I burned my dinner i burned my dinner, i burned my dinner LA DEEE DAA!!!

@Sissygrl (10912)
October 3, 2009 3:39pm CST
hahaha I think i'm having one of those weeks!! I thought monday it was one of those days.. and then tuesday i thought it was a few of one of those days in a row.. but now by Saturday i'm thinking, TOMORROW ITS JUST GOT TO END!! lol. I am positive i'm not just being negative.. i swear!! I just seem to have either lost my brain this week,. or i'm not paying any attention to what i'm doing, and oh also other people are idiots! When was the last time you burned your dinner? what was it ? and what did you have instead or did you eat your dinner CRIPSY!?
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14 responses
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
3 Oct 09
Hi sissygrl, well it wasn't dinner exactly but just the other day I put a tray of apple buns (possibly muffins to you) which had been carefully prepared, into the oven and reminded myself to pull them out fifteen minutes later, then left the room to do a bit of mylotting and completely forgot about them. Forty minutes later I pulled a tray of charred and blackened buns from the oven and asked my son if he'd try one or should I just bin the lot. The deranged child declared them delcious and aked me to make more burnt ones in future, so no substitute was needed.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
3 Oct 09
Can you ask your son if he'd like some burnt chicken and potatoes for dinner tonight ? :P
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
3 Oct 09
The last time I burned something was on Thanksgiving a couple of years ago. I was doing a million things at once and I forgot the rolls were in the oven and I had forgotten to set the time, I didn't remember until I started smelling the burnt smell. Luckily I had another pan of rolls that I had not put in the oven yet so it was no huge loss, just that everyone was limited to just one roll instead of as much as they wanted. So it was not that big a deal, except now every time I cook rolls my husband teases me saying, "Don't burn the rolls." Oh well.
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
3 Oct 09
go figure leave it to a man, we make ONE single mistake and we gotta hear about for the rest of our lives.. geez.. HAHAHHA.
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@Eisenherz (2908)
• Portugal
5 Oct 09
Sorry to hear about this. This is one of the things that really gets on my nerves. Two to 5 minutes of distraction might ruin a meal and the work of hours, it really sucks. I usually still go and eat my half-crispy meals if they're not thaaat burden. In case they are, I prefer to order something out then instead.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
6 Oct 09
haha i like any excuse to order in!! but we dont always have the extra money to do that.. so its more like a treat when we do..
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
5 Oct 09
About two weeks ago I put the most lovely pork chop in a frying pan.....well my son called and I lost track of time.....so I had burnt offerings for supper.....it was a bit black....a little dry....but a little extra BBQ sauce and it was editible.....so I didn't pitch it! LOL
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
6 Oct 09
hah today i'm tryign a pork roast in the crock pot.. now i KNOW there was no extra plastic on this one.. So.. unless the baby carrots where shrink wrapped.. i am thinking there is no plastic in it this time.. lol.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
3 Oct 09
It was a few months ago. Burned the heck out of a pan. Was on the phone with someone and forgot my dinner. It was one of those emergency conversations/situations. It's a wonder I didn't jump in my car, leave, and burn the house down.
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
3 Oct 09
well that sounds like something that would happen to me. lol i was just in the room watching carebears with the kids though.. just totally slipped my mind cause i couldnt smell it cookin from way back there.. oh.. and i think i turned the oven up too high by accident.. and the chicken juice splashed on the back of the oven, so it was burning on the.re as. wel.l as the food, and omg it was a smokey mess.. mind the periods back there the little one wanted to type too.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
3 Oct 09
I don't remember the last time I burned my dinner but I did let a pan of water boil dry because I was here at myLot and not paying attention! You're just having one of those weeks. I'm sure next week will be much better! Tell yourself the first thing in the morning that it's going to be a wonderful day and it will be!
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
4 Oct 09
haha i will try that dragon.. usually the first thought in my brain is.. ohh i gotta get up and make coffee!!
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• United States
9 Oct 09
um..i rarely burn stuff..but the one time,some beans (like a boston baked beans type meal). somebody called me while i was cooking,and i thought it'd be brief and they kept yakking.it was salvagable,but still had a wee hint of burnt to it.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
3 Oct 09
hi sissygrl wow what a time you are having,sorry'fo all your problems. he he.last time I burned my dinner'it was a pizza for one and it was so black and charred it looked more like a frisby. I had to go to work and make spaghetti and meatballs and I was so hungry by then I was drooling all over. he he he he.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
3 Oct 09
hhaha its okay hatley, its not that bad i understand. worse things could happen!! i just dont have anything else to write about lol.
@Humbug25 (12540)
4 Oct 09
Hi ya Siss Well the last thing I burnt wwas actually the kids dinner hahaha poor kids. I was on myLot, sounds about right huh, and I was grilling some fishfingers and didn't think they would cook that quick until I could smell them. I managed to take the breadcrumb off the burnt side and turned them over on the plate so the kids didn't notice until they came to eat them and asked why their fishfingers only had one side of crunchy bread crumbs and by the way, what's that smell mum? hahaha
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@babyjesus (277)
14 Oct 09
It happens to anybody. Maybe its in one's mood. The last time i burned my food was that i am trying to make it crispy but since i have put some sugar i forgot to realize that it will burn easily. There are also times that i felt so frustrated that when i tasted my cook it was really good at all. I believe its in the mood.
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
4 Oct 09
Once when I was broiling my steak in the oven I burn it. I set the timer on my microwave and did not hear it go off because I was in my computer room and the phone rang. I was only on for 2 minutes and was waiting for the buzz to go off and then thought it should have gone of by now. I went to the kitchen and the steak was well well done black. I had more in the freeze so I thaw them in the microwave and this time I did not burn the steak.
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@jb78000 (15139)
3 Oct 09
will you please stop starting such painfully serious discussions sissy? perhaps you should try and develop a taste for charcoal? anyway i haven't burnt my dinner for a good long while, once when i was 20 i boiled some eggs - one was for breakfast and i usually let the rest hardboil for later. sadly i forgot about it and came home much later to discover some very p1ssed off housemates and a house that smelt of sulphur.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
3 Oct 09
hahaha sorry JB!! i'll try to have something funny happen to me in the next few days to make up for it. LOL. Ew.. burned eggs.. that's gotta stink.. and i think i'll pass on the charcoal!! gross.. the only thing on the planet that tastes good burned.... is..... MARSHMELLOWS!!
@byatch (6)
• Singapore
4 Oct 09
my husband is a great cook! he can cook anything under the sun. from pasta, to peranakan, to filipino food, to western! once i just baked cookies for my kids... and viola! twas burned! hahaha!
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@home415 (118)
• United States
3 Oct 09
It was home made pizza. I left it in the oven 25 minutes. The reason I went to my neighbors and it burnt while I was a way. I ended up cooking something fast. Mac n chesse with some hot dogs.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
3 Oct 09
ahhh what a bummer... home made pizza to kraft dinner with hot dogs. BLARGH!! lol. moday i cooked a ham which was for some reason wrapped in a second layer of plastic, which looked to me half awake the normal skin that comes on a ham or the rind some people call it.. but nope.. after it cooked in the crock pot all day with some potatoes, i go to take it out and its covered in disgusting melted plastic... yum.