coming over here, taking our jobs...

@jb78000 (15139)
October 3, 2009 5:15am CST
...stealing our women, taking taxpayer's money, speaking foreign. send them all home. except the plumbers. the daily mail hath spoken. why are immigrants, legal or otherwise - and refugees so often blamed for a country's problems? when actually far more blame can be laid at the feet of businesses (in particular banks). i'm not saying that excessive immigration does not lead to problems (although in both the uk and the usa it is not having the catastrophic effect that certain people seem to think it does) but why on earth blame the people that are doing it - or does attempting to find a better life fall under the heading of 'dastardly deeds'? the venom i've seen towards immigrants is truly shocking. is it because they make handy scapegoats (not much power, not very rich) or what?
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9 responses
@vikkiz (518)
4 Oct 09
Im 50/50 on this yes some hardworking imigrants come here and i do not mind them at all due to the fact they are paying their taxes just like the rest of us, but on the other hand we have some imigrants who come here soley for the purpose of living off benifits with their 8 kids and then trying to push some sort of religion or ''their way of living'' on us??!!! i do not appreciate it in any sort of way!!!! The reason im so uptight about ''those'' types of immigrants is because it has took me 5 hard long years to get to the best housing estate you can live on and that was with a baby at 16 years old!!! I have worked down right hard and have had to live in some shambollock houses to get where i am now, and what boils my blood more than anything is in 30 houses on my street 23 of them are consumed with immigrants that DO NOT WORK! I dont know anyone who has been able to live on a street like mine without out paying private rent (which is too high for dss) or without working so hard theyve had no life!!! And yes i blame the dam goverment!!!! i balme them for using my bloody taxes to pay for non working, non uk citizens to live in luxury whilst the rest of the working middle class live in run down horrible areas!!!! Plus i cant stand the attitude i get from them!! I pay for them to live in this country and live in their luxury house but i get looked down on at 10pm on SUNDAY(my one day off) because im hanging my washing out in my dressing gown!!!!! Sorry to rant and rave but i getting really annoyed about the whole situation!!
@jb78000 (15139)
4 Oct 09
i understand your resentment and i too don't like people who go to a foreign country and then misbehave. however you are exaggerating a bit - first of all there aren't very many like you've mentioned and secondly i have never heard of benefits running to luxury accomodation. i think perhaps you should take what the daily mail says with a pinch of salt vikki.
@vikkiz (518)
5 Oct 09
I totally disagree with you, i know its happerning because theres been uproar about it in my street, the benefits ARE paying for these people to live in an luxury area and the reason given by the coucil was ''for them to be around their own communitys'' Non of them work, if non of them work how can they afford to live without benifits???? mabe in your area it isnt as bad as here and actually i dont read the daily mail and hadnt even seen the comments your referring to i just wanted to give my opinion, I cant be a hypocrite as my ancestors are italian which would argubly make me an ''immigrant'' But as i said earlier i have worked all my life and so has every other member of my family i dont see why i should have to pay tax for other people who just want to waste their lifes away on the dole!!!
@Capsicum (1444)
• United States
3 Oct 09
The immigrants in the USA make me very angry ! But just reading what you said ,I agree it is not their faults! It is every business that hires them instead of the citizen who has 6 kids, and cannot find a job.They are known for taking less wages and working hard.All good ,I just feel that business owners would think a bit about the avaerage joe , instead of hiring someone who cannot speak,is illegally here sucking up the jobs from true Americans that have served, their country from little on up.We have a out of a job epidemic,I believe we should send them home to create more jobs for the people that are citizens by birth ,or by legal ways,I am sure if they do not send the money home,they will become citizens before retiring to collect social security.I do know there is a lot said about immigrants ,coming from a small town,I have lived in all my life.It is very odd seeing more and more immigrants, in our town,its quite disturbing as they have 6 kids too... But assistance is waiting for them in any form they need it.Letting Joe loose his home,pride,and possibly family.I don't think its a good time for America to open up,we have enough to deal with. I will say no more ,running the risk of name calling or being flat out rude to other my-lotters. I agree with sending them home,if there was a pole taken and stood on solid answers ,I am sure more would agree .If we cannot take care of our own,Why do they skate through everything ?
@jb78000 (15139)
3 Oct 09
are you sure they get that much assistance? if they are not in your country legally i doubt it. anyway, yes it is the businesses' fault. they are exploiting decent people all round - those they employ that they can underpay and those that are not getting jobs because they prefer people they can bully. however i do know (because i've researched this) that the economic problems in your country are not greatly caused by immigration.
