Fat women? Skinny women? Should we really care?
By juwujaren
@juwujaren (25)
United States
October 2, 2009 1:02pm CST
While I'm browsing the web, watching TV shows, or noting the latest Hollywood trends, I usually come across some negative discussion about a woman's weight. Last year, more often then not, people's commentary made it seem as if being an overweight woman is just as offensive as walking around with a swastika on your chest. If a female celebrity was fat, people would attack her for it. It didn't matter if she'd just had a baby, looked like a normal woman ought to look, or wasn't even that fat at all. People just had to find something to complain about. Or they just had to assume that an overweight woman is automatically lazy and gluttonous, despite the fact that many who exercise and eat right still have trouble losing weight.
Take for example Jeniffer Love Hewitt. There was an unflattering photograph of her in a bathing suit, which displayed a less than minuscule butt and some cellulite. I was hoping she would come out with a comment saying "it was just an unflattering suit, and I'm not fat!" or "normal women have these flaws". Instead, she bought into what the media expected of her and blasted her body into the epitome of slender fitness. Of course there's nothing wrong with her wanting to tone up, but should we as women really be listening to all this crap about our bodies?
Now the newest criticism of women is that they are too skinny. Because more people are starting to advocate the "Real Women Have Curves" philosophy, thinner women are becoming a more acceptable target for misogynistic critics to attack. Granted, people who's ribs are showing might not be getting enough to eat, but when a woman is just plain thin is it necessary to fling the term "anorexic" at her and implore her to "eat a sandwich" when no one knows what makes her so thin?
While they don't receive as much flack as fat women, skinny women do have to deal with annoying stereotypes about their eating habits and level of attractiveness. Women that look like toothpicks may eat twice as much as rounder women and still look like toothpicks. Some people are just naturally thin, fat, skinny, thick, what have you.
In my opinion, people really need to stop taking offense to the non-conventional female form. Fat women aren't bothering you, skinny women aren't bothering you, and cellulite is not the end of humanity. If you want a world where every woman conforms to conventional standards of beauty, go lock yourself in a room with a Maxim and leave everyone else alone. Women shouldn't feel the need to be attractive to everyone that has to look at them on a daily basis. And even if you believe that being overweight or underweight are unhealthy, why does it seem like the majority of discussion about weight is focused on women? Shouldn't men outside the normal weight range be receiving just as much criticism? Honestly, they aren't.
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13 responses
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
2 Oct 09
Hi Juwujaren
Your right there is a trend going on regarding weight and women there is a cable show on called RUBY and its a reality show about this obese woman named Ruby who lives in Georgia and the cameras follow her weight loss journey.
There is The Biggest Looser
Celebrity Fit Club
Just to name a few geared toward weight loss regarding men and women alike its all over the place you can't get away from it . Then you have
Jenny Craig
Weight Watchers
La Fitness ect.. ect.. but back to your topic sentence No we shouldn't really care (but I will add that if it is a health issue which lots of times it is then yes we should care) So I am kind of neutral about this topic,
If its just a few vanity pounds then I don't see the big deal but in Hollywood you must remember that this is how women like Jennifer Love Hewitt make their money buy their looks not so much as their talent , same thing goes for Halley Berry ,and just about any other A list actor or celebrity period who make their living based on their looks. Jennifer probably saw that photo and realized she was just like every other human being who stops working out and starts eating REAL food
that your body is human and this is what it does I personally couldn't run my life worrying about how much cellulite I have or what my body fat count is I just want to be healthy I know I won't look like I did when I was 22 nor am I trying too!
Gravity takes hold and things happen with age I am not getting cut open or altering my face or body to stop the process of aging cuz you really don't stop it you just give the illusion that you have by dyeing your hair or getting a little nip tuck ,botox or whatever. Aging we all are going do it we all put on a few pounds especially after childbirth we get cellulite and stratch marks so what?
Now this doesn't mean that we should let ourselves go get frumpy and just not take care of ourselves but we don't have to count every single calorie or feel guilty if we want to eat an icecream or if we put on a little weight
@bubblepink (694)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
Yes that's right. For celebrities, you really need to loose some weight because you will look big on cameras. And that's their job to take care of themselves. But anyways, it's not really a big big deal to offend someone. you can still change it after all. There's a lot of ways to gain or to loose weight and even look more beautiful for celebrities.
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@juwujaren (25)
• United States
2 Oct 09
That's a good point, but to say that there's only one way for a celebrity to look "good" bothers me. I could understand if Jeniffer Love Hewitt were running around the place looking like a sack of potatoes people might be irritated, but she's never looked fat and she was gorgeous at her heavier weight. I think the problem isn't really with the celebrities needing to look good, because they do have the money and personal trainers to achieve any look they want, but the standards people are setting for women in general and how the media hype is effecting the self esteem of normal woman that can't afford to gym and diet every day.
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@blueberry2008 (40)
• Ireland
3 Oct 09
Media has killed the admiration of everyday women!!! If you back in time the curvier the women the more appealing they were to men. As technology advanced and we began to live our lives around television, magazines, newpapers, billboards, internet etc.... the admiration for these women declined. The concept of the size "zero" took over.
