What do you bring for your partner when you get home from work/school?

@ladyella (145)
October 5, 2009 12:07pm CST
my man and i are in a very close relationship and he is very comfortable with being at my house for almost every day. sometimes, he is in my house while i am at school because he likes it better than just staying in the dorm and watching TV. i always think about him while i'm in school and when the bell rings for dismissal, i really feel elated because i am always excited to see him even if we always see each other. i'd stop by for something that i could give him when i get home like some waffles, hotdogs, chocolates, chips or anything that i could find. i just love the feeling of giving something and making people smile, especially my man. he just seems to light up when i get home and he is always grateful and appreciative of my thoughtfulness. the same thing goes for him because he does the same thing when he is the one who's away. sweet, ain't it? ^^ share your stories now dearies! ^^
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