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@Capsicum (1444)
• United States
3 Oct 09
Yes I do realize that immigrants have little to no, bearing on whats going on here. Just another tacked to the list of what went wrong excuses. I have never been a big fan of what the president is doing ,but as I age more becomes very apparent.Even our legal system and jailing people is insane,decriminalizing some things and imposing stricter rules,on those in prison would be a significant help with the budget problems as ,I see it.A lot of people who are locked up have better lives than before they committed the crimes.But we pay in taxes so they can eat,sleep,play games watch movies and enjoy the comforts of jail,all while the guys paying the taxes to keep inmates happy are struggling.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
5 Oct 09
The venom over here is mostly directed toward illegal aliens. And while I, in principle, agree that one should obey the laws, if my family were starving and I saw no other way, I'd be sneaking over the border too. It isn't just a matter of handy scapegoats over here though. People genuinely resent their tax money being used to pay for services for immigrants, especially illegals. Not all the venom is directed at the immigrants though, some of it is directed at their governments who aren't doing enough to make things better for their people.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
5 Oct 09
Me either , but hatred isn't very logical, is it?
@jb78000 (15139)
5 Oct 09
there nearly always is some kind of reason for this. sometimes based on very shaky logic and sometimes not. what i can not stand is hatred being directed towards people that have not meant to cause any harm rather than those actually responsible for any problems being caused.
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@celticeagle (172458)
• Boise, Idaho
4 Oct 09
These people really seem to dislike the unknown. And that seems to include people of other countries. Immigrants have been coming to American for 100'2 of years. We all started out as immigrants. What happened to the 'melting pot'? Sad it is that the new generation looks down their noses at those less fortunate than themselves. I would hate to be in dire need of their help.
@celticeagle (172458)
• Boise, Idaho
9 Oct 09
It is hard to understand. All I can say is that we need to be sure we are taking care of our own little corners of the world. Not letting this sort of behavior came over into our quadrent. And if it does make sure it is nippped in the bud. this is about all we can do. And discussions such as this ofcourse. Every little bit helps.
@jb78000 (15139)
4 Oct 09
i was in another discussion and there was an english girl there who'd married an america and was having a terrible time in the states because she was foreign. i've heard similar stories from those with a latin background too. of course it happens here as well and gets on my nerves something rotten.
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@jb78000 (15139)
9 Oct 09
• United States
3 Oct 09
Do you have access to the comedy cartoon South Park where you are? There was one episode where "immigrants" from the future were crossing time to go to South Park to find work. And oft repeated throughout the episode were disgruntled locals say "They took our JYYOBS!" It was funny. I I've got nothing against LEGAL immigrants who follow the rules of the land in which they choose to reside and are generally hard working productive people. My mom was a LEGAL immigrant waiting 5 year for a Visa to come to the US despite the fact that at the time she was considered a British citizen. She got a job and worked hard and took all the proper steps to become an America citizen. My great grandparents on my dad's side were LEGAL immigrants who came to New York after surviving the famine in Ireland. They worked hard (even though they had to change their last name and pretend to be English to find work because there was HUGE prejudice against the Irish in America at that time) and took all the proper steps to become American citizens. HOWEVER, when people sneak into a country ILLEGALLY and fail to follow the laws of the land they have chosen to infiltrate from the moment they touch that country's soil, when they continue to break the law the entire time they are there, when they work under the table and don't pay taxes like everyone else has to and can undercut their LEGAL competition for work since they can accept smaller wages since they do not have to pay taxes AND they get government assistance that even citizens are not allowed to get, I have a problem with that. Studies have shown that when there is a sweep of a place that hires multitudes of illegals and those illegal aliens are removed from their illegal jobs, employment for citizens and LEGAL immigrants goes UP because the companies now have no choice but to hire people who are NOT illegal. There are jobs people WANT and will happily take that would be available if there were not illegal tax free interlopers in those positions. I don't hear anything here in the US about illegals taking "our" women, unless you want to count all the illegal aliens who have brutally raped and/or murdered young women here (there's actually quite a bit of it). The people who break the law to enter a country and continue to show complete disregard for the LAWS of that country ARE to blame for THEIR OWN ACTIONS! Why on earth do some people think that people should EVER be exempt from being held responsible for their own choices and actions? In Mexico and Canada, they ARREST and DEPORT their illegals, how come it's OK for them and other countries to do that but not for the US or UK? Do we have less of a right to want people to adhere to the LAWS than other countries do?