I am one of these "skinny" women not by choice and it frustrates me. 'm what you would call a "greyhound breed". I can eat all I want and my figure won't change. Women tell me I'm the lucky one but I completely disagree! My ribs naturally protrude but I can't do anything about eventhough I have really good appetite.
Because of the perception the media protrays I see women wanting to lose weight everyday of the week. I work with a lot of women and I can say 33% of them are currently trying to lose weight with the Celebrity Slims program. A shake/soup replaces meals and you are only allowed 1 meal a day with restricted ingrediants. In my opinion its absolutely crazy! Talk about shocking your system into losing weight!
The people I most admire are those that are comfortable with their bodies and are not influenced by media etc.... These people are always happy, jolly, motivated and confident! I have a friend whom is overweight and he's opinion is "oh well but I'll die happy".....
For this reason I love the saying "Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder"!
@juwujaren (25)
• United States
3 Oct 09
This is a great response, but I don't think you should be frustrated by your inability to gain weight. There's beauty to be found where there is confidence, and being healthy is an even better thing. And no one's really lucky or unlucky to be thin or fat, because everyone wants what they don't have.
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@bubblepink (694)
• Philippines
2 Oct 09
Men are really choosy when it comes to women. I don't care about it. As long as I am happy and aware of what I am doing with my life, it's fine with me. People are just so insecure when it comes to physical or outer figure/look. For me, I don't need their opinions, it's my life anyway. Why don't they take a look around themselves before judging a celebrity or even average people. They just want to have this issue so they can talk about something. As long as you are healthy and happy, it doesn't really matter what will people think of you.
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@juwujaren (25)
• United States
2 Oct 09
Agreed one hundred percent. And even if a person is unhealthy, it's not a stranger's business to judge them and tell them so but a family member's.
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@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
3 Oct 09
Some people are grossly overweight so we should treat obesity as a serious health problem. We can't let it go and make it normal to be overweight.If you're under the age of 30 then you have no excuse. Being fat is a reflection of how you treat yourself. You're no better than a junkie shooting himself up with smack. We shun and ridicule those people. We make it socially unacceptable for a reason. I'm not saying every woman needs to be a super model. No one ever said that. The only people that ever say that are fat women that have given up on themselves and don't care anymore. They would rather die eating twinkies than die trying to be healthier and maybe seeing more of life. There is more to life than feeding a hole.
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@tundeemma (894)
• South Africa
3 Oct 09
i don't really think we should care about such big size nature of women, its just a psychological disillusion and it makes people think some women are much more better than others, i have even observed that skinny women are much stricter and behave badly than fatter women who are much more friendly
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
3 Oct 09
I agree with you. There should be beauty found in every form. It is in the eye of the beholder. And as for photos, many of the magazine shots are air brushed. For my two cents no we shouldn't care.
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@my_name_is_coco (4333)
• Philippines
3 Oct 09
for me,I don't really care.I don't care if they say I'm fat.I am one of those who hates conforming with what the society dictates.I follow the beat of my own drum.I go for what makes me happy.a little cellulite or fat belly doesn't make me less of a girl.I don't care if nobody finds me attractive.I want to get into pole dancing not because it will make me sexy,but because I love to dance and I love the sensuality of the dance.I am doing it for myself,not for the society.
@BStuff (495)
• United States
3 Oct 09

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@artistry (4151)
• United States
2 Oct 09
...Hi there juwujaren, I agree with you whole heartedly. In many cases the woman's body is always put up to be the symbol of beauty. If you are heavier than society thinks you should be, you are scorned, if you are older than the norm, you are put out to pasture, so to speak, if you are a woman. If you are a man, nobody grunts, big belly, body big as a house, if it's a man's body, so what, old men on television stay around forever, old women, on the other hand, where are their parts in movies, few and far between. If you can stay healthy, keep your blood pressure under control and exercise, if you have some excess body weight, so what? Weight should only be viewed as problematic if your health is compromised, in my opinion.
Take care. Keep a good sense of humor. :o)
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@ayebelle (367)
• Philippines
3 Oct 09
For being healthy Yes we should really care. I am lucky that im not that too thin not too fat. I have a classmate that is obese, and she's a girl. Despite of her being fat, she can still mingle to us and she is really nice person. But yeah sometimes criticisms arise. Like if the fat person is going to get car, the driver will choose the normal one rather than fat right. but fattys people should work for it have discplined to get their body they wanted. This is only about discipline! So goodluck to them.
@bigcurrency (1)
• United States
3 Oct 09
I really think that people shouldn't care about how they look because it is only the outer look but at the same time they should consider there wait as important. They should consider there wait as important because it can greatly effect your health and future live. I try to exercise once in a while because staying healthy is a good thing. I would encourage everyone to work out some time. It makes you feel alive and helps prevent many diseases :).
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@ladyella (145)
• Philippines
4 Oct 09
I agree that being a woman doesn't have to have parameters or criteria. Being sexy is not only physical, it is a state of mind. I believe that for you to be really sexy, you only have to think so and having that sexy mind gives you more reason to call yourself sexy. yes, men are quite enjoying the favor of not being prone to criticisms on their weight and i do not believe that this is reasonable.it just happened to be that way but women should not let themselves be too affected by that. women, let us support each other and stop pointing fingers and condemning looks at fat women and to those who simply do not appeal to your kind of woman because being a woman is meant to be joy, not a source of insecurity.