Can anyone recommend how to earn money?

October 2, 2009 6:51pm CST
Most sites I've visited to make extra cash aren't genuine! You sign-up for free but all you sign-up for is email notfications about the fantastic opportunity they can offer you. Then they ask for a fee to join!!!! So frustrating!!!! Can anyone recommened genuine sites with the actual amount the can be earned???
2 responses
• United States
3 Oct 09
I have lots of sites listed here, I promise they are all free, And you can really earn great money with them, These are not junk Sites. Let Me Know what you think O.K.?
• Ireland
3 Oct 09
Thank you petstyles. i just look at your blog. You certainly have a lot of recommendations. Has anyone in particular worked best for you?
• United States
3 Oct 09
Well, I just made 34.00 with Cash Crate,20.00 with SquishyCash, 25.00 with Treasure Trooper, 20.00 with CashBaq and 9.00 from surveys. if you are interested in the referral links then message me because I cant give them here but thats my earnings for September and I did it all on my own. So, if I can do it, you can do it. I look forward to your message.