• United States
4 Oct 09
Actually IT IS THEIR FAULT when they CHOOSE to enter a place ILLEGALLY instead of doing it the right way like everyone else! It is a slap in the face to all LEGAL immigrants who actually respect the law and enter a country the RIGHT way. The companies who hire illegal aliens should be punished too, absolutely, but I am not "demonizing" the illegal aliens as you say, I am pointing out a simple truth - THEY ARE ILLEGAL. Hell YES they ARE responsible for their own actions as is every other human being on the face of the earth. Don't you think LEGAL immigrants come from poorer countries and seek a better life? There is nothing noble about sneaking into a place illegally, especially when there ARE LEGAL means of gaining entry into a country. It is absolutely and unequivocally the fault of the illegal alien that they are ILLEGAL. It is NOBODY's fault BUT THEIR OWN. The businesses that hire them should be heavily punished, but that in no way lessens the fact that those people completely disregard the laws of the land from the very moment they snuck into that land ILLEGALLY. They should do the paperwork and get a Visa like everyone else has to.
@jb78000 (15139)
4 Oct 09
there are far worse things that you can do. stop being so judgemental. all they are doing is coming over to work - ok they are breaking the law but that is hardly along the same lines as say hurting somebody. if the number of unauthorised immigrants is genuinely causing problems then it needs sorting - however hating people whose motivations you may not understand is not i don't think in any way constructive. now kitty i know you are going to continue angryfying away but i've made my point and i would really appreciate you taking a few deep breaths before exploding in a blaze of angry capitals again.
@jb78000 (15139)
3 Oct 09
ok kitkat. i have already commented on illegal immigration in an earlier comment. i will not say that it does not cause problems (and yes this country does deport illegals) but please stop blaming the immigrants themselves. they are coming from a much poorer country and generally working hard and getting exploited in the hope of a better lifestyle. that is hardly a nasty thing. you are busy here demonising them when those to blame are the businesses that take advantage of cheap labour and the government for not sorting the whole business out properly. i'm sorry kitty but i absolutely hate this kind of thing - it is not fair.
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@sunny68 (1327)
• India
3 Oct 09
it is not easy to accept blame (most are too arrogant to accept their fault)and also it is the easiest thing to blame others. expats are soft targets as they do not have the same rights as locals. all it takes is to cancel their residence permit and they will be heading home. people cannot ire their anger at some rich banker who is most probably being protected by local administration the expats are ideal targets. (it has got nothing to do with common sense). in Australia several Indian students have been attacked even though they are there to study and do some part-time jobs for pocket think they are a threat..??
@jb78000 (15139)
3 Oct 09
exactly - easy targets. bullies never like to attack those that can hit back. now as you may have gathered from thea's discussion before some expats, in particularly those from my country, do behave really badly. but the immigrants coming over here almost always behave very well.
@jb78000 (15139)
3 Oct 09
hmmmmm- you're asian. do i detect a bias somewhere here? actually you are right - while i (and thea) behave properly when living in other people's countries lots of brits do not. the thing of never bothering to learn the language is disgraceful.
@sunny68 (1327)
• India
3 Oct 09
in general terms Asians are less aggressive as compared to European or American expats. this too can be a factor.
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
10 Oct 09
I was just wondering about this. We have a number of Mexicans who come into our area. The are almost all gardeners and I see them in the morning getting coffee at the convenience stores. They are friendly and get along well with the other customers. Also, they have a reputation for being hardworking and honest. In my neck of the woods at least they are not given a hard time but in other areas of the US, people are so mean to them that it stuns me. Most Americans are only a few generations away from immigrant roots and you'd think they'd be kinder.
@jb78000 (15139)
11 Oct 09
i noticed this during the time i visited the states. because i was well tanned at the time i even got it - people thought i was hispanic. even latins thought so (until they realised just how bad my spanish was when they tried to talk to me in it) but some of the more northern european ancestry lot could be so rude.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
3 Oct 09
I agree but, I think they are blamed because it's so easy to blame someone else and why not pick the person that may not have the ability to defend themselves.
@jb78000 (15139)
3 Oct 09
you have to make sure you pick on the kid who is smaller than you.
• Haiti
3 Oct 09
Well,It's easier to accuse foreigners for being lucky than being unlucky and depicted them as theives,etc and etc. In whatever the country in the whole wide world, the econimic force is based on immigrants. We can see that the actors, singers and INGs are foreigners but are well serving their new country. Take a look at a soccer team from France, Nederlands or USA. It's seems that the team is stronger than if it was only local. The navy have a lot of those foreigners that fight for the demogracy and they work for the same rights as the local. In the Canada and the USA, the natives are indians of the caucassians come from the Europe.
@jb78000 (15139)
3 Oct 09
they tend to be an easy group to blame.