct 09
If I were the boss I will treat my people as friendly as I can. I will not punish any body without any reason. I will try my level best to develop our institution without any difficulties to my people.I will be always a good friend to them....................
@bettydeng5 (1822)
• China
2 Oct 09
If I were a boss, I will be a strict boss, I will require my staff do work seriously, don't careless, and don't like them to made the joke during working time, if they made wrong job, I will ask them to change and do work seriously.Maybe I'm a serious girl, so my character decided my activity.