What did you LEARN today?
By JodiLynn
@JodiLynn (1417)
United States
October 2, 2009 2:07pm CST
Every day we have new experiences, even the most mundane of days has ONE new twist to it. For instance, today, I was making crust for my home made chicken pot pie. I make them in individual size cast iron skillets. Usually, I make my own dough, not today! I used pizza crust mix (out of a bag, I know, I should be shot!!), just add 1/2 cup of warm tap water and stir. easy, right? not so much... my dough was thin and I didn't have enough for the tops, and really, whats pot pie without removing the blisteringly hot doughy tops when digging in at dinner time? It's STEW, that's what!
So I learned using the "easy" way wasn't a bit easier, as I had to make my own dough for the tops, and the kitchen is a floury disaster!
I also learned that the local school district hold checks (as in payment due...) for SIX MONTHS and then cashes them. WTH!?!??!?!?
What did YOU learn today?

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19 responses
@JennyMarie (366)
• United States
3 Oct 09
I just learned instead of making one large pot pie I should make individual ones. What a great idea, I will try that the next time I make pot pies. I love home made pot pies. DO you only make Chicken or do you make other kinds as well too. I usually make chicken but have made turkey and beef, but I tend to go more with the chicken pot pie
@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
3 Oct 09
I learned more about this forum and i else meet another friend of my best friend of the university and i found him funny so, that could be considered a new experience that i make today. I else learn that my best friend is always late even if ther'es something important to do and that i have to pay attention to a new obligation in my job
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
2 Oct 09
I learned patience. The gas company said that the guy that was going to service our boiler would be there between 12 and 2. At 10 past 2 they called to say that he would be late, but with me within the hour. Eventually he turned up at 3.45. Now this wouldn't normally matter too much except that I had wanted to go out at 3. Eventually I went out at 4.45. But the boiler is safe for another year and that makes me happy. So it was worth learning a little patience.
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@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
2 Oct 09
I learned that when one variety of a product is reduced to clear at 50% off and all the other varieties are not then there is a reason for that. Which is why our deck looks like someone threw bleach at it after it rained; we shouldn't have gone with the discontinued water seal!
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@DCLehnsherr (1037)
2 Oct 09
Hi JodiLynn,
I learnt that I should always listen to my mind because it tend to know what's best. I was quite stressed today because of random things, and my mind was telling me to go and use a keyboard in another room. Now I am not a greatly musical person, or creative on any level really, but listening to these urges I went to the keyboard and just randomly played a tune. I found it amazingly theraputic, and even recorded it to my MP4 player so I could listen to it when I have left this house. But yea. I was almost going to say that 'I learnt that I am a musical person' but it would be a lie. Until today I never really played anything, save viola when in primary school, and a go on a family piano 5 Christmases ago, but I do believe in my mind, and so I thought I would give it credit here. I have told myself many times to listen to it, which is why I played the keyboard toay, but I don't usually listen to myself! I think I will really start now because it always seem to know what I should do (though I think I will have that blasted tune in my head for days now
All the best,

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@blueberry053178 (217)
• Philippines
3 Oct 09
For today i have learned so many things about business online through the use of blogs. I have searched the internet for some sort of working at home becuz i am just a homemaker, so i found out that you can really earn through blogging. Well, it's good that everyday we learn new things.
@delkar (1712)
• Romania
2 Oct 09
Today learned something . That new friends are sometimes better than the old ones . I was amaised today . She was so friendly to me. I know her for 3 months , and for a month, we talk more and more . Now since last week , we are like best friends . I`ve told her all that was in my mind , because in the first month , i liked her and i`ve told her that . Now, i see her just like a friend. I don`t like her anymore . But she`s a true friend .
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@Archie0 (5652)
3 Oct 09
Hello jodilynn.
Well today while making food i learned how to make good lowest fat sprouts which tastes nice.But the thing i came out with was i coudl not digest it properly its still chocked in my food pipe :(.
@wookieekyut (673)
• Philippines
3 Oct 09
I learned that just this morning that my son can actually drive. I wouldn't trust him before. I thought he was too childish to drive by himself. But he did drive the car and got back home safe.

@wookieekyut (673)
• Philippines
3 Oct 09
correction pls...
I learned just this morning that my son................
sorry for that.
@Koriana (302)
• United States
3 Oct 09
It's just too darned early in the morning to learn anything, think my cat just hacked in the dining room though...
What about something I learned yesterday afternoon? It's less than 24 hours ago!
I learned that on of the "pet's" at work is making a few bucks more an hour than me! Kind of peeves me off really! I'm a screen printer and well, we print anything from little 4x9's to big banners. Well, I have been noticing for about the past year, I am doing about 2-3 times more banners than most of the others, and when I'm not doing them, I am doing mostly the other larger sizes. I have also noticed that I have been getting mostly orders of 28 or so while everyone around me are consistantly coming up with these giant orders of a hundred or more. Well, at the end of the day, I have washed about ten or so screens, cleaned my squeegies and stuff three or more times, and I walk away with a count for the day in the 200-300 hundreds, while this "pet" often times don't get any banners, has half as many screens to clean and is walking away with a count twice as high!
I really don't mind the idea that he's making more money, but, well, I gave myself a hernia awhile back printing those banners! I've been quietly wondering if maybe I should just start looking for a less physical job, I've complained about the way the workload is divied up before and was told it was all in my head....and well, if that workload was even, I would come to the conclusion that hey, I am no longer fit for this kind of work! And, I would have moved onto something else. Now, I find out that basically what has been happening is that I've been doing both my share, and his of the big jobs, and the low counts so he could get these super counts and that nice raise, and well, will be heading from work from now on to pound the pavement for something else I guess.
@JodiLynn (1417)
• United States
4 Oct 09
It really sucks when you aren't recognized for a the job you do, or belittled, which isn't cool at all (the "all in your head" comment). Do you get paid by piece work or hourly? If it's hourly, I slow my pace down and see what happens to that little sci&...I mean..."pet " 

