NeoBUX presents new Scams
By velocity_186
@velocity_186 (879)
October 2, 2009 2:49am CST
Neobux is turning it self into mini scam
neobux doing many mini scams like rented refferal scams
it is altering direct refferals and sometimes removing them
it is also doing Advertisement scams
i think u guys too would have noticed when u click on new ads which come apart from regular ads
exactly when then ad timer expires the ad will also expire
and u wont get any credit
this problem i faced since today , and i observed both the advertisement and ads page of neobux
u would see an error " not credited click here to know why ?"
at the same time when the ad disappears
if u dont click on that ad it will last for an hour or so
but if click it will give an error
while i logged in via my friends account on other laptop i could see the ad for more half n hour , and after that i clicked from my account and the same problem
they daily show such 1 -2 ads and millions of customer if click on 1 ad they get clciks for free , see the new way of earning from NEOBUX
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