@Koriana (302)
• United States
4 Oct 09
no, it's hourly, and they really have said anything about the low counts. and of late, I've had to slow down, that hernia is killing me at the end of the day!
Like I said, I will just start pounding the streets a little after work, find another job, hopefully one that is a little fairer.
But, it does peeve me off just a tad. they know about that hernia, they also know I have problems with my feet. it's not that they have "pets" that they like to coddle, it's not that these "pets" come to find out are making more money for actually doing an easier day's work, but for them to compromise my health for it.....na, don't think so, they can find another fool to play that game! heck, even my husband said that I should quit the day I found out about it. just go in and tell the boss of, and leave was his suggestion...
but, well, he's laid off at the moment, so, ummm....not sure where that would leave us.
@Snow28 (23)
• China
3 Oct 09
Today is Chinese traditional festival:Mid-autumn Day.Family gather together and have a good dinner.At night people can enjoy the full moon which is brighter and rounder than other days and eating mooncake.
Today I learned that family is very important.I miss my little brother who cant come back home becouse of job.
@Slatterbeen (24)
• Haiti
3 Oct 09
I've learn that white women love black men better that white men, hardships make you become wise if you know how to settle everything right and the real riches is in the people not in money.
@Slatterbeen (24)
• Haiti
4 Oct 09
I'm black and not highlighting my race or something. The fact that you're married with a white man doesn't mean that my opinion is wrong but only means that you decide to marry him or prefer to live with him. But you are not all the white women and your decision or preference is normal but I have talked to white women and their opinion confirm my affirmation here. I do not absolutely put this as a statement but as you can notice this his my opinion from what I heard and experienced.
@simplegurl1969 (324)
• United States
3 Oct 09
I actually really Learned something today! And thought that I would go ahead & share it with the rest of You! This morning, I had to go to my Dentist. When I grew up I was always told from a very young age to always "Brush your Teeth for as long as you can with Toothpaste" which is what the vast majority of people still believe & do today, and I'll admit that before this mornign, that's also exactly what I thought too. But as of this morning, I learned from the Dentist that using Toothpaste can & often Will destroy your natural tooth enamal over time by actually cause some serious harm to your tooth enamal due to tiny microscopic abbrasive materials that are embedded inside the toothpaste. Apparently this is very common for all toothpaste & is something that is New due to recent Dental research. I really was Not aware of any of this until this morning, but it was seriously suggested to me that I (as well as others) start to use ACT Flouride Rinse along with a soft toothbrush to brush teeth, & it's Now advised that everyone should begin to use ACT (the mouthwash with the Flouride in it,) in place of regular Toothpaste. I can't tell you how floored I was to be told something that I had Not known before, something that I thought I was doing for years correctly was in fact something bad for my teeth. I'm really Not sure how many people out there are already aware of all this, but I thought I would go ahead & share something New that I just learned about today. Hopfully this Information might just come in handly for some of you in here too. :) Thanks for reading & maybe some of you in here will sart to rinse your mouths with Listerine & will also start doing what I'm going to begin doing asap, brushing my teeth with ACT Flouride Rinse. :)
@JodiLynn (1417)
• United States
4 Oct 09
WOW, so all of our dentist have been selling us a line of BS
!!! Those Bastages!
I always suspected the only reason they want us to keep our own natural teeth is to pad their bank accounts and pay for luxurious vacations....Why else would crown and fillings not last but a few years, and then the costs of oral surgery???? yeash!

@iamfine (740)
• China
4 Oct 09
it is a good questions, I think people should learn something daily, if every people can ask themselves at the end of the day, what do I learned today, he may notice he learns more than what he expected, or he waste a lot of time; I suggest people ask themselves every morning, "what do I want to learn today", it may help them to learn.
It is morning here, i am going to stay here for another hour, and then begin my work.
Thanks! good discussion.
@ganeshj86 (255)
• India
3 Oct 09
Hi jodilynn,
I have one photoshop tutorial.I am studying that photoshop tutorial daily to become master in that.Today i learned how to use a photoshop tools to edit the picture and how to color the picture and how to use the palettes in photoshop and how to access the tools using short cut keys.
@amitrgupta (11)
• India
3 Oct 09
well today,i learn that your past friend who turn foe is to be friend again in future, so don't have bitter feel for them. who know in future they will be came in handle for some work